How'd it go today?

I was going for cheaper. and space saving, I need most of my extra cab for tools and such. Those speaks you linked to looked good though, I might hafta go see the local stereo shop and inquire :)
Today,got three vehicles ready for the labor day garage sale thing . Mrs Smiths '90 Caddy ,Mom's 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Motor Home .

Also did more work on the super splitter .The damned cylinder on that thing must weigh 200 pounds .The freakin beam must weigh 300 .:O
haha good to hear, I thought your skin was more leathery than that!

I will go see what those units are worth up in these parts, along witha set of new speaks all round. I dont like to have shitty tunes, if you are going to go, go big eh?
Bad idea. Stick with a powered subwoofer for simplicity, but at the same time buy a GOOD ONE.
Hey, knock yourself out if that's what you're of a mind to do - I did it. Nowadays, I'm of a KISS mindset when it comes to car audio.

And fishtanks.
sheesh, I said I would go look into them and look into new speaks all round, how am I disagreeing with with your advice Boss? :P
Heck, I'd be happy with the stock radio if I could get it to work without having to bang on the dash. Bad connections inside the unit and the right speakers only work half the time. :(
mine just sucks turned up above 50%, I dont think thats good enough, I was dumb and didnt pull the system I put in my old truck out before I sold it. It wasnt anything super special but it did kick the heck out of the stocker.
mine just sucks turned up above 50%, I dont think thats good enough, I was dumb and didnt pull the system I put in my old truck out before I sold it. It wasnt anything super special but it did kick the heck out of the stocker.

I know the feeling Paul. I get into a groove, and crank up the Boney James or Metallica above 20 on my stock stereo, and the speakers start crackling.
The stock stereo in my F150 is quite decent. I can crank it up and open the windows and rock everybody within 300'. The Delco radios haven't earned quite as good of a reputation.
It's only "quite decent" because you aren't an audiophile. Replace those $10 speakers and you will shat your skivvies.
I'm an audiophile, I have to agree with Brian, the stock system in my F-150 blows away any stock system I have heard in a LONG time, and puts to shame what most of the kids around here call a system.
Yeah, it's really that good Butch!
Last I knew they collaborated with JBL. But there is no badging on it anywhere.
My wifes Toyota minivan however, says "JBL" all over it! It sounds nice, and the sub woofer is a good blend, but not as loud or as clear as the one in my F-150.