How'd it go today?

I've got to get salt for the water softener then fire up a couple more of Toms saws that have sat a tad bit .

I went three for three yesterday,two more to go .
Climbed one of our front Pin Oak's that took a bit of damage during the ice storm and made a cut or two with my 192T. Saw ran fast and great!

Other than that not much. I made a new saw lanyard to try something different from my break away bungee one I've been using. Turned out pretty good and I liked it a lot. Been doing homework off and on. cleaning house.
RD, you're young enough to still learn how to use an apostrophe (unlike some here who are stuck doing it wrong for the rest of their lives). Bob the Angry Flower is upset at your use of an apostrophe in a plural. ;)
Didn't do much of anything today. Looked at a small pine removal this morning, slept/watched Axemen. Payed some bills, and pondered about some things.
I got my three cedar trees on the ground this morning. All three had backlean and they were brittle enough to where I was concerned about them following the hinge. I helped cut up some of the big wood and made the stump cuts as well, took about an hour. The last one was pretty tight- I thought I was going to take a limb off the neighbor's maple. That's why I dropped it so close to the shed. ;)

In the last picture it isn't as close as it looks. I had about 30" clearance from the shed and about 24" from the fence.
My day went slick as could be. Four birch down two deadwooded and a spruce down as well. No clean-up.8) Despite the blowing rain I thoroughly enjoyed cutting some wood again instead of plowing.