How'd it go today?

Made plans with a buddy to go climb a 240 something foot tall white pine tomorow. It's the state champ:/:
Are you driving your new Jeep? Try not to spend too much money. ;)

Oh yeah:D!! Dad and I are going so he can get some new pole saw poles and look into getting a 600' reel of Hi-Vee, along with some personal gear shopping (and a quick peek in at the local Apple Store:D)
Brian, those high stumps look familiar. We are clearing for a pool in a little narrow spot, but the pool guy requested the stumps be left about waist high!
Nah, I just didn't want to dull my saw making the stump cuts. That's the guy who I rebuilt the 460 for a couple months ago, he can dull HIS saw on the stumps. ;)
That is just plain lazy:D
I guess they are bringing in a mini x to dig my stumps and pool hole. I'll get some pictures of the stumps monday. Several massive pines they have to tackle.
Brian, you have the worst luck with cameras.

Today was a relaxing day, I worked on a yard that I have done for three years running and all it needs is little touches here and there. I did it by myself while my guys did a job across the street. Somewhere around midday I realized why I was in such a good mood, my phone hadn't rung all day. Turns out there was a good reason for that. When I got home I had missed ten calls and had eight messages to listen to. Fortunately we finished early so going out on bids at 4pm didn't keep me out too late.

My guys are playing "punch buggy" while we are driving around town and while it was funny at first its starting to annoy me. If you've never heard of this game it is the sort of thing brothers play while driving around town. Every time you see a VW bug before the other guy you get to punch him in the arm. If you see a VW van you get to pinch the other guy. They are playing the game with each other and have been smart enough to leave the boss out of it but it really makes me feel like I am dad driving his two sons around town. I don't want to be a jerk and tell them to stop it but if it keeps going on much longer I will. The only good thing about it is that I now understand that line in Lilo and Stitch.
I just got home from an art auction. I bought 8 pieces and won the door prize too! Some original oils, a few hand signed lithographs, an acrylic on glass. Cool stuff, I'll post some pics as soon as I figure out how to download from my new camera. :|:
It'll have to be tomorrow. I'm too sleepy to read the manual. Besides, my CD door won't open on this 'puter, so I'll have to upload the camera software onto my laptop, which has been acting kind of wack lately. :what:
Brett, if you're running Vista then it usually isn't necessary to install the software off the disc. On my last 3 cameras I just plugged them in and Vista recognized them and found the correct install software by itself.
Today sucked a little- not bad but a little sucky. Some pruning and a huge crabapple removal. Crab was rotten at the base but thriving. The first lead broke the hinge and went to the lean.......turning lead #2 into a climbing prospect since if it did the same it would cause damage and lead 3 needed wighbt distribution modifiaction for felling. I hate climbing in a crapapple-especially a previously topped Crapapple. Much of the work winds up being at or above your TIP. So I wound up needing extra time on the job and I had weird customers who have that knack of coming out and interrupting to ask or remind me about job elements that are already completed.:roll:
I took the cover off the base of my boom today and found where it was leaking and replaced a couple of hoses. Then I went fishing this afternoon. Just got back, didn't catch anything. I have a leak in the bucket that I will track down tomorrow. Squishy I think the reason you did so well on the city chipping project is that inspirational picture I posted in the morning.:)
Brian, you have the worst luck with cameras.

Today was a relaxing day, I worked on a yard that I have done for three years running and all it needs is little touches here and there. I did it by myself while my guys did a job across the street. Somewhere around midday I realized why I was in such a good mood, my phone hadn't rung all day. Turns out there was a good reason for that. When I got home I had missed ten calls and had eight messages to listen to. Fortunately we finished early so going out on bids at 4pm didn't keep me out too late.

My guys are playing "punch buggy" while we are driving around town and while it was funny at first its starting to annoy me. If you've never heard of this game it is the sort of thing brothers play while driving around town. Every time you see a VW bug before the other guy you get to punch him in the arm. If you see a VW van you get to pinch the other guy. They are playing the game with each other and have been smart enough to leave the boss out of it but it really makes me feel like I am dad driving his two sons around town. I don't want to be a jerk and tell them to stop it but if it keeps going on much longer I will. The only good thing about it is that I now understand that line in Lilo and Stitch.

We used to play "Licks" in highschool, an informal game of you hit them, they hit you in the arm. The idea was to try and catch them off guard, say in the haul walking to class, and light them up. They returned the favor at a time of their choosing.

I didn't get to play very much.:cry:
Just got home, me and my gf's little bro just knocked out a small 15" spruce. Rained all morning, got nice and soaked. Guy was uber cool, having us back for a Walnut trim in fall.
Ground some stumps this morning, hit a nice sized rock buried next to the last stump, no damage. Just a very strange noise.

Cleaning out the chip truck tomorrow.

I hate Saturdays but my guys love them because they get overtime. Looks like a lot of overtime till September. I got little kids and hate telling them I have to go to work on the weekend.
I am spending the day with Haley. We dumped my truck and picked up some bark to put in our flower beds.
I applied my new Axewraps cover to my Paul. It was a lot harder than the video makes it out to be. It's pretty cool!


  • les paul axewrap 002.jpg
    les paul axewrap 002.jpg
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I'm back from lunch and Autozone. I picked up the connector for the trailer lights to replace the chity job that was done on the truck the first time. That was Dad's doings a few years back, a friend of his owns Napa and said his guys would do it at cost. I got royally screwed on the price ($550) and they did a seriously hack installation job. They didn't even splice the wires so much as the cut the insulation off, wrapped the new wire around it, and covered it with electrical tape.

At least now it'll be much more reliable.
Are you playing guitar consistently, Butch?

I don't know if everyone knows this but Butch is as good as J. Satrioni on the electric guitar.
Shoot, I suppose any guitar.