How'd it go today?

Do you use all those tools? I use a file to take the rivet down, a punch to remove it, and a hammer to peen it. and the anvil of course.
Not any more

Just the small flat nose punch to punch it out, no more filing drilling or grinding. Then the concave punch to start the shape (probably skip) and the flat nose pin punch to flatten. Still mediocre results.
I hate this snowy slush crap, started to melt and froze again overnight so its a mix of ice and mud, poor truck has no chance on this stuff

also, got a big load on it today lol, neighbor needed to borrow my splitter and this was the only truck I had freed up, my first time driving on any form of snow or ice and so far I can say with 100% certainty, it's fun to do donuts but trying to actually work in it sucks!


finally got the throttle cable on the truck lubricated, didn't realize how bad it was till it's working correctly(ish), before lubricating it'd push me back into the seat just as bad as the clutch
only real thing I need to do now is replace the radio, other than that she's cherry
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Just departing Seattle on the Starlight Amtrak train for LA. Stopover in Eugene, OR to see friends tonight and then another stopover in Monterey before getting off in Burbank. Will drop off our oldest daughter in Claremont where she is finishing up her last semester at Pomona and then fly home.
Nice to get out of the rainforest for a bit.
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@Mick! all by climbing I gather? All DRT?

Had it ever been previously reduced?
Funnily enough yes, someone had done some selective removal of some leaders, I hadn’t realised till I got up there and saw the cuts.
Bit of a mystery really as I have worked on the property for the last decade at least, never been up this tree though.
Sometimes I will come and do to a tree that previous firms have eschewed as poor practice or done in a half arsed way not meeting the clients requirements, that may well have been the case here.
All DRT, all climbing.
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Just departing Seattle on the Starlight Amtrak train for LA. Stopover in Eugene, OR to see friends tonight and then another stopover in Monterey before getting off in Burbank. Will drop off our oldest daughter in Claremont where she is finishing up her last semester at Pomona and then fly home.
Nice to get out of the rainforest for a bit.
Wish you were coming by this way. Be nice to do lunch or coffee or something
Patrick is the Man!

At the annual CT tree meeting, hundreds of people there, sat down to lunch knowing only one of the 7 people at the table, somehow it slowly dawned on me that the Patrick seated there was none other than The Patrick, TH luminary, and who knew, he has a french accent which I gotta believe helps win over a few of the CT ladies who are are seeking quality treework :dude: ;).

He doesn't look too much like his avatar imo but it sure was great to meet a Houser from CT! I'd like to go help him on a job when I get some time, learn a few things from a successful former mechanical engineer turned self taught SRT wizard.:dude::dude:

Was great to see Brendan V there too, he's doing gangbusters as usual