How'd it go today?

I got my brand new petzl sequoia tday. we will be making our maiden voyage tnight as 2am hanging xmas lights
I was standing on a stepladder backwards with my foot hooked on the side rail. I was pushing on a drill hard trying to drill concrete. It was a cheap-ass aluminum ladder and it twisted up and then released and dumped me about 5 feet flat out. I was afraid of the head whip bashing into the concrete floor. Somehow no broken tailbone, head, elbow, no broken nothin. Considered myself lucky and a lesson learned.
First job of the day... little 50 foot oak. Considered doing a quick, easy climb... but since I had a small opening in the canopy I went with the notch, drop, buck and chip method. Piece of cake. (pics) In and out in short time.

(Second job of the day... fell 10 trees... no bucking, chipping, skidding... leave 'em where they fall. I LIKE those! In and out in under 30 minutes... including collecting the pay and chit-chat.)
I was standing on a stepladder backwards with my foot hooked on the side rail. I was pushing on a drill hard trying to drill concrete. It was a cheap-ass aluminum ladder and it twisted up and then released and dumped me about 5 feet flat out. I was afraid of the head whip bashing into the concrete floor. Somehow no broken tailbone, head, elbow, no broken nothin. Considered myself lucky and a lesson learned.

Man have I seen that go wrong before!! Glad all went well.

Nice work Eric, just barely enough LZ there!!!

I am getting fricking bored!! Been raining the last two days so I can't go outside for anything. My ass hurts too much for anything to strenious. Ridding in the truck hurts, walking too much hurts!! And sitting is KILLING ME!!!!
Think I will go down to the local machine shop tomorow and see about knockig out some small projects I have been wanting to get done for a while.
There was a good-sized lead on the far side; a tall hinge held it to the stump- basically bridged the driveway by design. It didn't actually touch the driveway until I zinged the hinge off. So... nope. Wasn't worried one bit.

Crews vary widely; today just me and the gentleman in the pic.

By the way... bonus TreeHousePoints if you can name the guy in the picture. ;)
I hurt my tailbone pretty good in my 20's playing ice hockey, took a fall and landed right on my keester. Took a few weeks before I was able to be comfortable sitting etc. It isnt a fun injury at all.
The last keester incident I had was falling down water skiing at about 40 mph and took a little water up the you know what. That really hurts. Finished our apartment job today and drove about 25 miles to remove a california pepper tree limb from a house. Got home about 7:00. Having a tangerine popsicle.
Well I haven't busted my ass lately but I did go to work today. Two small jobs, the first was just some minor clearance trimming away from a 2 story house/ roof. Second job was three oak removals. 2 were waaaaay dead and not climbable, the third was severely damaged in the hurricanes 4 years ago and had some major structural issues. I had lots of room to work so they went quick, and I got to run about 3 tanks of fuel through my new 395XP dicing up the wood for the skid steer loader. We took a liesurely lunch around noon and I was still finished by 2:30. I gotta start working a little bit slower on some of these intimidating looking but easy removals, I cost myself a hundred bucks by getting finished too quickly today. And the new ported 395 made quick work of the big wood, noticably faster than the modified 372s.
Finished attaching the box today, so I got to remove the straps that were holding it on. Ordered some signs for the truck, and some take downs scheduled for tomorrow. Pics then.
Td'd a good sized pine tree today about 3' at the butt. Took it in three cuts(my uncle did a little more bucking on the ground to get the pieces to dumptruck length) without even limbing it as a hoe and dumptrucks were on clean up duty. Then fell three spruce on the same site, all to make room for a new lakefront home. Then went and fell another spruce which had lost a top last week in a windstorm so the owner wanted it gone. Trimmed a couple of branches and then laid it right between the house and powerlines. All nice big trees today with no clean-up.:)
Smashed a fence. (just wire so not a big deal) Had a 42" DBH Cottonwood with a HEAVY head lean. I set it up with a small face and bored in planning to get the big Homelite with the 42 inch bar out, set a beefy hinge, backbore it to a rear strap and trip it. Big Red wouldn't start so I went at it with a Husky 281 and 34 inch bar. Too much head lean to quarter cut/walk the bar around so I switched into a modified Coos Bay cut. Messed up the alignment from side to side. When it tripped it didn't follow the face and went about 15degrees off line and smooshed the wire fence between posts. Stayed off the retaining wall on the other side so it is all good. 972 billion pieces of Cottonwood to clean up tomorrow.
I am going nuts trying to get work done and give bids to everyone that calls. Everyday I have a little less sunlight to work with and more things to do. I need one more solid guy. An old coworker of mine called last week looking for work, unfortunately he more thick than solid. I have had such good luck with employees recently it is hard to go back to hiring a man-child who is 29 and a victim in his own life. Since I worked with this fellow he has gotten a divorce and a second DUI which resulted in a lost license. I have a great winter employee coming back in a week or so after he is done elk hunting. All I need is to survive another week.