How'd it go today?

Hope everything goes well OTG. Your Wife is a good sport to let you take those pictures.
I trimmed 20 trees at our local post office today. We didn't actually trim them just cut off the low limbs to get them off of the fence. Almost two loads of chips in the forestry truck. Good paying day, trouble is I'm back to twiddling my thumbs tomorrow.
Steve, How long have you been taking credit cards? Other than the PO how is that working for you?

Wagnaw,Congrats to Joe-now tell him to but on a brainbucket to preserve his thinker.
I'm not taking credit cards Stumpie, the Post Master worked out some way for them to mail me a check from the Sacramento office.
Nice idea Wagnaw with that rope web!!! I'll remember that one if I ever need it.

Got a haircut after school today, but other than that and going to Barnes & Noble to pick up a copy of MEG 4: HELL's AQUARIUM, it's was a boring day.

By the way, anyone interested in monster/fantasy sort of books, i.e. Loch Ness Monster, giant sharks, etc. should check out Steve Alten. His MEG series is a great read for those interested in these types of books.
Steve, Cool. Our local PO had me out to bid some stuff a year or two ago but it all fell apart because I nop longer accept plastic. The Guy in charge told me that they could only pay with plastic-I offered PayPal but is was beyond his ken.
I have never taken credit cards. I did a job for the Army Corp and they pay with plastic also but can also write a check from their credit card account. If I had enough call for plastic I would get fixed up, but I only get maybe one request per year.
That is great news Greg..... That is going to be an awesome day for you:D
I like the net idea, going to have to think that one through. Looks like it was just the thing for that circumstance.
Had an early start today, but bro was late so put me right into the traffic time, GREAT.

Cleared about 10'wide X 100' long mix of small stuff, forsynthia, 2 cedars, burning bush, and some prickers. Dead wooded a Maple, had a lot of tip die back, and inspected the 3 cables. Good to go.

Came home and chipped a pile of brush for a neighbor, then went to the other old lady neighbor and did some quick freebies for her. Well, in exchange of chocolate.
Got a picture of the finished product Paul?

Yeah, heres a couple, first of how us slackers work, big white pine TD. Ride Wraptor up bomb out bunch of brush/wood, make mess, come down and clean up with wheel loader. We did this TD and hauled everything in 4 hours, $1200:D

Truck deserves better bed:(

ps the small aluminium box in the front of bed was installed just for the Wraptor to ride in style!!!


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