How'd it go today?

Got a call about 8:30 this morning asking if I had forgotten about today's job? :?
The guy had mentioned it in passing a week and a half ago but he hadn't given me a firm date or address. Regardless, I boogied out the door and spent the whole day cleaning up a bunch of trees around a small condo property. Everybody was happy and I made a few bucks.

I started my income tax this evening .As usual I need to make a run to the federal building and get more forms .:roll: Typical .
Knocked down thirty trees to make way for a new home construction. Had to pull the majority with a 3/4 ton endless cable puller, which worked excellent. Limbed and bucked up into 2 meter lengths and then out of there by 3:30.

The guy who brought in the work has a surveying company, but he also dabbles in tree work. It was my first time to work with him. He's a very nice guy, hard worker, and after we left the job site, he took me to his house to meet his wife, who put together a change of clothes for me so we could go to a public bath close by. Then, on to a bar type restaurant for some serious alcoholism, joined by three other guys, two of which who run companys that need help with tree work on their job sites. Business cards get exchanged, and at some point the talk turns to appeals for work, people sizing each other up for future reference, on down to the nitty gritty that makes the world go round. It's an interesting phenomenon to observe, people getting seriously lubed while mixing it with equally serious business. It's an important old cultural thing.

No way I was fit to drive home, so one of the people hired a service where two guys come and pick you up, one drives your car while the other follows to take him back. The guy I worked with gave me a hundred bucks for the ride. He tried to give me three hundred! Forty minutes back to my place for eighty was a cool day....lots of promise for future work. Just kind of hung over, though.
She put a change of clothes together to take with me to the bath house. All nicely packed in a bag. Dirty clothes go into the bag....makes life easy. I couldn't button the trousers, though :(
Very cool WWB. I climbed a really ugly poplar tree today and was really tired to I bailed while the guys are still cleaning up.
Went on an estimate today and landed 3 days of clearing a "slope on a rope" job. Have to take some trees off the slope above the house also. Then Katy and I went to Merced to pick up some groceries and some shoes. Had lunch and such and it was a pretty nice day.. Got a check in the mail also. :D
Playing in the trees tomorrow :D
Put in 12.5 hours on the job today. Took down an old, topped, silver maple over a garage. Wore my butt out. The ends of every limb were hollow, rotted, and brittle. Woulda been in and out on a healthy tree. The tree didnt have the height to rope out nice pieces. basically, I have to dissect this thing like a science project. Simple work, just time consuming.

I'm beat. I'll be drooling on the pillow shortly.
I helped mow the tree plantations, or new forest.


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ok, whats the multi trunked sucka in there? :)

I had a good day, did some pruning in the front yard for snow damage waiting for thepower company to come and drop the house service, then pruned a big fig and big magnolia, a small cherry, a half dozen roses a big rhodo and a small rhodo, a medium Lilac... then I went to the dump and got lunch. When I got back I killed two big rhodos and a junpier, another trip to the dump and home by 3. Made good money and now its suppertime! :)
Is that guy humping the spire?:D

I had a kind of crappy day. Worked on this lady's poplar trees and she wanted them brought down more than we did. So we are going back tomorrow. I did however pick up another job while at that job and made some money on the way home.
A little excitement today . When I drove down my driveway after work low and behold there sat a shiny red bucket truck .I thought Toms had lost his mind and bought a new one , not so .

It seems the neighbor ordered some stone and the tandom axle dump truck snatched down my power line ,pole and all .Broke that sucker clean off .

The power company had to set a new pole and screwed up my Norfolk pines in the process ,damn it . Well chit happens but the power is back on again .
:lol:that sucks...
A little excitement today . When I drove down my driveway after work low and behold there sat a shiny red bucket truck .I thought Toms had lost his mind and bought a new one , not so .

It seems the neighbor ordered some stone and the tandom axle dump truck snatched down my power line ,pole and all .Broke that sucker clean off .

The power company had to set a new pole and screwed up my Norfolk pines in the process ,damn it . Well chit happens but the power is back on again .
well seems my former employee that lost his iscence has managed a hardship liscence so he will be back next month. then another guy that worked for me a few years ago called looking for work so he starts monday. climbers coming out my ears now:dur: guess i better hustle some work!
Well, I'm back from NY... headed to pick up some orchard ladders tomorrow, so I can prune some Leyland cypress on Friday. I have two big hedges to "make more uniform and 'hedge-like'."