How'd it go today?

If you're gonna chase a bear, you better have a rifle. If you're goin to chase a bear with a rifle you better have a tag. So good job Willie.
Bear here too, and a smaller grizzly type up in the far north. Whenever it's a poor acorn season in particular, they come close or into the outskirts of town, down out of the mountains. Mushroom hunters run into them, every year a few casualties are on the news, maybe somebody missing part of their face now, etc. but fatalities are pretty rare.

When they do show up, the cops drive around giving warnings out of loud speakers, then the A team gets called to wipe them out if they are still hanging around.
Whew,that's a relief .I had visions of you chasing a bear with a Louisville slugger or something .

Better than the bonnet, lipstick and hairy legs flashing as he runs in a skirt losing rose petals from the bouquet in his left hand vision. :big-tongue2:
Willie have you no pride?
I got to work today, first time in a week so I was stoked. Removed 2 pines and 2 oaks from a front yard with another dozen oaks around them. One of the pines was too tall and too far away for me to reach any higher than the second limb. It was about 90'-95' and I could only reach about 55'. I was going to jump the top out but it would have busted up another tree limb and some plants. So I set a rope in it (it leaned toward the house pretty good) and then moved the truck out of the way and flopped it across the road. The guy I was working for was freaking out, he wanted to tie the rope to his truck and was worried about what might get hit, but I had the perfect lay and even marked where the top of the tree would land. I was dead center and within 12". :P

My felling accuracy and confidence has improved tremendously in the last year or two thanks to Burnham and others who have posted pictures, drawings and explanations at length. I've been doing it for many years but I can see a definite growth and broadening of my knowledge thanks to what I've learned here.
Nicely done Skwerl. That's a good feeling when they land right where you told 'em it would.
Agreed, Sean...I never have lost that little buzz of a thrill when you put one in a tight spot where it didn't exactly want to go.
White Oak removal.......20-30mph winds...35degrees.......damn. These are the days I wish I could listen to metallica in my ear pro, and tune out the wind.....
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got rained out stayed home. wifestayed home to she has been sick for 2 weeks and now has pneumonis
Awesome Brian .. WTG I love that rush when they hit the mark... Most can tell by my big ol smile :)

Today we brushed out some more of a property we have been working every year for a lil more than two. I got closer to one of my favorite trees on her property and just am still in awe. I need to take the camera tomorrow and get some pics... Valley oak, about 6' dbh and approx 90 feet high. Place is coming out real pretty too.. Long arse drag today cause we could not burn, but we made a real big pile out in the open meadow. Should be fun to torch ;)
Awesome Brian. I pruned a huge fruitless mulberry today. I have another to do tomorrow and a euc. I did a bunch of running around also. The old folks home where my parents live called me for a consult on some trees. Almost have our balcony finished and painted. May finish tomorrow. Oh, and I scored a drag saw today from my customer. I'll go out and get my camera out of the pickup now. It's a real relic.


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i dont wear skirts hunting in the poison oak anymore;)
had the rearend rebuilt on my dodge back in may, noticed the axle seal was leaking and took a look only to find a brken bolt and several loose ones. loose ones turned out to be broken also, turns out 7 of 8 were broken! must have been over torqued when they put it back together, cant think of any other way or reason that many would be broke
Heck I was joking about the raising hell, life's to short for that. But it could be worth stopping in and giving them the chance to fix their screw-up, for free of course. Five months ain't long and a good mechanic would stand behind their work, atleast that way you'd know for sure whether or not their worth going back to for anything else.
dropped it at my buddies shop, this guy was referred to me by him. ill just have cub do it. i would go back a have them fix it if it was a month or two. shouldnt be to big a deal, weld some nuts on the stubs as theres lock tite on them, the hard one broke off inside, could be a pain. biggest thing is the bolts wont be available till monday but i have hunting to do tommorrow afternoon so i bought some grade 8s and lock washers:D
I am booked three weeks into December and folks are still calling me. I am not able to keep up. Why? I have no idea. I did a job with my old tree service, re-topping some junky cottonwoods. They diid the bucket work and I did the climbing work. They are going to be laying most of their folks off soon and some of them were hitting me up for jobs. Another tree guy called me in on a street clearance bid. A paving company that we have done work for in the past is submitting a bid for a large repaving project and wants to sub out the tree work to a company that is licensed and has a certified arborist on staff(me). The figure that there are over 5,000 trees to side trim off the street and want us to give them a price per tree. Most of the trees are small and can be done from the ground with a power pole saw and they do not need us to chip brush or clean up after. If we get the bid it will be full time work for 3 to 4 months. I will probably have a friend of mine do the work with another employee to be hired later.

I am in a weird place, I am afraid for the economy and my fledgling business but I am busier than I can handle and am praying for inclement weather so that I can take a break. I am still working every other Saturday too.

Oh and the bank is still sorting out the $2250 they took out of my account from a job I did in June. They say the check bounced but I have never heard of a check bouncing six months after it posted in your account.
haha justin, im buck hunting mostly but it is bear season so if he shows his ugly face again ill chase him down:D

awesome pickle to be darin, pick the best of the bunch and tell them its probably temporary work!
You could always try the Wolfer approach. He was having a pay check problem at work and told them to do something about it or he'd seek revenge. They didn't, so he did. He cut the secretary's desk in half with a chainsaw while she was sitting at it.:O