How'd it go today?

Just starting out....going to whack a small Magnolia and remove some limbs off an ugly Himalayan Cedar. I can probably use a handsaw for the whole job.
Deadwooding redwoods today.

They have very brittle limbs. Climbed up to the top, cutting and throwing these looong dead limbs on the way up.

When I came down, I set my climb line around the trunk, and over 3 limbs. Each limb about 2-3 inches thick.

Near the bottom (about 50 feet up), all of a sudden I drop maybe 5 feet. I hear a treemendous crack up above and a limb comes down right next to me.

The branch broke, and then my rope dropped and caught on the other limbs.

Hurt my pride mostly, and a bit of skin. Of course the homeowner was watching.
Don't you hate when something dumb happens and the homeowner is watching?
Where'd you go Darin in the Plumas?

Buck's Lake, Gold Lake, Crystal Lake or Caribou wilderness?

Love that place...........

We camped at Plumas Eureka State Park at Johnsville. Haley and I hiked up to Long Lake in Lakes Basin.
All day so far typing and talking on the phone. Would be nice to put on my saddle and just go and do some actual work instead of billing and scheduling..
Be careful out there Frans!!! That was a "near miss", we will have to have a right up on that one:lol:

Today was better than yesterday, I was jus hungover as hell and had little sleep last night.

My new boss, that I like, is moving up the food chain, and possible going to stay in the Seattle plant as Operations director. He is trying to talk me into coming with him:lol:
The new boss is the ex safety guy, he's a bit of a rock and the big guy has pumped him full of crap about how he needs to get a handle on us. Yeah, whatever!! We have alredy started a bet on how long he will last, I gave hime eight weeks.
Had a "play night" last night. Had second shift covered for me, and met a buddy at the bar. Should have been a great time!!
It wasn't.
His granddaughter (4) had a brain tumor. They cut out half of her brain a year ago. She has done well so far at recovering. He buried his wife in 2000, she died of a rare lung disease after two transplants. His youngest daughter got West nile, then developed Craons. He's been through a lot!
Well the 4YO was having surgery, the cap they had put on her skull wasn't growing in right so they made a new one and were replacing it. No real biggie?
When they tried to revive her her heart stopped!! Not sure how long she was gone, but they got her going again. Nobody really knew what caused it, or how much damage was done, and no one still does.
He was pretty rattled. So I stayed out too long, drank too much, and called to check on him too late.
What do you do?
Smart or Stupid???, Franz, you went around the trunk if possible,also knowing the brittle nature of these particular limbs/species. You had a minor mishap...because you were SMART,it was nothing more than that!
Also at that point , being grateful still alive in my saddle , and all ,I might not give two shits , or even one ,what that customer might be thinking at that particulair moment!
Bum Deal Frans, I'm glad you were around three limbs at least.
Frans, seems if all limbs gave out hypothetically,
would a climbline just shred bark and still slow a person down?
Glad you didn't have to try that. :)

Hey Darin, I know right were that's at.
I would clean camp fires rings as a slug.
We were out of Mohawk right at 70 and 89.

I bet it was hot.

So How'd it go today?
I ran the loader fetching and loading logs and slash.
Super tight quarters on a decent sidehill. My stomach dropped a few times today.
But it was mellow. Amazing how cold that air conditioning can get in there.
Bum Deal Frans, I'm glad you were around three limbs at least.
Frans, seems if all limbs gave out hypothetically,
would a climbline just shred bark and still slow a person down?
Glad you didn't have to try that. :)

Eh, if it went on that long I woulda had time to think and turned my spikes inwards. It was no big deal other than hurt pride.

My stomach dropped a few times today.
But it was mellow. Amazing how cold that air conditioning can get in there.
I can just see you buzzing along in the skidder, mellow as mellow can be.:)
Yesterday my tractor started leaking transmission fluid from a hose and I went to 6 hydraulic hose places today before I found one that had the right fitting. We finished our euc removal job and also our condominium pruning job. Tomorrow I have traffic court for a ticket I got in my bucket truck. In a safety inspection I got cited for the parking brake not holding. I didn't get it signed off in time so now I have to "appear". A guy who was the quarterback for one of the teams I played against in high school is the bailiff so it's always a little embarrassing to have to see him. My cousin wrecked his pickup last week. He has a 7 1/2 ton crane on a 1980 chevy c70 and he had a small caterpillar on the bed of his crane truck. He didn't have the outriggers down and he was going to pickup the tractor and set it down alongside the crane. The caterpillar was centered on the truck and he wasn't planning on picking it up, butt the crane sometimes keeps going for a little after you let go of the lever. He was going to snug up the chains on the caterpillar, but it raised it up about an inch. He said the cat slowly started to swing towards his pickup and started leaning the truck as this happened. My cousin tried to let the cat down but it was too slow and too late. The crane tipped over to the right and the cat just kind of set down on the ground and the crane kept going over and smashed into the cab of his pickup. It's a 2000 ford f 350 with the TA 7.3 liter diesel motor. Insurance co. may not cover it because he wasn't driving it. My cousin didn't get a scratch on him and ended up in a 8" space between the deck of the truck and the little caterpillar 30.
Fridays job just may have been cancelled. Lady sent me an email asking if I can come over the labor day weekend to do the work because that was most convenient for her.
Yea, right. I'm gonna tell her sure, for 25% more money, plus pay in cash
haa like the lady that called yesterday to schedule end of sept. "ill be home around 10:30" "we will be there about 8:30 maam" "(indignant) no i said 10:30" "maam, if we start at 10:30 we will be there till evening, is there a day your home by 8:30?" " im never home at 8:30, i go to the ymca on this day and the ..... etc." :roll: :roll:
Day off today a good friend died on his motorcycle this past weekend, funeral today.:(

Highly experienced responsible rider. A car turned left in front of him and he laid his bike down instead of taking the head on, missed the car but never made it.

RIP Scott
I had a customer (potential) email me about a bid I gave about 16 months ago removing 15-18 little trees/huge bushes and pruning an oak, and she added removing 2 Crepe Mrytles.

I told her I'd come look at it again and give her a new bid. 16 months ago I bid it for 2 days, now I can do it in 1, make more profit, and keep it at the same price.

She's been trying for that long to refinance her house, scheduled to do it after the 15th.
