How'd it go today?

Today we finished the Manzanita Grove and got an area brushed out the HO thought we would not get to. Movin' and a groovin'. Left her a nice note about the gift certificate (she still does not know about it ;) ) and a mountain o chips :D I think her gardening needs for chips are set for a few years:lol: Felt good to wrap it up and get some additional work done too.. All hourly so WTHeck, why not ;) Going back to a tar weed removal tomorrow and see how much more we get done in a day.

Hey Brian.. next time you go up to MA.. Look up Dr. Elizabeth Stephos in Worcester... She'll fix ya up.. Tell her I sent ya ;)
Brian, sorry I just wasn't thinking. If you come up to Mass or nearby let me know The acupuncturist here is world renowned, people come from all over the country just to see him Peter Guy Thompsen. He studied in Japan for 15 years and has taught many people in the states. Are you coming to Providence he is only 45 minutes away.
Ha,today I repaired the fuel line on my old Ford pick me up truck .The stupid rodents have chewed the same place three years in a row .Thinking about getting a watch ferret .--or a mean Jack Russel .Alas,living in the woods is not perhaps the best of places .
did some pruning and cleanup work today for an hourly rate, boy, it took a little longer than usual, when I have quoted a price for the whole job :/:
Just a quick pic of the two slings I've completed the last few days. Each is around 18ft long. Nothing special, but they are the largest slings/rope I've spliced yet. Red one is 1/2", the orange is 3/4".


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did some pruning and cleanup work today for an hourly rate, boy, it took a little longer than usual, when I have quoted a price for the whole job :/:

Those hourly guys.
I did a face off at the property line today for a guy who is going to build a garage. The tree looked pretty ugly when we were done.
Worked on a Crapsman rear engine rider with a Techumseh today. I'm thinking five gallons of gas should fix it right up! I hate these things more than anything!
Finally got the call the engine was in for the Hustler at 1:10pm. Easy money, two hours and it's good to go!
Yeah, I'm an idiot!
Exhaust wasnt the same, had to change the new for the old. Had to put on the oil pressure sender, one of the motor mount bolts was missing then when I went to set up the throttle/choke cable, the choke adjustment screw never got installed? That took some doing, there isn't much room for a screwdriver, much less a hand in there!
Finally got that all put together and fired it up, sounded great! I had checked the oil at least three times, it had oil in it! Shut it off after 30 seconds, nothing on the dip stick:X Filled it back up, all is good. Went to run it, no hydro's!! Nothing!! I jacked it up and the wheels would turn until I rubbed my knee on them, then just stop! WTF!!!
So, I call the customer, he really wanted this tonight. I ask if there where any problems with the hydro's, nope, been running fine. He and I talk a bit more, then he remebers they loostend the relief valves so they could roll it around!
Talk about feeling like a dumbass! Two min. and that was working fine! Made a half pass on the yard and threw the deck belt off. I probably didn't have it lined up right to begin with, my fault. Got it back on right and it ran like a scallded ape for a half hour with no more problems!
Just a bunch of stupid things that pilled up on each other today. One of those things I guess. I got done at 8pm BTW.
I wish I could come on here and say I did some treework lately but I got nothing. Any promising word of mouth work has proven to be a drunk person talking out their ass. When they get the call the next day with my estimate, all of a sudden there is no emergency. "Whoa, whoa I didn't mean I wanted it done right away!" Everytime these morons ask for a quote the price is going to rise.
I got a call yesterday out of the blue, somebody got my number from somewhere and asked me to bid on a tree job. 2 dead palm removals, 3 palm trims and two small elm trims. The lady made the mistake of saying "We can't even get anyone out here to give us a bid", so I bid it kinda fat at $800. No call back last night or today.

This morning I twisted my ankle stepping down off the truck. I sat there and bit my lip for a few minutes then climbed back in the bucket and did the job (a huge laurel oak removal over 2 yards and power lines). I just got home and made an ice pack for it and ate a few vitamin I. It will be fine by tomorrow.
I hope your ankle heals fast Brian, what is vitamin I?

I'm glad today was short and it's over with. I managed to run over one of the 361's with the skid steer, that's always nice. It could have been worse, I think all I have to replace is the fan housing and the handle. That's the second time I have run that saw over... the last time was two years ago it must be bad luck!
... what is vitamin I?

Vitamin I is what many of us call Ibuprofen (Advil).
The ice didn't work, I tried sticking my foot in my drink cooler with some ice chunks and about 4" of melted ice water in the bottom. Not gonna happen, I'll suffer without ice, thank you very much.

You better quit running over saws or you're going to need some vitamin I for your head when your boss gets hold of you! :O
What about Vitamin Vicodin? :P Just kiddin' of course. Ibuprofen and some relaxation and you will be all cured up!

About the saw...I am the boss! If i could figure out how to kick myself in the ass I would do it. I broke the handle on the 200t two weeks ago too, that's fixed now. I can only yell at myself:whine:
Yeah that 361 sounds like it has some bad MOJO better send to Connecticut. You don't want to take any chances :lol::lol:
The Hustler went away this am. Customer ran it and seems happy:D
Got the Crapsman running, finally, hoped it would go away today but I can't get ahold of the customer:(
Got most of the old concrete in the backyard hauled away, took a load of cardboard to the recycle bins and cleaned up a bit.
Then the fridge repairman came out to look at the ice maker. It's still not fixed and sounds like it's going to be $225, I'm in the wrong buisness! He at least gets A/C!!
Tonight I get to go look at a couple of dead pines, yeah TREE WORK:O One is a flop and leave, the other is a flop and haul.
Then the fridge repairman came out to look at the ice maker. It's still not fixed and sounds like it's going to be $225, I'm in the wrong buisness! He at least gets A/C!!
Well for Petes's sake you can buy the whole danged thing for cheaper than that .Usually the only thing that happens to them is they get out of time because of a gear slipping or something .

No kidding there really isn't much to go wrong with them . Google the danged thing before you spend your hard earned cash,seriously .

Another thing that happens is the damned fill tube gets frozen up for some reason .
You might check the inlet line is clear. Do you have an inline or built in filter for it? When the filters get full, the water quits flowing and you don't get any more ice.

Oh, my massage therapist quit me today. She called about 15 minutes after she was supposed to be here and said something about her pregnancy and how she needed to cut back her outpatient visits. :(

The search continues.
sorry for all who had a bad day, seems there are plenty.
Spent the day in a swamp w/no air or breeze, sun shining down. trees in the power lines, got wet, smelly, nasty, got stuff done. It was a good day, challenging to keep my crew interested in getting something done (on a fridaqy!)).
Blew my 361 up yesterday mulching up brush piles. boss gave me another one he said he spent $1000 fixing!? could have bought a new one for $600 or so I thought. those Stihl parts must really be expensive?