How'd it go today?

Never seen the ocean. Live 20 miles from Lake Michigan, so never felt the need. Been working along the lakeshore most of the last 6 months. I remember a trucker from out in California was stuck here on layover and wanted to see the big lake, He couldn't get over not being able to see across it. I told him you can only see about twelve miles across water.
Yes as a matter of fact I have seen and been in the blue water of the Caribian .I really enjoyed snorkeling in that water and in Key West as well .

I look at swimming about the same way as walking .I see no point in doing either unless you are doing more than exercising .

With the snorkeling I was hunting for spiny lobster in the keys .

In St Croix it was just taking in the beauty of a pristene non poluted ocean .

What can you do in a cement pond other than get wet .I can do that in a bath tub .
AL.. In Ohio.. Pool.... No Big Deal....
Say in AZ.... For cooling off... Big Deal!

Oh for that I have a dandy geo-thermal .I could freeze the business off a brass monkey if it were 100 degrees outside . Besides I have a nice patio and a magic refrigerater that never runs out of beer . :)
I think V's price is right on. I understand you can shave $10,000 off by being your own contractor. I'm assuming the way things are going here that the pool companies might be able to shave some off their price also. I'm a 125 mile drive to the beach Al, besides our ocean is cold, the water is murky, and it smells like rotten seaweed. It's pretty nice down in LA.
Well,parts of the Atlanic smells like a bucket of butt holes too . The gray ocean is about 600 miles or so for me . I've been in that cold son of a brick all the way to the polar ice cap .

The great lakes are only around 90 miles though if I get a hankering to be near a big body of water . Erie gets fairly warm,Superior never gets warm .
Worked all day slaying trees.

Wished I was in Rhode Island at the International.
Not feeling to hot the last few days, stomach bothering me. So just did bids and tried to take it easy for a few days....
My aunt just moved to Dallas. They look at the pool from inside the air conditioned house.:lol:

Now that's funny! Mostly because it is accurate... I'm glad I spent all those years in Hawaii acclimatizing my bod for the furnace that is the DFW area.
I like pools, but I will never own, nor maintain one again!

Take it easy a day or so Dave, I think the weather changes and humidity is hurting all of us! It seems to be going around, wife was sick last wek, I haven't felt that good today.

Today was jacked up. The guy called at 9am wanting to come get the Crapsman, fine. TWO hours late, he shows up!
Fridge repairman was supposed to call ahead, just shows up out of the lue! But it's fixed and making ice (and I know how to fix it next time:D)
My help was supposed to be here at 10:30, but didn't get here until 11:30,nobiggie with all the other meses, just added frustration.
Loaded up to go take down a small Maple hanging over a garage. Easy, hook a rope on the mini, notch it and drop it right between two Evergreens. But now the HO is worried I might break a branch on the Evergreens and wants me to climb it now!
On the way there, it started lightning, got there and the wind started picking up, then here comes the rain. It was a good day to walk away. I'll go back next week and take it up the butt as I have now underbid this job:whine:
Went to Lowes and bought all but one of the wndows to finish out the house. We are thinking about french doors out the dinning room now instead of windows.
They had the patio furniture marked down 30% so we got a new table for the backyard, I get the one that was out back for the front, and the nasty platic one is gone!!!
Had the neighbor and his daughter over for supper and I cooked up some stirfry. Just a hodge podge kind of day!
Well, we've had a big storm roll through here today. It was totally wild, at one point we were out in the yard and all of a sudden you could hear the wind coming down the mountain, literally hear it coming probably 15 seconds before it hit. And then whammo busted two poplars off right at about 5'-8' and crushed part of my fence. The birch trees in my yard bent over so far I can't beleive they didn't break. I've got a couple of clean-up calls already. Went downtown and saw a couple of uprooted trees along the way, totally wild weather for around here. Thunder and lightning has been going steady for about 6-7 hours now.

I was watching the giant pine outside of my driveway that would've taken out my new truck if it went over, thinking to myself now how ironic would that be.:|: