How'd it go today?

Well I think I got the over heating solved for now. We'll see. Test drove the brown beast all over and she ran cooler... Ended up having to remove the thermostat too.... Took it down to a mechanic in town and he advised me on some stuff to handle on it to make it run cooler that I need to address. Nuttin major, just every little bit helps.

Retarded ignition timing can make them run hot also Stephen.
Spent the day being watched over by the utility forester and police doing refusals.
Utility has tried to deal with these people in past but now is just removing everything. Had one guy come home just as I had dropped the last stub in the ROW. I could tell he was mighty pissed but there really wasn't much he could do by then.
Forester decided to inventory my truck during lunch on top of everything.
Not that bad of a day really, but tiring and a bit stressful.
I had yet another bee tree today. And I had no hood, veil or jacket. But it was a small hive in a small cavity in the trunk about 20' off the ground and they were not aggressive at all. The homeowner kept offering a couple cans of wasp spray but I really didn't want to kill them. I worked the whole tree down without incident and only riled them up once when a big roped log bounced into the trunk on their nest. Nobody got stung though. I was able to piece down the trunk with my bucket winch, I cut about 12" above the hole and the next cut was about 18" below the hole. I just picked it up with the log tongs and set it on the ground where the loader carried it to the truck.

We had lots of lost worker bees swarming on the remaining trunk because they couldn't find their nest. But I just stayed calm and moved slowly and deliberately and I never had any fear of getting stung.

Dave, what is involved with being inventoried by the 'forester', and is that your supervisor or somebody from the power company or what?
Well done Brian. You need to get the numbers of some local beekeepers, someone would have been stoked to pick up that hive for you.
Brian, wow, don't think I could stay that close to a bees nest voluntarily.

The Forester is from the Utility and is in charge of all planning and line clearance activities in his/our area. They have a list of required things each tree crew truck must have on it. Its a type of audit they do on so many trucks per month. I was busted for not having a ladder. No one gets in trouble, but it was frustrating to me being in the middle of three large Pine removals, while my groundsman is pulling everything out of the truck, into the yard for display, then has to put it all back where it goes.
Heh Brian, still bummed about your saw falling off the truck?

Today my chipper calved. I was feeding it with the mini and all of a sudden I heard it powering down. I went up to the controls and the digital readout had a engine stop code on it. As I was disengaging the clutch at the proper rpm I noticed the coolant flowing out of the overflow, coolant mixed with engine oil.:(

I've figured it's probably the oil cooler leaking the oil into the coolant and then when the oil got low enough it overheated and shut down.:(

The good news is it's still under warranty and I bought locally so I already have it in the shop and a 'demo' 1290 drum hooked up to my truck for tomorrow.8)
Good deal, Skwishey. You seem to have an uncanny ability to constantly trip and stumble in piles of chit but yet you always come up smelling like roses.

Yeah, I'm still bummed about the saw but it's yesterday's news. I ran one of my old ones today and it runs perfectly, it's just not shiny and new. I have some big jobs in the next week and I've already put a call in to my dealer so there's a new 200T waiting with my name on it.
Up until my chipper went down it was a stellar day I fell a goodsized 32" DBH cottonwood near transmission lines and houses. Perfect cuts, I wish I hadn't forgot my camera.:cry:
Warrantees are cool. I bet you still had a "moment" when it shut down.

I had an interesting thing happen today. I was just getting back from the dump, backing the truck to the chipper, when out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw one of the tenants grab one of my 200Ts and throw it angrily over the fence into the neighbor's yard. I jumped out of my truck and yelled "HEY," loud enough for my guys on the other side of the unit to hear and come running. I asked the guy if he had thrown the saw and he looked away and said "no." As I walked toward him I could see the source of his anger, one of my guys had damaged his flowers when removing a dead cherry tree in the backyard. I apologized for the damage and told him that while I understood his anger, throwing $600 chainsaws around was no way to behave. In the moment, I had thoughts of kicking his ass but those were gone in the time it took for the guys to come running. I called the property manager and detailed the incident. She uses the guy for all of her properties air/heating needs and may not now. That moment of anger could have cost him a lot of work.
Retarded ignition timing can make them run hot also Stephen.

Yup... And I have to replace the ignition advance in the distributor too... Worried a bit about the carburetor running a bit lean also. We are going to be testing it after I fix the distributor and get the timing just right. I was already going to put a 4 barrel on it anyway soon... So I might just order one next week.. Just need to see what monies come in...
Bright side was she ran cool all day today :D I was VERY happy... :D

Did about 3 acres of grass in some nasty terrain today and dropped a small dead redwood. I itch all over and need a shower.
He denied throwing the saw repeatedly but would not look me in the eye. My guy Jim hopped the fence and retrieved a saw that had miraculously jumped over by itself and the guy still denied it.
Heck man you'd have to work with me for a day. I have a great time, but if I spotted someone tossing my saw over a fence, that part of the day would not be such a good time. Usually if a customer hangs about we'll have them in stitches atleast a few times throughout the job.
Yeah, if somebody is intentionally trying to damage a $600 tool of mine then I don't think I'd be laughing. The sumbitch is lucky you didn't throw him over the fence to retrieve the saw. :X
Trying to figure out if this forest service contract pans out for me or not. They will give me $1435 a day for a pickup, chipper and 2 guys, we provide fuel and maintenence. Based on a 12 hour day but could go as much as 15 hours a day without having to pay me more. I think it will pencil out if the 15 hour days are minimized. If they go 16 hour days it goes up another 900 something, That would work well!