How'd it go today?

Had a regular day at school, but I came home to find Gerry's DVD set!!! I just finished watching the throwline DVD and it was awesome!! I learned a lot of sweet tricks that I'm eager to go out and try!! On to DVD 2!!
Cool deal, Justin. You gonna let him fly the bucket on it as well? :)

My uncle used to have his own bucket. He's free to fly mine whenever he wants but never has to this point. He used to do residential work himself over break-up. Most here would probably have called him a hack, but not to his face I'm betting.8)
I am getting my ass handed to me on this "simple" fence job!!
Ran all over town last week getting suplies, start setting poles and they come home to tell me it's changed.
I go to town and get more supplies for the changes. Weather turned, been highs of 20's to low 30's. It warmed up a bit today. Got one section stretched and hung, but the 50' of fence they said they had, turned out to be 25'.
Back to town.
Stand at the help desk, finally get some help, they had to cut down a 50' roll for me. Got it all squared away and went to pay.
I'd left my wallet at home!!
Drive home, then repeat above steps AGAIN!!!
Nothing changed today, so maybe? I can get it done tomorow?
50ish' of chainlink fence with three damn gates?:?
Phone is ringing off the hook tonight! Sealed the deal on nearly 4g in work just while sitting on the couch.:)

Good deal Justin.

Earlier I went and looked at a job with one of my usual guys, he wanted my eyeball on it. It looks complicated but will actually be fairly easy. 6 easy removals and an hour or two of trimming. Tonight I decided to offer to sub the whole job off him for a set price if he gets it, rather than just do the bucket work. I can make 2.5X my daily rate and the job will go smoother without him there. He was very receptive to my offer and will take me up on it if he gets the job.
i wanted this log but hes going to have me firewood it

That hurts. Its such pretty wood and in demand.

I ground stumps in the morning when it was sunny and warm and then when the wind and weather came in I climbed and removed a dead lombardi poplar. I did four bids.Then I rescued another cat. I think I am going to get cat stickers and put them on the door of my truck for every cat rescued.
Good day today, brought home some good sized maple logs, man I love being back to treework. Chainsaws kick ass on snowplows.