How'd it go today?

Blinky, deposit that check in the bank ATM after hours. If it's like my bank, those deposits get processed first thing in the morning and (at least in my experience) nothing ever gets checked or verified. I've deposited checks not made out to me, checks with no signature (once, years ago) and checks from out of town that all get cleared with no holds or questions.

Or... if'n you're a member of a financial institution that takes full advantage of various deposit automation technologies such as envelope-free check depositing, you can deposit it any time of the day, and depending on the Financial institution, can be credited immediately on weekdays up until 8 PM...

not that I'd know or anything. :/:
I prefer doing that also, so I don't have to go to the bank during work hours. I didn't know about the other advantages Brian. Thanks!
stitches Chip?......monday/friday for sure:X

Nah, it's just a nip, plus the skin is just shredded, nothing to to stitch TO. I just cut a lot of the loose bits off and covered it with neosporin and a no-stick pad. It could've been really nasty... it don't pay to let down your guard when you get frustrated, that's fer sure.

That sounds like a good idea with the check Brian, but I already arranged with the customer to pickup another check in the AM.
One more note on the ATM deposit thing. In order for the teller to reject the check, she has to stop what she is doing, look up your address and fill out an envelope to mail the check back to you. Plus she is only allotted a certain amount of time to process all the deposits from the ATM from the previous 24 hours, so she is under time constraints. It's a much bigger hassle for the teller to reject the check if you're not standing there in front of her.
One thing that gripes my soul. I have an emergency call this morning, leaves a message on home phone and does not on cell. Calls home phone back not 10 minutes later and says he got someone from out of town to answer and he is going to get them to take care of it.

Return home check messages return calls. He informs me that they are going to take care of it on monday. I respond with well I'll be happy to take of it for you now. Nope thats ok I got them to answer their phone and they already commited to doing it.

Guy lives 4 minutes from me in traFFIC. The other company is coming about 30 miles away. Hate to see the emergency bill.
Don't let that crap get to you. Just be happy in knowing that the other guy deserves such inconsiderate customers. And keep in mind that you do NOT want every single person out there as a customer. Focus on the best 10% and forget about the rest of them.
Got-danged scooter trash... taking over the world I tells ya. :P

I had an alarm system installation started on the truck. I need to go back Monday once they get the mag contacts for the work topper, so they can install and calibrate them.
Work went good today and yesterday... did a 100 foot clearance in two days. Home owner is pleased as can be.... Still have some climbing and branching to do. Also Chipping once the chipper is back from the shop. PAY DAY whoo hooo... love when they write that check with a smile and thanks.
I laid around all morning and then went and did a couple of bids. Took my Dad along and he bought me dinner! I had plans to weld a vise on my chipper fender but it was too hot once I got done being lazy.
Day off today and yesterday... Well if you count Sunday consults as a day off... LOL
Today I watched the boys and got to sleep in till 730... LOL
Been doing laundry dishes and helpin Katy around the house.. Being prenant tires her out...
Making some spag sauce for tonights dinner and for vacation...
Then I will make a lasagna tonight with it with some zuccini from the garden for vacation and freeze the left over sace for the same. We leave Saturday this week after work for a week on Bass Lake. Rent a house with guest cabin and have the whole family up on and off. Cousin Russell usually brings a keg too. We will have the boat and maybe mom and dad will bring the wave runner......
I am really countin the days down now as are the kids and its been all about "Daddy? When do we go on vacation?". Grandma and Grandpa found a cool bicycle at a yard sale for the 5 year old. He was thrilled and now the two year old has a small one with training wheels...
Last two days have been great......:)
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Didn't do a damn thing today, just didn't feel like it. Took out the moped for a nice cruise, and watched a movie with Ashly. We almost lost the new puppy today, we thought he jumped into a pipe that catches water from the roof. It was a nerve racking 10 minutes for sure. He ended up being on the front porch, waiting by the door. I'm headed to the welders in a few to bring him the skins for my chipbox.
went to do a bid on a huge install job today, spent ten minutes with the rep from the strata corp, they are doing a 2 year building envelope refit. I noticed no one on site was wearing a hard hat and the rep was wearing 'hot girl pointy shoes'. I looked at the 50 odd page scope of work (the whole project 2 year project not just the landscape part) and said maybe we could walk the site, I said (wearing my steel toed boots) ' let me go grab my hard hat' to which she replied 'oh, its ok, the site super is pretty laid easy going about that kind of thing'..... So I said ' pardon? the site super is easygoing so no one wears safety gear?". anyways about 2 minutes later I said ' I dont feel comfortable in continuing this conversation as I dont work along the parameters that this site seems to be under, thanks for the opportunity but I am not interested in bidding on your project.' and I walked away after a handshake.
then I came home to babysit for a couple hours while the wife ran errands, she came back, fed little Bub and we went to costco for a road trip.

Just did the second part of that CD I got from ISA last week, introduction to arboriculture, tree worker safety. I didnt look at the info screens and went straight to the quiz, 19 out of 20, 2 CEU's thanks ever so much. :)

Now on to the third and final section of the CD, wife is prepping some pork tenderloin for the grill and maybe we watch a movie tonight.

ok, just did the rigging part without watching the instructions, got 14 of 15 questions right, 2 more CEUs please and thanks! :D
Well actually yesterday I finished a little painting job for my mother .

Finished the oil tank /axle for my splitter which is going to be a king kong version ,way too much overkill . 10 inch H beam ,5 inch cylinder ,double Parker pump and 11 HP electric start engine . If I would have had to buy that stuff I couldn't afford it ,freebies except the engine which was cheap .I'll post away when I get it done .
I'm swamped all of a sudden. 5 plus calls a day coming in right now and bagging some decent sized jobs. Ever since RBtree posted his lombardy job those things have been coming outta everywhere to haunt me with their multiple intertwined tops and brittle azz holding wood. Today I took down a couple really dead ones and Gary's 32" on the 660 was getting alot of use, modded saws rule!!!! Did 7 or 8 loads of wood in my little dump trailer today. Luckily the dump site was close.
Update on my emergency customer call from sat. Other service dropped the ball. No show. I slid him into the work load today at double my original estimate. And he got me two other jobs while I was there. Not bad I would say. CAsh at the end of the job. I spoke to soon About this guy.
My guys were late this morning, one had to go to the DMV and the other had an appointment with a nutritionist. I fixed a couple of hydraulic leaks on my tractor and went to the saw shop. Started a removal of a kind of big eucalyptus tree and 5 smaller eucs in Patterson, my hometown.
I've been on vacation. I just drove back from Winnemucca Nevada this morning. Haley and I went on my family's annual camping trip in the Plumas National Forest out in California. It was excellent.
Well the day went well till I stopped by ye old repair shop. Handle broke on my 360t.. oops.. went to drop it off and the FS250 I had dropped off a month ago was done.. Grrrrrrrr.... Carburetor has obviously gone up in price.. $102.00 from 65.00! I am right now shaking my fist at Stihl. I have one more FS250 with the same issue and once they fixed, I am selling them both and being ride of them PERIOD. Three weed eaters have cost me more than their selling price in less than two years. Stihl has lost me. Echo gets my money next year for another 1000.00 in weed eaters/brushers. Bought 1000.00 worth of Echo weed eater/brushers this year and no problems. Last year all three stihls spent their warranty period being fixed.
But.... The brushing limbing job today went well.....
Ommmm Ommmm Ommmm..........
Sorry you had such bad luck with the FS250s. I've always thought they were very durable. I ran them for a couple seasons of trail clearing and we would run them almost non stop for a 10 hour workday and had hardly any problems. I guess you gotta find what works for you.