How'd it go today?

You could always try the Wolfer approach. He was having a pay check problem at work and told them to do something about it or he'd seek revenge. They didn't, so he did. He cut the secretary's desk in half with a chainsaw while she was sitting at it.:O

Sounds like something I might pull!!

That is a pickle Darin:?

I am picking up some more work myself now, odd that the work coincides with the purchasing of the mini, as it will be VERY usefull.
The weather here keeps holding steady, I am not complaining, so I am trying to knock things out as I can!
The axle might be bent. That could be a cause for the bolts breaking.

dont see how that could have happened unless the gear man put it under the lift while he had it out, then i doubt it would last 5 months:|: ill mention it to my pal to check out while hes replacing the seal just in case
I am booked three weeks into December and folks are still calling me. I am not able to keep up.


A paving company that we have done work for in the past is submitting a bid for a large repaving project and wants to sub out the tree work to a company that is licensed and has a certified arborist on staff(me). The figure that there are over 5,000 trees to side trim off the street and want us to give them a price per tree. Most of the trees are small and can be done from the ground with a power pole saw and they do not need us to chip brush or clean up after. If we get the bid it will be full time work for 3 to 4 months.

Awesome! Makes the $150 or so for chapter dues and ISA cert MORE than worth it eh? :D

I am in a weird place, I am afraid for the economy and my fledgling business but I am busier than I can handle and am praying for inclement weather so that I can take a break.

Me too. Sorta. I am trying to bring in as many bucks as I can cuz I dont know what winter and spring will bring!
I am booked three weeks into December and folks are still calling me. I am not able to keep up. Why? I have no idea. .

Perhaps it is because you are a likable guy and some of us have been praying fror your fledgling business. Which, by the way guys, we need to not only do for other 'housers in general but Brian in particular since he hit a slow spell.
You bet, even though some of us may not always agree with each other :D. My best wishes to all y'all housers for your families and your finances.

Brian keep your phone on, things will pick up for ya.
Today so far--fired up the leaf blower and blew the leaves out of the garage,sidewalks etc . If it's nice weather I'll make another round with the leaf vac gizmo in the yard that should be it for them this fall .Trees are kind of nekid this time of year .

Hauled in a little load of firewood .My rack in the garage holds a half a face or 1/6 of a cord .That will go about 7-9 days these temps burning soft maple .When it turns colder I switch to the denser stuff ,oak,hickory etc., in about a month I suppose .

Oh ,last day of work until monday ,yahoo .:D Happy T day ,and be safe whatever you do .
Hey guys, I appreciate the kind thoughts but there's others here in a lot worse shape than me. I can go into 'hibernate' mode and bring my monthly expenses down to where I won't get hurt. I haven't lost my house and I'm not selling off business assets. Perhaps I just whine too loudly, but I'll always figure out a way to get by.
HAH! A big THANK YOU goes out to Al Smith for the box of goodies I just got in the mail today. :dance: I got enough plastic material to rebuild several saw scabbards. I'm very grateful for your generosity, Al. :D
Talk about hitting rock bottom! :lol:

Hey now!! Thats a chainsaw or two, almost a third of a mini, a house payment, both car payments, or one HELL of a night at the nudie bar (if one were to do that type of thing:D), 35 pair of jeans (which I DO NEED), 420 pocket tee's etc.
But hey, I got a suit:) Maybe I will wear it next time I go bid a job:lol:
And I say, "Hey, my name is Andy too, and I'm here today to cover myself in sawdust while trying not to destroy your home." :D

...As for how today went... I showed up to chip a bunch of brush, and chipped for about 1/4 load before the chipper just cut off. :? Tried to restart it and nothing, so I'm guessing it's the murphy switch faulting again. :X
After the chipper died I did end up taking down a 60ft frasier magnolia and crown cleaning a HUGE 90ft loblolly pine, so the day ended up good. Chipper issues suck though... and to top it all off, the chipper just started right up as soon as I got home. Ahhggggggg!
Still have all my Italian suits back when I was a CEO of a office equipment company. Still wear them with pride Andy... Truly, dressing to impress can sometimes go a long way.
HAH! A big THANK YOU goes out to Al Smith for the box of goodies I just got in the mail today. :dance: I got enough plastic material to rebuild several saw scabbards. I'm very grateful for your generosity, Al. :D

Maybe sell one or two to get through the slow times eh?:/:
I did a nice 'lil side job and made nearly triple my normal pay. At first I was gonna decline climbing cuz I deemed it too hazardous to rig out of, but the guy had a nice chain and binder (it was a co-dominant red oak) and I lashed the two stems together and got er dun.
some hedging, more tomorrow. fair price to charge when its done. Friday I am off during the day, truck is getting its new tires, christmas trees season is here, I start friday night, a wake on saturday and more christmas trees sunday. its the norm for me so far, all good. :)
...As for how today went... I showed up to chip a bunch of brush, and chipped for about 1/4 load before the chipper just cut off. :? Tried to restart it and nothing, so I'm guessing it's the murphy switch faulting again. :X

Have you checked the kill switch on the access door to the drum? I've had issues with them rattling just loose enough.