How'd it go today?

good day here, done by noon. spent the rest of the day getting ready for tomorow morn, going cougar hunting. never gone specifily for cougars before so it should be fun. well, incredibly boring unless something shows (wildlife biologist told me where to go), then adreniline filled!

you gonna eat it?

cougar hunting...could be interpreted other ways ya know
heck yeah im gonna eat it!
ill leave the interpretation to your own mind;)


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I like days like that Brian... Just reminds you how desirable you and your work are. Besides feeling real productive ;)

Drilled holes and helped plant over 100 lil ponderosa and cedar in the fire zone today :)
Then delivered a cord of wood.
Got stopped by a couple customers in my rounds today and landed some more work. SO today was a good day :)
killed a little crab apple tree then did a consult at another site. decent money, half a days work. We are decorating the common room in the high rise (we live in a condo complex that has two low rise buildings and a high rise) that we rented for tomorrow for Bub's first birthday party. :)
Paul, I hope you guys have a fun first birthday for the little guy.

Brian, I am glad your phone rang. I think about how much money that I spend by just sitting at home idle and when I can get out on those days and make just a couple hundred I think of those days as "money neutral" days.

Rangerdanger, have a good time doing your first removal. Be safe. When you can just bomb branches to the ground with no worries, it is a great time to practice different cutting techniques.

If you cut out some distance on a branch, you can cut straight down and use its last fibers to swing it towards the base of the tree, land it brush first and have the butt kick out away from the trunk, ready to be hauled away by groundies.

Sometimes you need branches to fall horizontally. Make an undercut and then cut to it from the top as accurately and swiftly as you can and the piece falls straight down without swinging.

Practice swinging branches branches to the left and right by using downward sloping face cuts.

There is another cut used for spearing vertical branches through the canopy, but that might wait for the advanced class. Anyway, have fun and be safe.

Me, what kind of day did I have? The sky was clear, the sun was warm, my phone rang and rang, next week is full and I have half a dozen bids to do. Tomorrow I am going to go skiing with my daughter. Things are good.
I'm telling ya,you get used to arising at o-dark thirty every day and you still get up that time on your day off .:( 4 AM today .

Today after I haul some wood I've got several saws to go through to make sure they run right as they've sat for a while . One is an 084 arm breaker ,that should be interesting if it doesn't dislocate my shoulder .

Later on today I'll start a thread on the 020 top handle ,020T and MS 200T as I have all three on the bench as I type . That doesn't happen very often .
So far today is going good. I test ran my 192T with out the screen and I was amazed at how different it sounded. It really sounded like a mini 200 to me. Hopefully later today I get to do a small test with it in the tree before I really break it in tomorrow!!
me to al, 4:30. i was excited to go hunting so i woke up half hour early. now im home babysitting but i got a hot date tonight!
I worked on sanding/ filling the replacement fender for my truck. I also decided to grab a couple cans of paint and sand/ paint the grill and headlight surrounds. I figured as long as I was going to clean it up I might as well do it right. Here's a progress picture, I'm still going to repaint the white on the front of the hood when I get the fender painted.

For comparison, here's another picture from last year showing how bad the grill was.
Just learned our fun job was cancelled for tomorrow due to weather. Rescheduled for next weekend though, with predicted temps of 55+, so it'll be way better than doing it in this cold weather!!
Looks nice Brian... Great job cleaning that up :)

Got one pruning out of the way.. Was supposed to go do another but we got back too late to really start. So I guess I will go do some more tomorrow. Been working on this Mulberry for a couple years. Was let go bad and has had storm damage last few years. I'll post some pics in the pics thread and let you all rip me a new one for my hack job..
I hate to say it but..... I didn't do a damn thing today. Oh wait, I take that back. I did read the newspaper, other than that.... well, I'm caught up on sleep for sure.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.... borderline pathetic. I HATE being outta work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you Boss. I'm wasting my time drinking now..... oh boy my posts should get interesting soon.

Don't worry, I'll be good.:evil:

Just kidding.:D
I had a nice day here. I paid my bills, got stuff ready to turn and burn back to New England, went to the grocery store, shaved my head for charity, got wasted at the town bar, came home, and now enjoying a few more :beer: and watching a movie.
did the party thing for Bub today, too bad little man got 4 shots on Tuesday, it caught up to him today at about 2pm, he was running a temp and listless, poor guy snuggled with both grammas then me for the afternoon, his party was fine, a few family folk and friends came by. He got a small dose of baby Tylenol and hit the rack early.

I did an estimate this AM at 0900 before the party and I have one at 0900 tomorrow, then I get to work at the nursery for the day. Wife will take Bub to the barn while she teaches her young kids how to ride horsies. Then at about suppertime I will get home and get to hang out with them for a bit before he hits the rack again for the eve.


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Those shots are a killer Paul, I think it hurts me more than him just because I know what it's going to do to him!!
Glad he had some fun!