How'd it go today?

100 trees per day is pretty much impossible. In an 8 hour day, that makes for 4.8 minutes per tree.
Started a new customer today and she keeps making the job bigger.. So much for the original estimate :D More steep slopes :P Again a good example of doing some fire clearance and branching leading to an eventual climbing job :D Yup... More mistletoe removal...... And she ain't hard to please as she has had the hospital crew there before and they are slower than molasses in January. ;) That and we do a better job ;)
Just found out I'll be having some serious fun this weekend!!!! We're going out to help a very good friends friend cut down a tree and do some storm damage repair. The removal will be great, because it's in the woods and everything can be dropped, so I'll be limbing up the whole tree and topping it out, a first for me!! The stick will be dropped by Dad, as we want to minimize damage to surrounding trees, since they're used for lumber growth.
Cool man, you seem like you're not afraid to get high. So get up there and start with a small top. If there's standing timber around it watch you don't flop the top into another tree, those suckers can launch right back at ya. 8)
Thanks squisher, I'll definitely take that advice into consideration!! Height is no problem for me, it's getting out on long limbs and wind gusts that get my blood pressure going up!!
Kicked some butt today.Removed two skinny elms, pruned 5 Elms and a maple from the bucket plus a line of plums 1 apple and 1 pear from the ground-Also had my firewood guy out for wood pickup from the removals already done on the property, had lunch w/him and bid two jobs.
I finished cleaning a pine tree this morning and then we cleaned mistletoe from 5 modesto ash trees and at that job my chipper wouldn't start. I was pretty close to home so I got my dump trailer to put the trash in. After the ash trees I took the chipper out to my cousin's and we narrowed it down to a cracked fuel hose just before dark.
I hope that's all it is Steve.. Hey... does mistletoe give you grief through the chipper... I know it's kinda apples and oranges Steve, but our lil one just turns it to dirt and gums up kinda nasty.
We had a new neighbor move in.... 8)


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No Stephen, our chipper chips mistletoe very well. It does crumble to dirt but seems to move through OK. You can really get a heavy load on your truck with it. Love the Eagle.
Cool neighbor.

We have a ton around here thanks to a successful nesting project in the Quabbin Reservoir.
One of the areas that sees the most eagles in the winter is about 10 minutes from my inlaws place, an hour north of us, the best year recently, 2005 I think, they counter around 4500 of them in the general area. Last time we drove through we saw 7 in about 300 yards of highway, at the viewing point on the river we saw 17 or so roosting in the easily visible distance, its pretty cool.

As for how did it go, well, I went to an equipment dealer mini trade show today, bought a weed removal tool and have been home working on the computer since. :)
I have been eyeballing the unit for a couple years, I know the fellow that sells them pretty well, as I have sorta offered more diverse services to my clients I figured this might keep me from having to get on my knees and pulls weeds. I will letcha no fersure.:)
ha, this one is supposed to be 1000 degrees at the 'burner' , I have used a tiger torch type unit a few years ago, too many problems setting the barkmulch on fire... :shifty:
Finally got to rest yesterday, been balls to the wall for three weeks now and the hits just keep on coming. I might be scarce for a while.
Monday and Tuesday sucked because a I let a guy talk me into bidding a job rather than going day rate. Rigged down a 38" ash in a tiny backyard... almost every piece had to be roped... and I came out at about half my day rate. It was a fun tree but the pay sucked. I guess that was the payback for making $800 watching other people work one day last week.

Everything else been good though.
only got one bid today. im gonna go check my trail cam, and take a mineral block up there. buck will be growing new antlers soon!
Bub managed to pull the bottle of gripe water off his change table this morning into the crib, you know, the one that mommy gave him a dose of at 3AM and didnt close the lid right. yup, baby was all sticky and his linens are in the laundry as we speak. He got a bath just now and we also washed the little bit of dirt from around his lips cuz daddy got fed up trying to tell him 'dont touch the plant' last night and just let him be inquisitive, he put a small handful of soil in his mouth and he doesnt seem so interested anymore.
Wait until he finds the compost or manure pile Paul.. HAHA :P
Or the pet food. Rocks are fun. Ciggy butts. I just hope I can keep Lilly from repeating her aunts trick. She used to raid her own diaper :P YUK!

Good to hear you got some work going on Chip. Even if one did not turn out to be a killer dollar day, your still working ;)