How'd it go today?

Quarterly thinking is one of the things that makes everything shitty. In big business, it's to benefit shareholders and the C suite to the detriment of everything else. In small business, it can bite you in the ass. Nothing is forever. Shit gets slow, shit speeds up, rinse, repeat. Consider what it would cost to replace the equipment when things speed up. What you already have is most likely to be the best deal cause you know what you have. Buying something used can get you stuck with someone else's problem.

If you're desperate for money, you gotta do what you gotta do, but I wouldn't take the decision lightly. The chunk of money that comes in will be gone sooner than you'd like. Machines can work for a long time.
if I sell it, I won't make any money, just pay it off and move into the new loan on a much cheaper machine that will speed up the residential side and slow down the clearing and dirt work side of things

The chunk of money that comes in will be gone sooner than you'd like.
sold my bucket truck for $15K and I was LUCKY to get that out of it, funny enough thats exactly what I paid for it, that money was gone within a week taking care of other stuff that needed done (Tires, wiring, bills, etc)

I'm gonna try to hang on to what I have, but I'm at a point where I'm already looking for a 9-5 incase I pack up my company, so many illegals underbidding the little work that there has been this year, its impossible to compete when a $5000 job goes to someone that will do it for $1500 and completely wreck the place, nobody here wants good, they want cheap

I found out, most companies here aren't even licensed, including some big companies running 5+ crews, as terrible as it may sound, I cannot wait for something big to happen where half these "companies" get sent back where they came from, if I gotta pay to play by the rules, they should too, no?
I dropped this root ball (on the left) from 54’ up a few times to clean and break it down, and because I never grew up. Was partially successful. Was not successful at capturing it on video.

It’s all bigger than it looks iirc, that log in the back is 42” dia.
Let me know if you get low on firewood - I have a bit that is needing to be burnt before it’s all punk…
I appreciate it Pat, but I've still got tons of wood. Mind you, it's white pine, but it burns, and I need to get rid of it anyway. It doesn't keep well, and it's full of bark beetles. I didn't get to everything in as timely a manner as I should have, and the neighboring spruce has some weeps on it's stem. I also lost a couple lower branches on my small dawn redwood. I'm /hoping/ it isn't a beetle infestation, and if it is, this nice weather we're having does something about it, but in any case, it's better I make the pine disappear in my stove/chipper. I still have an ok amount of hardwood. Mixing the pine in with it has been working well.
Maybe just one of those days. Some days I just feel clumsy and "off", and don't really feel comfortable working at height. I do it cause I have to, but I'm not feeling great about it.
Nice score! I have a little myself, and I've been dribbling it in slowly. I save some big pieces for overnight. It never lasts til morning, but it'll get closer than just about anything else.
@lxskllr do you know if a pipe or something needs to get installed in someone's front yard, do they locate the property markering rods and replace them if they are in the way, or throw them away, or move them back (if a road is widened)?