How'd it go today?

Thinking whether I want to work today, or ride my bike over to a friends for a little party he's having......decisions fo shore :D
Well you guys can relax, I got my big oil changing job done. :) 5 1/2 gal not 3 1/2 like I thought. My phone has been ringing quite a bit too, contrary to what I thought it would be doing. Thursday I was a little late getting to work and was still home at 8:00 or so and I booked 3 bids in about 5 minutes.
I ended up working on one of my guns. I got it refinished, and mostly reassembled. Now I need to get it finished.

Now, I'm watching a movie, and enjoying some nice, tall Cape Cods on the rocks. :D

PS, I love bank holidays, easy vacations.
Wife woke me up this am, fit to be tied!! The shower is leaking all over the floor. I wasn't looking foreward to this at ALL!!!
I called the Doc. can't get in until 1pm, geuss I'd better get after it! A buddy called and said he would help, that made it sound a little better so I go to tear into it. The plastic piece that the spickit mounts too broke off in three pieces. YES!!!! Finally an easy fix!!!! Off to Lowes!

Well I am back from the Doc's, interesting visit. "So you don't want to sit down huh? (he laughs)"
I had to tell him the story three times before he would believe me, then he wouldn't stop laughing! "Only you Andy, only you!" He poked and proded bit finding out where it hurt the worst of course!
"Yeah, you hurt something allright, I can tell you are in pain. It doesn't matter if it's broken, cracked or bruised, not much I can do for you! Here's some anti-inflamatories and a script for Lortabs, let me know if it doesn't get better in a few days!"
I think it went pretty well. NOT!!!!!!!
Did you see a large group of 40 -50 year old women at Letchworth? My ex and her friends go to Letchworth or Allegany every Columbus Day weekend. They would have been loud, most likely.

It was a craft show, everyone there was a middle aged woman.:lol:
It doesn't matter if it's broken, cracked or bruised, not much I can do for you! Here's some anti-inflamatories and a script for Lortabs, let me know if it doesn't get better in a few days!"
I think it went pretty well. NOT!!!!!!!
Well now just what would you think if he did put a splint on it . In that area of the body there would only be one way to do it .I'll bet a dollar to a donut you wouldn't have liked that even one little bit .:O
Seems Mick and Dave were damned excited to have this huge rotten maple on the ground.......


Soooooooooooo, who wants to come work with us....

we seem to know how to have fun.......


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We're just one big happy family, eh?

It was an awesome day. First, we craned a 110 foot fir, after brushing it out....waited for Mike for nearly an hour--he was craning for someone else. Two guys dumped the truck, took a bit too long of a break, went to that huge maple (in the sexy pic) that had been topped at 35 feet, cut a few branches, came back to pick up the chipper, after we craned the stick...we had to wait for them for 15 minutes.while Mike was on the clock (but he's only $125 an hr.) Went to "The Highlands", the exclusive heavily wooded gated community. We had to be led to the job by a Highlands rep....through a different gate, and a long way around to avoid a road under construction, and a 10 ton bridge-while we followed him with 4 vehicles, chip truck, and crane. The dead hemlock had lost more of its top 8 day ago in our windstorm. Took it out in three pieces, loaded it on the crane to take to a friend who wanted firewood. Sent the crew to brush out the big maple, in prep for the grapple truck to come for the ugly trunk. I had set Mike up with a new friend Peter, who owns "Tree Cycle". He had brushed out two firs, also in The Highlands...we had to wind the long way over to his job. Mike set an outrigger near an water meter obscured by brush and duff. Broke a large 2 inch water line that was right at the surface. I left them to deal with that mess, went and picked up my 2 big saws and met the crew. Filed the 42 inch chain on the 3120 while they finished just in time for Ernie to show up with the grapple truck. Then, Mike called, and I rushed over to help him offload the hemlock that was only good for firewood for my friend. Scooted back, and made one cut, then let Matt make the huge buttcut while I snapped pics.......

...enter Mickey, stage left...and...


After expenses, the day should be about $3300! labor of $1075 still leaves me with a tidy take!!

Was just leaving, thinking of doing a bid when the first customer called me. I forgotten about my gaffe early when I was dropping the phone and cable lines....Forgot that the pole was across the street, let the cable line fly, and swish, away it was whisked by a vehicle of some type......lucky it didn't catch a bumper or something.....

So, I went to Radio Shack for a crimper, some end connectors, and home for some of the 2000 foot roll of coaxial I'd scored off the side of a road a while ago..went over and replaced the home at 8:20 pm....a bit wetter as the rain had started......

Pooped is the word!
My two stage 16 gal per minute pump arrived yesterday just as I was off to wqrk . Soo ,after a sufficent amount of jo to get me going ,I'll get going and assemble the split ,finally and do a test run .

Now I'll be damned if after working on this thing for month ,don't you know one came up for sale for 300 bucks .Story of my life ,day late ,dollar short .
Well now just what would you think if he did put a splint on it . In that area of the body there would only be one way to do it .I'll bet a dollar to a donut you wouldn't have liked that even one little bit .:O

I was hopping for the inflatable donut or something so I could sit withought great pain!!! I've been looking for them, but it seems all the stores have cleared out the summer toys.
And maybe a little sympathy instead of getting laughed at? Yeah, that is too much to ask:lol:
Well,a little inner tube thing is exactly what people use that have tailbone issues .My busted ass finaly got better but it must have taken 4 or 5 months before I didn't kind off "ease " into a sitting position .

It was ironic ,several years prior to my little mishap Mrs Smith fell out the back door and jammed her shoulder to the point it froze and had to be "broken " loose .Don't you know about a few days after damned if I didn't fall off a 6 foot ladder of all things and dislocated mine .

Soo several years past ,bless her little heart ,slipped on the patio and broke her tail bone .I'll be damned again ,3 days later ,me again .Like a dummy ,in a hurry ,up a 20 foot aluminum ladder that wasn't "footed " properly to hang the last of the air lines in my shop .It kicked out and put me a straddle of a rung right on the groin and tailbone .Oh the pain .I don't know which hurt the worse,my poor old ass or the family jewels ,ugh ,ugh and double ugh .:whine:

Well the boys got better ,my ass quit hurting and I lived through it . I must say though I was walking a bit bowlegged and sitting rather softly for a day or two .
If either of them want to raise taxes on your beer then vote for the other guy.

When I hurt my coccyx I was sitting on a weight machine backwards and fell off, right onto a 3/4" wide pulley right in my plumber's crack.

When I hurt my whole backside I was sitting on a jet ski, barely beached parallell to the shore, with my ocean side foot hanging in the water while chatting to someone on the beach. A big wave rolled in sending the jet ski further on the shore while I stayed in the same relative spot. Gravity took over and my anus cleavage landed square on the 2-3" rail that runs along the running boards of the jetski.

The second was worse, having a pulse hurt.