How'd it go today?

He was a hardcore biker. Mountainbike, dirtbike, streetbike it was all he did. Non-drinker/drugs as he never wanted his judgment comprimised. It can happen to anyone.
He was a hardcore biker. Mountainbike, dirtbike, streetbike it was all he did. Non-drinker/drugs as he never wanted his judgment comprimised. It can happen to anyone.

Yep, that's something you are vunerable to on a motorcycle. Sorry about your loss Justin.
Worked at a condo complex today. It's always a PITA because I am there for specific stuff, but everyone decides to come out of the woodwork and ask me for "just this little branch". They get pissed when I tell them I can't do it, I'll be here till midnight if I did everyone "one little branch". One lady today got pissed and handed me the phone with her husband on it. She was a bitch, and she lost. :)
Jeez, sorry to here about your bud Squish.

I had a bad day today myself. I hit a baby deer on the way to work today and killed it dead. I've never hit one before and gotta say, nothing like killing a small cute cuddly innocent little baby deer to make you feel like crap.
Went to traffic court and then DMV, then took my son to the bank so he could take out his savings and buy a car. No car today, his savings was in a brokerage account and it takes a week with the holiday to get him his money. Did a change of ownership on a PU and renewed my license. Flunked the test and the lady said if I answered the last question on the back of the test right she would pass me and I made it. Barely passed the vision test W/O glasses. I'm old.
Very sorry Squish! It seems the older you get the more common this is though. I am tired of burring people.

Sorry about the Deer Sean, that was just bad luck. I hate it as well.

The girl is doing somewhat better. She is having seizers and they don't really know why? I love this game!

So how is life in Seattle? Actually Auburn WA. I have an opportunity, as well as the wife. Thinking hard.
Last two days I got to brush out some forestry planted Ponderosa Pine to eliminate the competition. Forestry service accidently crossed this customers property line when they re planted... They had it resurveyed... OPPPPPPS... Trees are gonna do better for it...
Nice thing was.. One of the neighbors we know lives right next door to an award winning Golden Cup Oak.... Might be the Largest, but we all know the conflict with that statement. This thing is huge, and all I did was think of every one here and how they would love to rec climb this thing. Looks to be almost 80' tall, and the drip line covers 2/3 - 3/4 acre. I am going back to take some pics and get some measurements and see if the guy wants to registar it..... Some of the branches are bigger than most trees and are almost horizontal. Then went on a tour of one of the master gardeners gardens there....... Was a really nice end to a hot and tiring day of work..... Had some real mature walnut trees on the property also...
got my srt spenders with the croll, took it for atest climb tonight, i like it. seems a bit bulky and hot for every day in the summer but ill find out
I drove the 30 minutes to school only to find my only class cancelled (I love that).

I went out and slayed 3 dead pines this afternoon in 45 minutes from the time I started dropping the ramps to unload the mini till I was pulling out of their driveway.

The plan was to get home by 4 (TV show starts then), at 3:20 I pulled into a gas station to fill up, hit a little dip pulling onto the pump island off the road, nothing major in the slightest.

Anywho, long story short somehow the spindle nut on the pass rear came loose, departing the wheels from the vehicle, save the axle shaft still bearing the weight. 5 hours later I had it fixed for $30ish and was eating dinner with Daniel (he helped, bought his supper). I broke 5 Chinsy snap ring pliers trying to get the single snap ring out, I'll be getting my money back on those. The quality pliers we had wouldn't open large enough, and all they had on that side of town was Chicom crap.

Still a fairly decent day :).
Thanks everyone. The funeral was hard, no other way to put it, but life goes on and Scott wouldn't have been one to sit around feeling lousy. Dude had a zest for life, single, worked no more than he had to to be able to play at damn near everything.
Finally finished my condo job. The guy is super pissed at me for taking so long. But when my contract climber bailed on me it took me a while to find another one. So I figured since the guy was already pissed i put him off so that I wouldn't have other people pissed at me also. We will see how well I do at getting paid now.
Had to remove a dead/rotten red spruce to finish a res. doesn't happen to often,but I hated this tree...12''DBH 65' tall boxed in by big utility/highway/house,main service ect. The top was so shitty I didn't trust it plus it swept back to the big utility and busy state was no giant just died in a tough spot.First time in afew good years that I set up rigged...boxed,backcut left athick hinge and got the hell back on the ground for the went sweet! It took a little more time but brittle work deserves care . We more or less snapped the tree in half and it JUST fit!
woke up late, went to a sponsored BBQ at a local home renovations store (invite only to landscape industry, burgers and the like), came home, played online a bit now I have to go fixup the bathroom cupboard I broke last week (I painted them last night finally), then help clean house for tomorrow, we are hosting an informal open house for family and friends to visit, have a burger and a beer kinda thing. Hoping the sun pops out!
Squish, a little late, very sorry to hear about your buddy.

Today I did another less than half dayer, I love being home at 11. A tiny cherry, and 3 tinyer trees were on the list. Neighbor came out and I chipped a brush pile for them, and got a job I bid for them last year for next week. Scored another job from an old timer carpenter that was working at the house, who was more than impressed with the techniques and the cleanup. Sunday I go an look at a lift identical to Carls, Genie tz-50. Guy bought it to take down a couple Willows at his house. Needless to say he hasn't gotten to it yet, and he said maybe we can work something out. Hmmmmm......
Dude if you can work it out, it'll change your life like the mini has.

Call me if you got questions (ha like you'd wait for my permission!).

That's mint!
Had to remove a dead/rotten red spruce to finish a res. doesn't happen to often,but I hated this tree...12''DBH 65' tall boxed in by big utility/highway/house,main service ect. The top was so shitty I didn't trust it plus it swept back to the big utility and busy state was no giant just died in a tough spot.First time in afew good years that I set up rigged...boxed,backcut left athick hinge and got the hell back on the ground for the went sweet! It took a little more time but brittle work deserves care . We more or less snapped the tree in half and it JUST fit!

:O Yikes! That's a little dicey, coming down out of a tree with a hinge and back cut already made and waiting to fall on you? Glad it worked for you... this time. Try not to make a habit of that, eh?

BTW, I'm not flaming you. I've done the same thing once or twice, but it scared the heck out of me. Fly to the ground and get the 'ell out of Dodge. :\:
Dude if you can work it out, it'll change your life like the mini has.

Call me if you got questions (ha like you'd wait for my permission!).

That's mint!

Def. I spotted it literally 3 minutes down the road from me in his backyard tucked along side a garage when I was on my moped. I left him a note in his mailbox and he actually called me back. I'm going to guess he didn't pay THAT much for it, as it would be cheaper to hire a tree service just to do the trees. He's a trucker and gone most of the time so I don't think he had any plans for it. Who knows. The only thing is it doesn't have the engine to power up the batteries. If things worked out I figured I'd buy a generator, or adapt a Honda engine I have to run an alternator.

I was supposed to be done buying things this year...:roll: