How'd it go today?

You got that right about fruit quality Steve. A Fuji from a good orchard blows the socks off of most of what you find in the standard grocery store. My friend is going organic with his orchard as well as concentrating in heirloom and other unusual and special varieties. This will put him in well with the high end health food store and farmer's market crowd. Organic fruit will fetch well over twice the price. On the other hand, the organic certification has become a pain in the butt bureaucratic paper trail that doesn't have as much meaning as it used to. That's what happens when you hand these types of things over to the federal government.

Fuji growers all around me. Delicious apples, but they tell me that it's impossible to grow them without spraying for insects and disease. :?
I just rolled out of bed........

Put in a 17 hour day yesterday. Had to get 42 5-6' Norway spruces in the ground before today. Just me and one other guy. Takin today to change chipper knives and bid work.
Today was cool!

I went and got rid of a little nusance tree for a friend, and I deadwooded a catalpa, and a small chestnut oak. Then all of a sudden a got a bunch of calls, and I ended up running around all day doing bids. ...scored some more deadwooding, and I looked at about 10 trees in a neighborhood for a homeowner's association. :D I have to write the bid tonight.
4 crane Wraptor ride.....itty bitty chestnut to finish the day. ......oh yeh a bid.:D
Bid a job the home owner couldn't finish cause of the service drop underneath. Sold my extra tranny for a hundred bucks more than I paid for it. Went to a local sporting goods store thats going outta business:( Potted the palm tree I got for my wife for mothers day
Dang John... That sounds like a long day.

Killed some more grass.... got three accounts done today, so it was a good showing. Second account landed me some tree removals. One ponderosa and 5 cedar. Nuttin huge, but fun and simple drops and lowering. Guess they redid the septic system this year and killed them by butchering roots. :( She booked two days to do some clean up in the yard, roof etc also ;)
Put some fence up with my bro this morning...came home fell asleep for a half hour. Gave me a boost so I went riding at a sandpit till dark. A lot of fun, it's nice having health insurance now and being able to ride.:|:

Sitting here trying to decide weather or not I want the trailer I put a down payment on in PA. :/:
I had a heavy rigging job scheduled for today. As I was headed out the door I looked at the computer and noticed that there was a wind advisory today. I started to climb the tree and discovered that the best rigging spar is completely hollow about halfway up. The wind really started to pick up and I decided to postpone until better weather. I shifted the day around and ended up making more money doing two medium sized jobs. They were both pines, so me and my gear are pretty sticky now.
Got to work a new(different brand) ATM machine this afternoon, came home, did a bit of laundry, and just finished putting a coat of Tung oil on my Mosin's stock.
Tung oil is such an easy and beautiful finish.
Today got expanded-another big nasty, dead topped S. Maple got added..... on the corner of a State Highway and the detour route for Florence Co,'s main street which is under destruction. It also hit 87 degrees and we are still running winter/spring blend gasoline., The stuff was boiling in the CAN not just the saw tanks. Aargh.
I cut down probably the biggest laurel oak I've ever seen today. 6 loads of chips and wood in an F800 dump truck. The dbh was about 6' and the stump cut was over 8'. I trashed 3 chains on the 395 from hitting tramp metal, and had to rip the stump in half in order to get it cut off.

Long day, I'm tired. :)
I just spoke with Tom on the phone. He's going to pay me an extra $100 up and above my normal daily rate, plus another $100 for the chains. So I walked with $700 for a 9 hour day. :)
Nope, not a single hollow anywhere in the entire tree. It was the biggest and healthiest laurel oak I've ever seen.

The dude's electric bill is going to skyrocket now that he's lost all his shade. His house is going to turn into a sauna.

I buy chain by the roll, been getting Stihl RSLK for about $300 per. :thumbup:
I went up with my Father and did his sister's apricot tree removal. I didn't take the chipper or anything so it was a bit awkward slashing down brush in my pickup. My Dad is really worried about my Aunt because she has lost her ability to speak recently, and lives by herself. I had 3 calls to return when I got home so that was good. $38.10 in gas to go up there and back.