How'd it go today?

I got to play hovering homeowner today with the HVAC repair man. He was talking about his years of experience, I didn't doubt, but he decided to get started without many of his basic tools, so I was running back and forth to the thermostat. He finally gets his tools that allow manual control. I tell him what I think is the problem, he agrees, but checks all the things I don't know how to. It ended up being one of those things where I knew more about some particulars than him even though he should know this stuff. Youtube to the rescue, and I'll probably be fixing it myself, since videos showed me he obviously doesn't know how some of the system works.
work slow, put in an application at another tree company today, also asked around and I can probably get a seat at a local crane company by the end of the week if I want, but its an hour away
Sometimes the universe provides.
Empahsis 'sometimes' ;)

work mad slow for me, a friend who watches a house for some rich lady calls me re a big spruce that blew down there , I priced it at 1500 + 400 wood removal 1900 total, figured I could do it solo no problem if necessary , Bartlett prices it at 1800 plus wood removal which has to be 400-500= 2200-2300 total, she gives the job to Bartlett. Some rich folks aren't happy unless they're getting ripped off. FML.

I see a bunch of trees ribboned for removal at a pending construction site, I send an estimate to the site excavation contractor who is a friendly aquantaince, he forwards it to the owner, its a low price for an easy one day job, I drive by a couple weeks later and see a no name outfit hacking away at it with junk equipment for 2 days, I text my contact saying I'm surprised I got underbid, he says the owner said it was great price but he gave it to a friend of his son's.

Can't win for losing. I missed this past week of cold clear weather where all lawns are frozen into pavement, bucket truck blew a hose in last week's cold, I was fifth in line for the mechanic, 4 of those 5 in with blown hoses in the cold weather.

Not working while ground is frozen is a hard pill to swallow. :dude:
I'm retiring btw, started in '77 logging, started my tree biz in '88. I'm 67 y o so I guess enough is enough for this dawg. I'll post here my equipment for sale.

Any input welcome re retiring and selling effectively. I don't spray. Cheers.