How'd it go today?

lol, my wife went totally insane the night/day that our daughter was born. Have fun with that.

Ours ended in a C too, just don't look over the screen.:O
no worries there, I'm fairly certain the smells will put me into an unconcious state. Not to mention the line up of pharmacuticals I have to make the situation slightly more bearable...

Did you know they actually take her guts out and put them on the table while they take the babies out?!?!?:O
...Did you know they actually take her guts out and put them on the table while they take the babies out?!?!?:O

Unless I am missing something, it should be a small horizontal cut around the bikini line. The older, larger vertical incision (how I came around) is generally saved for extremely premature babies or other complications.
I'm telling ya I don't remember seeing any guts pulled out but the damn incision was big enough and those docs man they just a rip that kid(or kids for Greg) outta there.
A vertical cut normally starts below the belly button and runs to the bikini line. The horizonal cut is along the bikini line and much shorter/less invasive.
best thoughts to you Greg, next, after birth, you get to find the other wonderful milestones. A week old, a month old, a year old, crawling, walking... first big grin, its AWESOME. :D
(sticks fingers in ears and closes eyes)
congrats on the baby!

spent the day cutting pyrocanthus.

Is this plant called that because of the red glowing coal color berries? Or is it the searing flame like pain when one of the thorns inserts itself into your body?
Don't think Katy had any guts placed out that I recall.. All three that way... Bikini line incision. She just could not have the baby's natural. Her pelvic bones just don't shift properly for child birth. TMI?:lol: All the good JuJu in the universe coming at you and the Mrs. Greg from this house :)

I killed me lots of mistletoe today and took an oak limb off a house for CDF compliance. I set this one up for once a month I climb oak after oak (white and blue) and kill mistletoe. Place had a fire come through two years in a row, so they are really trying to keep the remaining oaks nice :D I did a partial on a big one over there about 2 years ago. 1/2 the ol boy was burned and died. So I took some of the weight off in dead wood. Let it heal a bit and hope the roots balance out..... I will remove more dead off the other side and some more dead 18" plus round leader (might be over 24", I have to get back up the tree to remember as I know I did it with a 24" bar" :|: ) off after our soil dries out and see if the ol boy will stand with out failing. Fun job.. And they pay well :D
maybe? ha! no question about it for me Willie. My wife just saw me posting those pics and said I was a nerd. oh well. :)
Yeah, throw lines rock!!! I should have bought one years ago (but I didn't know they exsited:roll:) because they ROCK!!!!!!
The Elm is down, pretty easy TD except for being so wet!! It just bled and bled and bled!! Water was running out while I was cutting it down, then it kept clogging up the saw when I was cutting the stump! Had to pull it out roll the chain to get it to spin then cut some more. I am so glad I didn't have to climb that slimy pig!!!!!
I managed to sneak the treehouse tees into the hospital bag, wife didnt even know they were there until I whipped them out and took the pics. :) sleuthy nerd I guess.
Hey Andy, I too actually bought real throw line this year :D
Dang straight it rocks... ;)
I was using local hardware store supplies to do it hillbilly style till this year. Felt seriously silly when I hit my target crotch and placed my friction saver and rope in four tries. All I kept muttering was, "why oh why did I not just buy this like 4 -5 years ago? What the heck was I thinking?".