How'd it go today?

That thing is huge! I hope it doesn't put any fissures in the tectonic plate.

Hey Willie, have you properly recovered from your near dog experience?

Steve, glad to hear your son is OK. Was there ever any doubt he was going to wreck that thing? Its like a rite of passage.

Burnham, I like the glove/bag cat grabber. Somehow it would seem that much cooler to then clip the bag to a rope and speedline the cat to its owner. The problem as I see it is the cats that just stay just out of your reach.

John, my last cat rescue went almost that badly. Kitty did some flying but didn't get hit by a car. A small kid actually cried at the sight of me when I returned to the ground to highlight the experience. Oh and it snowed today and I expect it broke a lot of branches that still have leaves on them. I expect I'll get some calls tomorrow as I've had two tonight.

I wussed out today. The weather report was bad so I cancelled the day, did bids and dropped off two sets of chipper knives to be sharpened.
haha, yeah, glad i had my wallet and heavycoat on! in case you couldnt tell i got dog bit today! no punctures but there for a while i wondered if me and a dog were going to make a scene.
Steve, glad to hear your son is OK. Was there ever any doubt he was going to wreck that thing? Its like a rite of passage.

My wife got him full coverage on the car. I told her to just get PL and PD because it's silly to get collision insurance on a 14 year old car. I asked her why she got full coverage and she said "cuz I knew he was going to wreck it". He's going to work with me this morning and I can have a talk with him about this stuff. He is an aggressive driver but he doesn't think that he is. I'm kind of disappointed that he will be able to get another car. I wish that he was just out his car and would have to earn the money for another one. The insurance company will rent him a car for a month but the rental company won't let him have one because he doesn't have a credit card.
like a d10! serious power

The goat dairy guy is friends with the big caterpillar guy and he told me a little story about the cat. The state of california is requiring the upgrade to 2007 technology on all diesel motors and has a cost sharing program to retrofit the existing motor or change motors or buy a new vehicle. On the cat they are going to change motors and the cost for this is $250,000, of which the state is paying $200,000 and the owner of the cat has to come up with the other $50,000.
Oh well, no work today so that means another 5 miles on the treadmill. I guess I'd better get to it and get it over with...
wow, thats arnolds plan for saving money? gotta love the greenies, well their mothers do

If the central valley doesn't meet the EPA mandated clean air goals then california could lose the federal highway cost sharing funds. It's something about the fine particulate matter emitted by old tech diesel motors. The stuff is supposedely responsible for some cases of asthma in children. So since asthma can kill people it's been given a priority to clean up. It's not like the thing is a smoker or anything. As you can see it runs pretty clean. So my point is this is being driven by the feds, not Arnold. He's stuck trying to comply. The goat guy said the tractor is a 1.2 million dollar piece of equipment. :O My truck and chipper will have to comply by 2012 I think. I don't know what I will do they don't currently have a program for medium duty trucks. Only class 7 and 8 trucks, whatever that is. If my truck had a 26,001 lb. GVW or higher it would qualify, but it's a 26,000 lb. GVW. (maxwell smart voice) Missed it by that much!
You can't add to your gvw down there? We can up here, probably gets complicated as to what it would do to your insurance rates and whatnot I'm guessing. As an example my 1 ton pick-up is licensed for 8,000kg/ 17,600lbs.
Skwishey, 26K lbs is the cutoff for commercial trucks (like my bucket truck). They require special tags, USDOT numbers, special insurance, it's a big deal. My old bucket truck was real close to 26K and I had it registered at 25,999 lbs to save myself a ton of money.
Worked today doing 'shaping' of a spruce tree. 2nd year in a row and it's looking really good, wish I had brought the camera, nothing exciting but it breaks up the monotony. Also did a bunch of ornamental cedars at the same place, I can only stand a day or so of that kind of work at a time. Now I gots to kill something next week.:evil:

Taking a couple of days off here though, got that stupid tennis elbow or whatever it's called going on. Ibuprofens didn't help much today, ice and heat for the evening.
Skwishey, 26K lbs is the cutoff for commercial trucks (like my bucket truck). They require special tags, USDOT numbers, special insurance, it's a big deal. My old bucket truck was real close to 26K and I had it registered at 25,999 lbs to save myself a ton of money.

Ok, that makes sense. Anything over 5,000kg here you need your national safety code # so I'm already in that boat.

On another note. Yesterday I set my hardhat on the chipper fender, drove about six blocks turned around and went back realizing it wasn't on the hook beside me in the cab but to late long gone. Sucks for me as I run the muffs and face shield, probably a sixty dollar set-up. Also sucks I had just recently replaced my muffs with the peltor twin cups, the good ones. Oh well, atleast it wasn't a saw.
Today went pretty good .Being somewhat semi retired as being on 40 hours weekly as opposed to my normal 70 plus ,this isn't all that bad .Oh lawdy brer fox don't throw me in that brier patch .:lol:

That nonsense aside,got a lot done .The adapter for the large Briggs engine for the hydrautic pump on the super split fit perfectly ,no alterations needed .Did some work on that splitter ,a little clean up on the place ,drank a few brews .Not bad If I do say so .
Went with Bubba and watched the parade this morning. It's "Fall festival" here. Then went to the carnival and he rode a few rides and I went down the "big slide" with him.
Then we went and watched the tractor pulls for a while. They did it kind of neat this year. Two lanes, garden tractors on one side and antique tractors on the other. One then the other. Made it a lot more fun to watch!
Then he and I went to the park tonight. Had a good time.
I think I hurt something on the "big slide" though!! Maybe broke my tail bone? The last time we went down I came fast and slide right off the end and landed HARD on the asphalt!!! It hurts to sit, it hurts worse to stand up!!
If you broke your coccyx, just wait till it's over the porcelain god. That's a new kind of unplessantness.

Yeah, already been there tonight!!!:cry:
It hurts to breathe even!!! I sneeze and it's agony!!! Standing isn't bad, bending sucks, sitting and standing sucks worse!!
That's gotta hurt Andy. I can remember hurting mine but I can't remember what I was doing. I did my limb removal. It turned out to be about 5 limbs but I bid it for a lot more than I remember. The young lady waited a long time before calling me and I had given up and thrown away my copy of the bid. Made $500 in a hour and a half. The girl appeared to be about 21 years old or so and seemed to be really tweaking. Her eyelids were twitching and she would stop mid sentence and twitch a little before restarting the conversation. This really bothered me. I dropped the oil out of the truck motor when I got home but purchaing the new oil is as far as I got on changing the oil. Had to drive back to Oakdale (20 miles and I was working within a mile of the place earlier in the day) and give a bid to remove 11 really ugly leland cypress trees.
Just don't forget that your truck doesn't have any oil in it when you head out in the morning! :O

I got my pickup truck oil changes down to about 15-20 minutes, including greasing the tie rod ends. With the newer Fords you have to turn the wheel to one side in order to get the damn oil filter around the steering arm. PITA compared to my old 5.0 motor.
That would be bad. I still have to get the filters tomorrow. It's a caterpillar motor and wally world didn't have the filters. It's pretty easy. About 3 gallons of oil though. The truck has enough clearance so all of the zerks are easy to get to underneath. I haven't been doing my pickup I have been taking it to the oil change place. The 4WD makes the filter kind of hard to get to in the chevys. How do you spell lazy?
I banged up my tailbone playing ice hockey in the wayback. farked up my ribs another day. either way, hurts like heck. rest, relax and hope for the bestest.