How'd it go today?

Thanks. It rained like a mother here yesterday and I'm doing CA ceus again today. I also did a couple of bids. My Dad gave me his Garmin GPS thingy the other day and it works fantastically for doing bids.
I worked a bit, and not on firewood!!
Had to light a pilot light for the heater on a Mobile home, no heat for four weeks:? They couldn't figure it out. Tried for days to light it. I went to the propane tank, turned the valve on, heated up the thremocouple enough to purge it and it lit!
Then I got to replace the brocke glass in he front door. I don't have enough time to explain all of that story!! But it's fixed.
I get to go start on a chainlink fence Thrusday, no bid, just do it!!! Time and materials!:D
Brian, sounds like you would hate my neck of the woods... I get that a lot here.. The 10 foot thing because of the fire clearance laws. I always try to talk reason to them for proper cuts, but it does not always work. And I can only charge my ground rate and use pole saws on most of them :whine:

Worked on a real nasty slope today and ended up having to be on rope due to the slope. Unfortunately I did not bid it that way. Sooooooo. But the guy is going to let me charge hourly, just not my rope rate :roll: I boo boo'd. However, he is going to buy more of my time and we are going to work his place pretty intensely. He really liked the work we put out today. Had to haul it all up hill cause that's how he wanted it which really sucked. Did I mention this slope was 50 and 60 degrees in places ? Muddy with loose rocks? I need a winch badly! :(
I've used my Farmi winch for moving brush up hill. You get a bunch of long light slings and if you have a crew piling and slinging, you can really move some brush. Chipper winches work well too, but are much slower.
We lined it out today but had to use human power instead of winch power. We did move a butt load of brush, but dang it sucked. Home owner hired a guy to help too.. But he did not show till noon.. So mostly Rob and I all AM on this one. Home owner mostly fed the fire and cut firewood out of what we hauled out.
Thursday there is a Knobcone Pine I have to limb up, has a huge witches broom in it. We are going to set a pulley on the truck hitch and use another truck to haul it up the slope if he'll let us. I am crossing my fingers.. Might have to run a high line from up in the tree so it wont dig into the slope. Guy is a bit picky about how we do things. Normally we would have gone down slope, cut a hole for burning and toss the shat downhill. But he does not want to lose a single tree.. :P
I'm a flatlander B. I always worry about my truck on a slope too. I can just see it taking off with me up in the bucket.
Now that would suck !:\:

Some of those guys that log up there Burnam would sure have to be a tough bunch logging on some of the slopes they do all day long every day. Maybe I am just getting old. Used to be nuttin to just climb up and down the hills back in the day.... Would never hear me complain even with a 50 lb pack. Quitting the ciggy sure has helped though :D

I have a bone to pick with the weather people.. .It was NOT supposed to rain till the weekend... What iz up wit dat... ??
Well I'm done already for the day.

Got some nice mudflaps installed on the ford, changed the knives in the Woodsman just in time for tomorrow's chipping at the land clearing job, and added a temporary yoke lift spring for more down pressure.
I managed to get one of the branches of the State Forest Servicw to hire the apprentise, I had to fire last week.
That took a big load off my mind. Now he'll have a place to finish his schooling and I won't feel like a complete a-hole for laying him off. There was nothing else to do, the way things are right now, but it sure hurts to have to fire the best apprentise, I've ever had.
One good thing about having been in the business as long as I have, I know a lot of people I can call on for help in such a situation.
Felled a lot of oaks today and a few maple. Found some nice chunks of curly maple, that some woodturner is going to be real happy about.
Stig shortage of work is a lay-off here not firing. Firing is reserved for the screw-ups.

And as Burnham said good on ya for finding him other work.8)
I thought you had a big contract this winter, Stig, or did you guys finish that already?
Ran around today like a chicken with my head cut off. Ordered a new lid for the truck box, looked at a job, bid another job, met with a new accountant (finally one I like), Fixed the busted headlight on my truck (sucked, involved removing tons of non-related engine components), put in a new air filter, bought new fuel filters, paid some bills,...

Now having a beer. ...itty bitty pruning job tomorrow.
Been talking with Gerry about getting his Work Climber Series one DVD set and we sealed the deal!! DVD's are on the way, and I can't wait to watch them!!!

Thanks again Gerry!!!
How much per tree, Erik? Yardstick offered me $20 per tree, but that was for the whole crew. I'd need 50 trees per day minimum to make it worthwhile. When he told me I could do 100 trees per day easy, I suggested he pay me my daily rate and then he could keep the other $1000 per day. He hemmed and hawwed and backed off, then dropped the subject.

Last hanger contract I bid on, I bid 43.00 bucks a tree. The winning bid went for 36 bucks a tree. Thats anything 2 inchs and bigger over the street and side walks.
Hmm got a call from a sweet old couple that I've worked for a few times now. It's snowing and blowing here and they're really worried about one of their trees coming down all of a sudden. I don't know if any of ya would remember but these are the same customers that gave me the homemade apple juice bottled in a glass IV bottle that was older than me.:lol:

They're great people but with snow dumping and it getting dark soon there's not much I'm doing tonight or probably tomorrow as well with all the plowing I'll be doing. I'll make sure to get there tomorrow and cypher what the problem is, they suffer from arborphobia so it's probably nothing really.