How'd it go today?

Today was just a little straightening up in the garage. Yesterday we took down the baddest tree I've come up against since being out on my own in business. 90 foot silver maple, 5 1/2 foot dbh trunk, completely hollow from just above the stump to about 25 feet where the tree crowns out. Missing 1/3 of the crown that broke out many years ago and created the decay going downward. 5 inches of wood holding 90 percent of the way around. No way to get a bucket in or crane. Wires EVERYWHERE being that it was in the city. I'll post pics in the next few days. For now I'm still bug-eyed, in the corner, and chainsmoking.
<-- reformed smoker:/:

I can totally relate Tucker... Had a pine like that once. Got out of it and just smoked ciggy after ciggy while the crew cleaned up most of it... Before I quit smoking anyway.
cold turkey or with an aid? I'm curious if there is an aid out there in particular that helps a lot. Quitting is starting to enter my thought process but cold turkey absolutely destroys me....
Catching pneumonia did it for me, combined with seeing the ugly spot on my lung x-rays. I smoked for 25 years but that scared me into quitting right then and there. I used the nicotine patch for a few days but it was the Jolly Rancher hard candies that got me through the first 3-4 weeks. By then I was over it.
Using tobacco is akin to having an outhouse. At one time an outhouse was the norm.

Nowadays, most people don't have outhouses.
I quit cold turkey one day, I didnt 'try' to quit, I just woke up one morning and said ' screw it, I am done.'. I chewed about 3 pieces of the nicorette gum and otherwise just gave that shit up. havent had one since. smoked for about 10 years, quit about 9 years ago.

as for the drink, well, I gotta work on that.
I got sick last year is what did it for me. That and I had lost my voice, couldn't sing or talk for that matter. Could not breath. No air for climbing a tree when I even got to feel better. It basically came down to a choice. I can continue living how I want, or not. I want to climb, work, sing, play, watch my kids grow up... You get the picture. The desire to live won. Living a quality life is even better ;)
I just got done trying to burn up the house!! It was SWEET!!!!
I was using a MAPP gas torch to solder when the relief valve blew, while it was lit, and I WAS HOLDING IT!!!
It was a good time!!!
Other than the $200 worth of welding leads I was soldering ends on, and a lost fire extingushierI think all is well?
I have the bottle, valve still open out in the front yard with about 1/2" of ice on it. The fire dept. came, looked at it and asked me what to do with it? "THATS WHY I CALLED YOU GUYS!!! I don't want the dam thing blowing up!!"
I'll try to add more latter.
Frigging cold here and tomorrow morning is supposed to be a little bit chillier than I like. -27c/-16f. I'm about done with winter this year.:(
What a wacko day. I thought I was in the twilight zone or one of my kids was playing a joke on me. I kept getting 'lost' in the day........turns out daylight savings time was this past weekend and I didn't realize it until today at 5PM. Every clock I looked at was different but I just thought I was losing track of time.
Hey Squisher, winter is having one more kick at the can here as well. -27 for an overnight low but apparently +2 for a high by Saturday. Hoping to get my first treejob of the year under my belt this weekend. A leaning spruce upwards of 30'! It's a climber at least, so I'll be able to knock the dust off of my climbing kit.
I've actually lined up some climbing work too, nothing fancy a few medium sized firs. But I'm not working again until it warms up some. To hard on the equipment and me. Supposed to be back up to bearable temps by this weekend.

I've been doing some maintenance and wiring on my 1 ton dump today, in and out constantly to the woodstove to warm up.
Was a good day today. New client met us at Snow Creek next door to another client of ours. Turns out we had to make a wide path brushing and branching about 1/8th of a mile into the 25 acre property. First time I have done this work for a memorial service. I guess the lady that owned it just passed away. Her and her daughter used to love to ride horses on this acreage. It had over grown on the main path in. So the daughter will be holding services there and spreading her ashes. Real pretty down there. I can see why she wanted it that way :)
Well Lowe's didn't much like to see me tonight! I had two managers and the hardware guy at the returns desk. They have to go back to the manufacture.
It was a Bernze-O-Matic torch and bottle, not much to question.
I was less than plesant with them and kept repeating the fact that I was lucky I didn't burn the whole hose down. They were even less than happy to hear the fire Dept. had been here and really wanted my welding leads off the counter!!
We will see what happens.