How'd it go today?

Finished a 6 acre tar weed job... I bet that lot rises 200' from front to back of the lot and it is longer than deep. I am friggen beat! Easy job tomorrow.. Rake pine needles and place in a pile... Higher altitude so it should be cooler than a south facing slope:|:
Katy went down to the valley to look at a heifer... So I got all the kiddos tonight. :|: Cooking them a quick hot dog meal and putting them to bed at 8 pm so I can relax and cool off.
All four and section it out according to the terrain. This one was full of arroyos and culverts... You just have to read the land and work with it as best as possible. And some slopes we had to skip as we could not have done it with out being on ropes. Told her I would at $100.00 per hour for two of us to traverse and repel with wands on the one slope.. She opted for spray ;) Also mentioned I could get her a bucket truck guy name Steve to probably come up and do it..:lol: She still opted for spray.
We were also in weeds from knee to over head high :|:
She has hired us for her brushing and tree trimming needs also. :D
I will be doing her mistletoe soon... :D
Here ya go Steve... This is the topo map... Yup.. Over 200'... Rise in elevation from the street to the top of the lot.
<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",-120.011184&t=p&sll=37.512991,-120.013305&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&gl=us&ie=UTF8&ll=37.512181,-120.01114&spn=0.011915,0.018239&z=15&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=",-120.011184&t=p&sll=37.512991,-120.013305&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&gl=us&ie=UTF8&ll=37.512181,-120.01114&spn=0.011915,0.018239&z=15&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
The lot if you look at the sat photo is easy to define pretty much... Drive way entrance to the Cul De Sac.. then up the arroyo from that point to the top which about 200 feet lateral above the house.. The other line is from the drive entrance to past the neighbors turn around (runs right against it) on your right.. Kinda of a trapezoid?

You can pick out the drainage areas .... We would traverse most the slopes until we hit a drainage... Then up and down those .. section it out.. Repeat...
Today went from great to bad to good. Great news is, I passed my driving test!! So now I have my intermediate license, which means I can finally drive by myself!!!(with a few restrictions)

Bad part was we worked for what I call a high maintenance client today. Some days she's ok, some she's loco. And I ended up as her personal gardner/rock worker today. Once I finished one thing she'd pop out of nowhere and so something along these lines"Oh, I have another thought for... or ...." A half day job turned into a full day job. It was a very long day.

Good part was I got to use my new license today and go out to the mall and movies with a friend. Wandered the mall for a bit and then saw the new Harry Potter. Not a bad movie, but not as good as the book.
Well, I do know how to fix the thing now, but it's even kicking his butt! The ice maker kit is $100, he put in a new one, bu the wiring is wrong so he has to get another one after talking to the parts wharehouse. I work on a lot of things, but I learned a long time ago, I don't like appliances! It's better to either just replace them, or pay someone that knows what the hell they are doing than to throw parts at them!

Damn Brian, that just sucks all the way around!
Well as it is now of days about 90 percent of the appliances have micro solid state controllers on them . There is no fix to those things . We live in a throw away society .:(
Went to our job this AM and arrived to a finished job...:what:
HO hollaring out the bathroom window (just out of the shower) how he forgot we were coming and could not wait so had the job done by some one else... Then asked if I wanted to clean up his trees out back.. Willows in a pond.. Told him I would have to charge him to go back and get the equipment (whole crew rate as they were all there) and he opted out. Said to call him to schedule the trees (all ground work BTW in a pond he has been talking about cleaning up for 3 years :roll: and I keep trying to schedule for him in Sept - Oct when the pond is dry.) . So I told him "later" and that I would call him to schedule. He has now been conveniently forgotten and is deleted off my client list. A friggen phone call cancellation would have been friggen nice..!:X
So I payed everyone for an hour and said go home. Taking 3 days off as I have enough on my plate and need to chill. Serviced the van etc....
Our aunt is now refusing her feeding tube.. Is sitting in a nursing home waiting to die near San Diego with DNR instructions.. I am staying home with the kids. Rob and Katy are driving down to say goodbye. I already had my turn. Much more important shat than A holes that can't make a call...
Good deal, Stephen. Keep weeding out the crap clients. I'm of the firm opinion that I do not want every single person out there as a client and I am more than happy to weed out the crappy people who waste my time and cost me money. One less asshole for you to deal with next year. :D
I had that happen to me once Stephen. 6 redwood tree removal by the pool. I have been having trouble with my pool being cloudy all summer and I took a water sample into the pool store and they told me I needed to change out my water. I drained a couple of days ago but I was too lazy to go wash it down in the heat. I washed it down with the pressure washer this morning and am filling it up now.


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You're right Brian... I am weeding them out every year... Just today was the wrong day for the bull shat.. Took everything I had in me not to go off on the guy. I just kept repeating to myself that he would get his just desserts but not by my hand or mouth.
Just got some good news.. :D 1.2 K in the mail and a TY note from a job we finished the other day :D
So not an entirely bad day... I just need to go keep busy to keep the crud from blurring my vision .. .. IYKWIM....
TTFN Rotating tires...
Today was good. It rained this morning for a bit, then sunshine for a few hours, then some light showers, then more sun, and now serious thunderstorms/showers.

So the day was spent cleaning the house, and some outside things. Got to drive by myself again today, which was awesome!!:D8)

Sitting around now. Dad got a call from that high maintenance client we did Friday. Now she doesn't like the rock/gravel I spent hours putting down and she wants it taken up and replaced with top soil. And the scary part is she asked for me specifically. And the scariest part is I may get left there with her all day while Dad does a few other jobs. Monday will suck!:whine::(
Al would probably like to go body surfing some knarly waves before bed, as opposed to a leisurely cruise through the deep end of a pool. :lol: