How'd it go today?

If it's really big, like 48" or more, I'd quarter it with a chainsaw then flip flop the quarters on the mill. Smaller logs you can quarter on the mill. I'm not sure there is another way to optimize quarter sawn, without actually quartering the log first.
buddy of mine found out how not to drive today, I won't post pictures of his truck for privacy reasons but he did good to come out alive, banged his head off the drivers window pretty good, says he's OK but I don't trust anyone to self diagnose after hitting their head

I have my first bid to go do in the last month or so, I've been getting calls from some friends asking if we are as slow as they are, guess the election year really did a number on tree work, everyone's been super slow in my area

still regret not going out and renting a skidsteer to do some snow plowing, I know multiple people that haven't stopped running 3 man crews doing parkinglots for 3 days straight, charging almost $500/hr, probably going to save up a little specifically for a plow setup this year and do snow next winter since I have better stuff to spend my money on and we haven't gotten nearly as much snow as normal, my truck is pretty much every snow guy's dream truck, short wheelbase, tighter turning than almost any pickup, incredible carrying capacity for salt, manual transmission (upon asking around, lot of snow pushers prefer a manual, but im sure my left leg won't like it after a few long days with no breaks)
Stupid slow here too, unless you planned ahead and lined up golf course pruning etc
this whole year has been crazy slow, in 1-2 months in 22 and 23 I did more work than all year in 24, also had more breakdowns because everything was being ran hard with no time for scheduled repairs, now I've had time to catch up and am excited to have fully operational equipment, I can't use it, 2 more months and we should be back to normal

Heres to fresh leaves and tax returns bringing in that work!
underbid myself by about $400 just to get the job yesterday, and lost the job to someone else

anybody need a kidney? I have a spare one I might sell lol
Do you use all those tools? I use a file to take the rivet down, a punch to remove it, and a hammer to peen it. and the anvil of course.