How'd it go today?

Nice guitar Butch!!

Just got in from Cincinnati. Got to drive the Jeep there and back, which was sweet!!! On the way back though, we hit a big traffic jam. Turns out there was a jam on both sides. Our side had a big load being moved via truck and the other, a vehicle had rear ended a camper, which then caught on fire. Little bro took a pic I'll try to get up when I get it.

Other than that, a good trip. Got to go to the Kenwood Mall while we were up there and do some mother's day shopping, along with some other stuff:evil::D
Forgot to mention, at the beginning I forgot to make a turn and we ended up with a 60 mile round trip detour. That was not one of my more shining moments.
Worked up in the burn zone again today. Cleared out some more brush around a cabin. Probably going to be our last day of burning brush for the season today. Permits expire tomorrow and I doubt they will be good long enough after that if they extend them to do any more burning on my calender. Probably going to get too dry here soon enough anyway. Time for the chipper to get back to work.
Now I am going to go cook off a bunch of ribs for tomorrows dinner and get them in sauce overnight prior to the BBQ.
I had the distinct pleasure of hauling 2 loads of horse crap to my orchard. Then hauled a load of huge euc rounds to the dump. I tried to fix a hydraulic leak in my bucket but couldn't find the right gasket sealer thing so I guess I will have to get it Monday as I tried putting an O-ring in there and it leaks way worse.
My son got a job as a cleanup guy at a dog food warehouse and if that wasn't cool enough all by itself he works the night shift. They use "slip sheet" forklifts. It's all canned food made by Nestle under a half a dozen labels. He has a little electric forklift that he cruises around on with a pallet and a couple of garbage cans and his brooms and stuff. He has to pickup any stray slip sheets and restack any stuff that the forklift drivers dump. $14.00/hr. and he gets 2 or 3 hours of OT per day so far. This is the end of his first week. The dogfood comes in on trucks and also on the railroad, and it leaves on trucks and some goes to the port on the railroad. He locked his keys in his car and I had to go unlock the car for him last night. There is about 20 places for a truck to back up to on the side of the building that I saw and I think the railroad siding is back on the other side of the building. He looks pretty tired, has dark circles under his eyes.
I took lunch to the local arboretum and snapped a few pics. home now, planted a few things in the yard and I harvested some lettuces for tonight's chicken salad with blackberry balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing supper (all from scratch and I grew the lettuce myself). :D


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Nice job, Ranger. You didn't miss the turn, you investigated new scenery.

$14/hr aint bad for what he's doing. Sounds like he's his own boss?

Nice pictures Paul, did you grow the chicken?

I got that M@#$W% combination switch in and have brake lights again. What a pain in the cods that was. I'll tackle redoing the trailer lights in the morning and hopefully get a little work did.
Pretty, Paul.

I spent the day sitting HERE listing daylily auctions. I've been away from selling for a few years and I've got to get my name back in the 'circles' again. Wish I could just grow 'em....I HATE selling.

My family was all out working on a mother's day present together today. That in itself was a wonderful present. Nice to have everybody together and not fussing at each other.

I have NO IDEA what it is. ;)

(it's a bench for my garden)
Hired me and my bucket out today to work on some lights for a local ball stadium. Easy peasy for a good rate.:)

Then I landed a job taking out a really, really nice just dead fir. I'll be able to either fall it, or top it out from the bucket but it's a beauty. Still waiting to hear whether the wood is mine or not. If it is I might hire in a truck and haul home some lengths.8)
Nice day, 14 degrees warmer than forecast. Hauled the wood from yesterday's job to my firewood guy, took Cathy to see the new StarTrek (A+ for we Trek fans) and out to dinner and even managed to make it out to the range to plink a bit before sundown.
Boy was it windy today. Started working on the backyard for my mother. We are tearing out the walkway, and building a new deck to wrap around. This means I have a weeping larch to transplant, three Arborvitae, tearing up the existing walk, digging down about 1' for the entire area, and re-grading the rest after deck has been built. I started tear down this morning. Oh what fun, but she's happy.

Then a buddy came over and I sawed an Oak log in half that he's using for a bench on his new Tiki Bar in his backyard. We stripped the bark with an old stripping tool I had, worked pretty good.
Nice day,nice weather .I pretended to be a tree trimmer today .Did my semi annual trimming of the 30 some trees on my 500 foot driveway .Raised a few which in layman's terms is lopping the lower eye catcher branches .

I had to remove a 30 foot spruce I screwed up a few years ago by sending a 70 footer into it,whoops .

Topped a 30 foot soft maple maple which was 3 feet from hitting the 13.8 KV primary .Ek will say I'm a barbarian likely but it's my tree and I'll do as I see fit with my own property .Besides that if the clearance crews would get to it ,it would be pruned at ground level .

Old Al ,polesaw and Ms 200 T ,what a combination .:lol: