How'd it go today?

Scary Deva.....

Did some simple limbing today for a clients roof and motor home. Lifted and dead wooded a euc. or two.. Took some branches off two oaks over the roof peak and patio of their house. Then lifted several trees (I dunno 20 maybe) on a dirt road for the motor home they just bought. Rob helped move a carport cover to one of the spots I trimmed out. Client had him spray weeds. He kept with in ear shot and I rigged and lowered two trees myself. First time I have ever done that. Kinda cool. I still had him unhook the branches and send the rigging back up to me :)
Branches were small and I could cut all of them in each tree onto one line. Then lower away. I dead wooded the trees as I went. Small stuff so I just used the silky and pitched it... So today was fun... Got paid and came home to a mistletoe check :)
VERY scary Deva! Glad you are alright!

Helped stuff a motor in a Dodge Dynasty this morning, what a POS car!! Mowed the yard then rode three miles on the bike and walked one. It sucked in 100% humidity!
Brian, Cool.

I helped perform a C-section once. Tree surgeons may not be the best choice for emergency veterinary duty. We delivered the already dead kittens but mama died after closing.:cry: FWIW it seemed to be a reaction to the sedative.
I started fixing a leak in the boom of my bucket truck. Oil comes out of the base of the boom onto the deck of the truck. Almost had the new hoses put in and I had to go help my stepdaughter with the fence at her house. It was leaning over and she wanted to do something to shore it up. I went and bought some 1 1/4" galvanized angle iron and pounded them in along the fence and screwed into the board that runs along the top of the fence. Got to hang with the grandkid all day.
That's neat, Brian.

You haven't lived until you've had a goshawk hanging off the back of your helmet, beating the snot out of your head and shoulders with her wings...they are tough mothers.
Got to ride a crane basket today, that was different and kind of fun. Then I went and massacred one little weeping willow.
Well today sucked hard ,my chipper blew a hydraulic line and sprayed the customers house and the neighbors car so needless to say I will be putting a claim in for the first time in 5 yrs. because the car looks like it was #### on by a oil truck and the siding is so stained that when we tryed to wipe it off that it just got worse, all for 400 mulberry removal ..... I wish someone would kick me in the balls so my head wouldn't hurt anymore, I'm off to get F" uped real good wish me luck...
Wash it down with Simple Green or similar. Same with the car. Oil won't hurt automotive paint. Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think once it gets cleaned up.

I suggest going and buying a gallon of Simple Green, a garden hose, a couple buckets and a couple truck wash brushes (the ones on broom handles). Bring your crew over and let them have at it. In an hour things should be looking a lot better.

Yeah, the car should be fine, the siding couldn't be worth a claim unless the people are complete tools.

I've only had one hose pop where it sprayed on something important. Lucky for me it was a 1" line on my RG85's cutter head, 34GPM, 6kpsi relief setting. Needless to say I had to scrub the deck, windows, and wall of that side of the hosue, but they were cool about it.
Yah I'd be trying some heavy duty cleaners and alot of elbow grease before I filed a claim. I couldn't imagine what filing a claim would do to a guys rates.
It's rained it's nuts off this week, today I changed the oil in the 1 ton and my Civic.

The rest of the time I've been trying to figure out WTF I don't have brake lights on the truck. The brake switch is working, relay is working, the 3rd brake light is working, but the lights on the bed aren't.

I'm eyeing the turn signal switch.
The house should be a non issue unfortunately we were not allowed to touch the car it belonged to the neighbor and she was very pissed she called us all stupid rednecks pieces of chit , and left not forgetting to tell me how not to go to far from the phone she got the number and her mother would be calling when she got home from work... The home owners after witnessing that and fully understanding what happened just kinda laughed it off but in a sinister kinda way so we'll see....
So I've been getting alot of positive feedback on the chipping program I did for the city here. They're extremely happy with my performance and professionalism. Always feels good to get a compliment. I'm also now right up there on their list for any bids for other treework.8)
WTG Squish!

Burned brush most the day... Dang thing was we had to pull a pile apart that was not staged for pulling apart in the direction we had to... They will be re-evaluating permits come Sunday and the customer insisted we get er done if at all possible... Wind was not working with us so we had to burn opposite how we staged it. :P Grass was high so the drag SUCKED. I pulled out my back and I am beat. Tomorrow should be better.. I have a new groundie to break in:evil:
Seasonal help for the summer. Should be fun :D I am off to make guacamole and take some pain meds.... :|:
Awesome news Squish!!!!

Just got back from the new Star Trek movie. Great movie and I highly recommend it for those thinking about seeing it!!!!

Gearing up to go to Cincinnati tomorrow and do a little gear shopping and just have an overall break from school and work. Best part is, I get to drive up!!! Can't wait!!!
Today was keeping pace after a slow start. Then along comes a severe storm stopped us dead in our tracks, it was getting late so we called it a day. Went to softball practice and got hit right in the big toe with a line shot, its all swollen and got a big blood pocket on the top and under the nail.

Looks like i'm going to have to take the hot needle to it later tonight.

Got to drop some massive tops out of the bucket the past two days. The weather has been a mess all week raining and windy, and the customer keeps adding trees. Kill em all:lol:
I only got one shot of my job today before my camera died (I dropped it the other day). This is my landscraper buddy's house and he keeps cutting down trees. This whole lot used to be all wooded. Last time I cut down about 15 trees and today I cut down probably 25 or so in 3.5 hours. I have another half dozen to get tomorrow.

Here's what I did in about an hour while they were busy chipping up a dozen trees on the other side of the house..