How'd it go today?

You guys are BAD!

I rented a splitter today for some wood at the house, old pine, spruce, and a small amount of mixed hardwood. I'm glad I rented instead of buying because I learned quick that I HATE splitting wood. I knew I hated cutting it up, but figured the splitter wouldn't be too bad. Boy I was wrong, that shit sucks!

So instead of buying one this spring, I'll just buy a 4-way wedge for the one I rented, and keep it on hand.
Got a burn day today to get some piles done at a clients we have been working on for a couple years. Whittle away at 12 acres kinda thing. Poison oak most of it. We took the boys with us and they had fun. Client is a teacher of special needs kids and enjoys having them there to play. :) She has some beautiful old manzanita there among other things and I think we found two today that are at least 30o years old. Also found a burl and she gave it to me if some one here wants it. All together a good day for all :). And she booked another day next week.. :)
You guys are BAD!

I rented a splitter today for some wood at the house, old pine, spruce, and a small amount of mixed hardwood. I'm glad I rented instead of buying because I learned quick that I HATE splitting wood.
Oh come on now it isn't that bad is it ? I mean you don't have to do it all at once do you ? Now if an old fart like me can bite the bullet and do 15 cords since last spring a young strong buck ought to be able to do at least twice that much .:P To further add salt to the wound ,half those cords were done with an axe .:lol:
Oh the "today thread " burned the creosote log and have the stove cooking ,blower off ,gets too hot this outside temp .Easy 80 degrees ,low fire .

Fixed the 038 mag ,played on the puter ,lost three E-bay bids being a tight wad . Not bad ,day off .After working 7 and 10 or 12 for so long ,this ain't bad .;)
Today I went to a baseball game of a kid I coached in T-ball. He's playing for Mission Hills college. Plays right field and catcher. He was fat when he played for me, now he is slim and runs really fast. They used him as a pinch runner in the first game. Got kind of cold toward the end.
"today" has really just started .I got a guy who is interested in the '90 Caddy so with any luck it will be going bye bye .Good thing it's getting a little costly carrying insurance on 5 vehicles .Actually more ,let's see .2 Lincoln MK 7's ,Dodge van ,Caddy ,Mercury ,Ford F-250 and Ranger, '50 Buick . The Lincolns are not insured ,haven't driven them in 9 years .The Buick since '75-76 .
"today" has really just started .I got a guy who is interested in the '90 Caddy so with any luck it will be going bye bye .Good thing it's getting a little costly carrying insurance on 5 vehicles .Actually more ,let's see .2 Lincoln MK 7's ,Dodge van ,Caddy ,Mercury ,Ford F-250 and Ranger, '50 Buick . The Lincolns are not insured ,haven't driven them in 9 years .The Buick since '75-76 .

You are killing me Al!!!!! I can't explain it, but I have always had a soft spot for the MK 7's, the late 90's models. I'm weired like that. But by the time you rebuild the air ride, you just bought another one:lol:
Took my second day off as planned and watched the kids while momma went to the valley to shop. Levi just wants to swing all day. LOL. Rob went to work this am and the client was sick so he went back to fencing some more of the back of the property. Should have another pasture done soon. Just need another roll of fencing. Seth helps with the posts. Kinda cute as long as he keeps the dirt from going back in the hole.
Guess I need to figure out what is for dinner.
Couple loads more of laundry and another time on the swing and we are about done. Also spent part of the day practicing knot tying.. Always fun. :)
Split wood with my new to me, mini splitter. Works awesome. Pruned for a satellite install today. Sunday, Ground about 100 stumps in 4 hours. Got tired of holding the dang remote.
I did a couple of bids, went to breakfast with the Wifey and laid around a bit. Got a job for tomorrow and wednesday.
Priced 1 job, then went & trimmed 2 live oak & 2 magnolia . Good day at 60 degrees & no wind. just sunshine ! It felt good after last weeks cold snap !8)
saw a bear and chased it for 200 yards before i lost sight of it, took me a half hour to catch my breath but it was fun!
did an install for a city today, charged good money for easy work. tomorrow and wednesday are hedging and pruning, shitty work but decent money. Friday and sunday I pull a shift at the garden center for the beginning of christmas tree season.
I'm telling you I have the toughest job in the world .I don't know how I stand the pace .

Auto assembley lines are about 60 percent women .Everytime there is a holliday they all outdo each other with cakes. pies ,pastries ,candies .I'm telling you it's rough out there .If you don't sample each one it would be rude . Thank heavens this week ends on Wednesday .One down two to go ,burp .:D