How'd it go today?

i just got released from the hospital after having a mild heart attack on monday. the doctor didnt know what caused it maybe work related stress
Nothing spectacular . Did a little lathe work on the super splitter and boxed up my geothermal .

Those stupid SOB's that made the thing shipped me a computer controlled unit instead of relay control ,of which I paid for .Old school here .I can make relays work forever .If a solid state unit goes funky ,you are up a creek without a paddle .Oh,perhaps too techy but I know what I'm babbling about .;)
How's the weather down there? Perfect working temps here this week. Last three days I've been on private lakeshore with no one around at all besides us. Some awesome fall days, except for the crappy dead pines, poison ivy, and bees it's been great.8)
mild, partly cloudy, PERFECT for taking time off. I currently have 18 voicemails I havent listened to, from the last 10 days :) I will pick them up maybe tomorrow and see if I can sched some work for next week, I sure dont feel like it though, way too easy to just put my feet up.

watching a new tv show at the moment, Les Stroud (Survivorman) is now on a show called 'off the grid' kinda cool.

That and I just washed the dishes in the sink, emptied the dishwasher, chopped the veggies for my shish kebabs, put the taters in foil, and pulled the behemoth BBQ out to the cooking area of our little patio.
Yah well I'm taking the winter off this year.:P

Except for plowing that is.:D


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sweet, the more it snows the more plowing you do, the more it snows the more time I take off in the winter. :D

So glad to be able to hang out and spend time with Bub & the wife, self employed with no dependant employees has its advantages at times, except when there is tons of hard work to do. lol.
yeah guys im ok chest is a little soar but ive already sched work for tommorrow and found a replacement climber until i can start climbing again
Get better eh Monkey?

Only notable bit today was I put 500 cats, 100 red ear bream, and 8 carp in our (refilling) lake.
yeah guys im ok chest is a little soar but ive already sched work for tommorrow and found a replacement climber until i can start climbing again

take care Monkeywithasaw. let me know if i can help. time to start watching what you eat.
Hope you're doing better, Monkeywithasaw!! Sure sounds like a wake up call....have they told you WHY you'd have a heart attack so young??

I've had a CRAZY 24 hours.........sent my son out to burn papers, I'm not sure when he came in, but I went outside and there were flames all over where there shouldn't be flames. I guess an ember went over into the hay pile (we were moving the barrel this weekend) and started it up. 10% (30 round bales) of our winter hay gone, but we'll manage and we got it contained pretty quick.

Mike stayed up til 4AM, when we switched out.

Here's what's left a few hours ago:


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Oh no! I'm so sorry, Che. Glad you were able to get it contained and put out before it got out of control. Fire is scary stuff!
I suppose firefighter is just another one of the job titles that comes with being a farmer. Glad to hear it wasn't worse.

Today was day one of Project Clean Up My Garage. Tomorrow I have some bids to do early, then back to the garage. We purchased Ann Of Green Gables on books on tape for our last trip but the vocabulary was too advanced for Haley. I am listening to it as I clean the garage. I loved the Canadian TV movie they made of it back in the '80s and am really enjoying listening to it as I clean and sort my mess. There is plenty of scope for the imagination in my garage.
Glad it didn't get all your hay Che.
Repaired the exhaust on the box truck today, hauled a couple of brush piles to the brush dump for the city. Then a couple bids. Nothing exciting today....8)