How'd it go today?

I rebuild my Green Teeth with regular filler, works dandy. I bought some hard surfacing build up rods, they seamed to wear faster than regular fill and they were more expensive.
Funny the way your mind works....found an old nail deep inside a tree yesterday, then last night had a nightmare that a friend of mine was killed when a large industrial door that had lots of nails sticking through it, closed on him. :|:

I did have me some drinks before bedtime......

Go figure?
Wellllll ... got some small jobs off the books today as job number one got smaller....................
Then it started storming again .. .
Tomorrow is another day...
On an additional note.... GREAT NEWS in my neck of the woods... Burn season is now OPEN...!!!! :) A MONTH early due to our rain...
My schedual is about to fill up till FEB at least ... Man o Man!
Cha CHING.... !!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

No Permits needed.. Just check for burn days via phone
I doin the pryo dance .. Whooooo Whoooooo!!!! :D
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Here's a couple from 47 dozer piles we did couple years back. When we started some of these piles (some as big as a garage (2 car)) flames went 40 -60 feet high.. notice in a couple pics you can see a full tree in them... ;)


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This might be a stupid question, but why would you burn a full tree?
Rather wasteful to my mind.
Don't you guys make firewood or chips, stuff like that
Apparently your travels in the US didn't take you through North East Mississippi.

It's presently 21.6C.

Also making chips or firewood requires more work and more outlay than pushing the trees up and throwing a match on it.

Some misc burn pile pics from when I used to burn all my debris, before I had access to free dumping elsewhere.






What's left from a rather large pile of oak firewood on top of the hill from the burn pile.
Stig, here in the Northeast US we make extensive use of the raw material. Almost everything gets turned into firewood, saw logs or wood chips.
Ha,if that slash pile of Carls' was around here within a week 50 people with pick-em-up trucks, trailers and Craftsman chainsaws would be on that thing like ants on an ant hill .

Aspludh never has to pick up wood from line clearing ,it's gone within a couple of days . All that is but the big pieces .

Actually most of the tree services can get rid of most of their wood if they choose .They keep the oak ,cherry and Hickory and give away the soft maple etc if they sell wood on the side .
Apparently your travels in the US didn't take you through North East Mississippi.

They did, actually.My wife and myself are avid birdwatchers, so your Gulf Islands National seashore attracted us.

Have you never heard of making electricity out of steam generated by burning woodchips. Then you can use it to power your airconditioner.

In Sweden they have started wrapping the leftover from logging operations( branches etc) up into huge bundles that can easily be transported to the powerplant, They have recently started experimenting with tearing out the
rootclumps too, to use those for energy.
In Denmark the price of woodchips follows the price fluctuations of oil, because we use them in powerplants.

I've said this before, you guys need to start figuring out ways to wean yourself from the middle eastern oiltit.
The Scadinadian countries have always been leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of us as far as to the uses of materials for heat .

If I'm not mistaken the outside burners which seem to be a big thing here now were originally designed to burn straw bales in one of he countries ,could have been Sweden as far as I know .

In some areas of the country bio mass is used in others not .About 30 miles south of me is the largest producer of maple for bowling alleys in the world .They generate electricity from a huge wood scrap boiler set up to run the mill and sell the rest to the power company . Oh you should have seen the political mess that started .:lol:

The power company is bound by law they have to buy it ,for some reason or another but they didn't want to . The power company thought they had testimony that the burning of wood was causing crop damage to local farmers .In the hearing one farmer said his crops had never been better since the small amount of fly ash was dropping on his fields . After the power company pulled it's foot out of it's mouth ,they paid the bill and shut up about it .:D
If I'm not mistaken the outside burners which seem to be a big thing here now were originally designed to burn straw bales in one of he countries ,could have been Sweden as far as I know .

Most farms around here has a straw bale burning furnace to take care of their central heating. Oilprices being so high here ( 'bout twice that of the US) gives everyone some incentive to use alternative heatsources.

I heat my own house entirely with wood. I have central heating with a big woodburning furnace with a blower to feed both primary and secundary air to the flames, and a exhaust probe to measure the smoke and make sure the thing burns clean.
I fire it up once a day and store the generated heat in a waterfilled buffer tank. once the furnace has burned out and shut itself off, the tank heats the house the next 24 hrs.

Carls burnpile could have kept me warm for a whole winter.
Wood heat always here although I do have a natural gas furnace for back up. Your set-up sounds very interesting Stig, maybe a thread with some pics or some links if there's a manufacturer(in english):D would be cool.

Today was a uneventful half a day just what the doctor ordered as I'm fighting a cold. I'll waste the afternoon away with going to dump chips. Had a line drop to be able to fell a bunch of trees at a neighbors. Not the most profitable day but heh he's a good neighbor.8)
...Have you never heard of making electricity out of steam generated by burning woodchips. Then you can use it to power your airconditioner...

All my junk goes from here:

To here:

Through one of these:

And is burned here for electricity.

I get to dump anything wood based for free is the main advantage. The downside is it's 18 miles from my house. That plant, also known as Weyerhaeuser, produces enough light to be visible from the air for over 150 miles, which pilots use it as a landmark for flying at night.

Brendon and Greg saw their lights from near my house 8.75 miles away, and about 80' higher than the plant elevation.