How'd it go today?

I don't get it? They're burning it just so they can run some super bright ass lights? Or does the electricity get sold to a utility or something? Why would they need such bright lights at that location?

As a sidenote I worked at a weyerhauser mill for about six months. The mill life was not for me.
It's a pulp mill that runs 24/7/365. They generate all their electricity. They use sodium lamps to illuminate the majority of their yard to reduce accidents by making work easier.

The extra energy they generate gets sold to the grid.
great day today, 3 of us cleared 2600 bucks. big black oak removal, nother one to remove major dead wood from and a dozen poplar removals. the down side which is also an up side, i had 12 voicemails when i got home!
Nice program there Carl... Wish we had that here.. Heck they still charge you do dump organics here... No masticator either.... We a pooor county... LOL

As for today we burned and slashed and burned a creek bed with some awesome bolders and rocks (all now exposed) and spaced some trees and certain species while brushing and thinning it out..
Came out sweet
And he booked two more days this month :)

Also Carl... Nice clean pile once burned... I hate a sloppy burned out pile...
Nothing gets burned here anymore Stig. All of my greenwaste that isn't made into firewood gets run through a tub grinder and is used for bedding for dairy cows.
Way to go Carl.
I dump all my chipped waste for free at a local energy plant too.
After charging customers for removing it, of course.
Took down some live oaks today... One really bad snag...
Half the tree 18" at 25 ft where it was broken and hung up in another tree from last years storm damage. The other half with the right fall pulled the other half out the other tree for the most part and I had lots or running room :)
Had all 4 down from 8"dbh to 28"dbh including the hanger in 3 hours, bucked up, brushed out and stacked for da home owner.
Then he gave us a cord of firewood for a family member.. So we stopped at the house, picked up the splitter and drove down to Merced with a 3/4 cord and delivered it to them. In return we got about 30 cross arms from T poles 4X6 and 6X8 for our fencing and other projects. Not a big money day. But VERY beneficial to all involved and productive.:D
Before I forget.. heights were 40 - 60 feet.
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Didn't do a damn thing today, but I did get a good estimate sent back singed. I am hiring a guy here locally with the 70' Tuepen, when I was looking at 2 of these trees there was a slight breeze and about 15' up there is rot spots about 10' long that where opening and closing. He wants $140 an hr, figure it's cheaper than me renting a lift and doing it myself, this way I can be on the ground for once :).

I just remembered, I actually quartered some wood with a maul in the rain!
A week ago I mentioned that I cracked a fiberglass cover on the end of my boom. Today my neighbor fixed it for me. Replacement parts are hella expensive but this guy works for beer money. He had some extra strong heavy duty mat that he used so it's a lot stronger than before. Practically 'battering ram' strength. :lol:
Nice, looks real good.

I did some quotes today but not much else, raining/snowing all day so far but not enough to plow.
that does look nice brian. i need to do a little glass work to, my last guy knocked the control cover off:dur: never done it before though
Glass isn't too hard. Woven for strength, mat for adherence and better texture.

Had class this morning, came home and spent an hour and some change getting a fricking DOG out of our Exmark. No, it wasn't dead, but it didn't want to come out either and it was fairly well stuck. A pup, he's been in there for 3-4 days as I heard something over there Mon or Tues morning and dismissed it as being a bird or something similar trying to get out of the garage.

Anywho, after I got it out, got it fed and watered I went back to what I was doing, changing the battery out on the golf cart that Brendon burned up.

I'll be damned if the chicken shit dog didn't try to start climbing back up in the mower. I got a bit pissed and tried to snatch him out. He half snipped at me, getting a tooth hung up in my ugly glove so I jerked his yelping ignorant ass out of the mower and threw him back out of the garage.

He ended up in the back of the golf cart's bed, trying to hide in there. I finished changing the battery and dad took him back.

Went and ground for 2 hours on an hourly job, took the core battery back, and stopped and chatted with a friend at his bizniz. Ate at Peppers and came on home :)
We took out a dead white birch and faced off the neighbor's huge sycamore at one place then we went across town and removed some limbs off of a couple of huge eucs that were hanging over the secondary electric wires going to a guys pump. First time I have seen uninsulated secondaries. Taco truck lunch inbetween the jobs.
I sent the CF Geckos back that arrived today. It seems that the 19" size is too short, and all they offer is 20". Hell, I bet I could go 22" but they don't have that. I'll see if the 20's are good enough.

I dunno, when I tried them on they felt kinda weird, the front part. We'll see...
Brendon "Carl, somethigns burning" Carl- "Eh, it's fine" Brendon "Carl, you beat the shit out of this thing" Carl- "Eh, it's fine".

Haha I remember saying I smelt something, and I don't remember you ever saying I beat that.

I DO remember you being a little chicken shit, acting like I was going to roll it or get stuck in the mud whole AFTER I told you to trust me.

The problem was a cable got loose=heat=melted terminal.
Today I finished up at this camp. Hopefully, they'll have more for me up there.

... Tomorrow, is day two of hemlock slaying fest. Homeowner is only saving a couple trees, so the rest are outta there. I climbed 11 around the house and piece them out on tuesday. I need to do way more than that tomorrow. Sleep is what is needed now... yes.
Man I was hoping you were getting them today and we could see em.. Sorry you have to send them back... I Would be horribly disappointed!
More stuff came here today too... Think I will do some OCGD posts :)
I got the block heater installed in the bucket truck (Thank you most esteemed Mr. Hansen.) bid a job killed a juniper and ground the stump and chipped a brush pile.

Nice Fglass work Brian-I am getting ready to gel coat the boom and i need to reinforce that cover also.
I notice that your new truck has a square jib-is the load rating any different?