How'd it go today?

Been working on a manzanita grove between a grove of canyon oaks and one lone canyon oak. I finished cutting as far as I will until we get caught up with the chipping. Lady is keeping the chips.. Wait till she sees the pile we left her .. HAHAHA Came home with a load too8) She said it was ok :) She is also giving us two roosters and is going to schedule some removals for sept-oct. :D Nuttin fancy... Just top and drops.. But those are fun :D
Eric, When you have been blind as long as I have there are old specs stashed all over the place. The ones from 25 years ago look awful and only give me about 20/30 vision but they beat the 20/600 without them.

Today was kind of fun-felt unhurried and spent most of the day cleaning out an old previously topped maple-first time I've climbed in probably 3 weeks.
Today I pieced out a Siberian elm. I seem to be getting a lot of these of late. They are all totally covered in bugs right now and the little critters were crawling all over me and into my clothes. At least they do not bite.
I went and looked at 7 Home Depot parking lots and did a couple of other bids also. Took my Dad to the neighboring town, he and my BIL are going to Idaho today. Spending the night in Winnamucca, NV tonight and going on in the morning. I think the town is Cambridge that they are going to in Idaho.
Winnemucca is a pretty exciting berg, I've spent more than a few nights there and then left. I'm not familiar with Cambridge, ID. Why are they coming to ID?
My Dad and I owned a D5B caterpillar tracklayer and when I quit farming my Dad bought it from me and put a bulldozer blade on it and a tilt ram foot valve and a deacceleration pedal on it and gave it to my BIL. So he has to go and visit the tractor.
I'm finished for the day already. I had two Washingtonian palm tree removals in downtown Orlando this morning. I got there about 7:30 and had both of them cut down and loaded on the trailer by 9am. They were in a little courtyard with windows and statues and other landscaping everywhere. I craned everything out in 10' pieces with the bucket truck.
Oh yes what a system .Taxes when you make the money,taxes when you spend the money .Taxes if you own property . When you pass on they even tax your estate after you are dead . Makes sense to me .:(
Finally got off the hill we've been on all week today and moved into a nice swamp. trees are all in about 2-3' of water. No one else will do it so I volunteered. My Groundie is going back to college in a week or two so figured he might as well get his feet wet before he leaves haha.
Today was good. The job they did today only required two guys, so me and another guy took the day off. I sat around, cleaned out the Jeep, did a 2 hour climb practicing everything. Even foot-locked up 25' or so! Took me around 30 seconds I think, possibly 45.

Also spliced up a 3/4" Tenex sling. Big eye on one end only. Around 18' long.
I'm thinking of giving up on my chiropractor. After 2 weeks and 4 visits, my back still hurts and he says it's mostly muscular and not really anything out of line in my spine. But the shooting pains down my leg and tingling in my hip/ thigh tell me differently.

I'll still use the massage therapist as needed but I'm going to start looking elsewhere for answers next week.
Yeah, the other factor was when I found out the chiropractor I'm seeing is a 'one trick pony'. I strained my back Tuesday and was in pain when I went to see him, but he did the exact same moves that he used on me last week before I pulled my back. Nothing different to address the new and very specific problem.
Brian, A lot of back pain is from muscle spasms or one muscle locked in spasm. I have had really good luck with acupuncture. I just do not know of any in your neck of the woods.