How'd it go today?

I went ahead and ordered the saw. There's worse ways to waste money I guess. I'm invested in zero battery platforms, and find it hard to get excited about electric, but I have a use for the saw. Very debatable if it's $400 of use, but it'll get used. Now I need to get a charger somewhere. I can use the boss' charger for awhile, but I want my own. I'm hoping a cheap one turns up at the consignment shop.
I did! It came to $370 with tax. The free battery was a large reason I jumped in now. I didn't want to eventually decide I must have an electric saw, then have to pay full price for everything. It's a good deal, and I started really looking at Milwaukee when you got yours. I liked what I saw, and seeing the other stuff they're developing, they may end up becoming the "standard" electric, or at least one of the top standards in landscaping and treework.
Probably a way to cut costs. It's a reasonable approach. Most people that buy electric tools buy a bunch of them, and you only need so many chargers. It wastes everybody's time/money/resources to include them by default.
On the subject of chargers... When I was looking at what Milwaukee sold(expensive!), I noticed they had chargers could charge in a truck. Got me thinking a 12V socket on the chipper would be a way to charge battery tools at little additional cost. It spends a lot of time running anyway, and you could keep batteries topped up as the job progresses.
I'm happy that they are now offering tool deals without the charger. Between me and my mother, we have at least the 13 chargers mentioned. Some just M12, most combos, and a bunch are Rapid Chargers. I'm also pleased to see tools bundled with Forge batteries now. Today I gave my mother my gen1 1/2" impact, and tomorrow I'll get my 2967(gen3)+2-6.0 Forge+free 5.0. I wasn't planning on upgrading, but the deal was about $300 off regular price, and the 6.0 Forge will give 12.0 power, just with a little less run time. They will be nice in the top handle. My mother's SnapOn was an underpowered pos the day it hit the drawing board, and the batteries are dead, so that was also a motivator for the upgrade.
What kind of online map? Registered state deeds and plats are a matter of legal record. That's not to say they're infallible. Problems can occur that invalidates them, or they were deficient in the first place, though that's become less likely as time goes on. Like everything, practice and procedure (usually)gets better over time.

Something like google earth? It can show /evidence/ of property lines. See where people are mowing, show buildings, fencelines, creeks... but it's till only evidence, and not high quality evidence, but it can get you started finding good evidence.
Mow lines are often not that accurate either. There are several properties in my neighborhood we mow over the line. It would look odd if it wasn’t mowed and have natural boundaries so to speak that are more esthetic. But it’s not like it’s off by miles tho 100’ is common.
Pulled a muscle in my upper back yesterday morning. I was able to get it feeling decent by the time I went to bed only to wake up with it hurting worse. Not terrible but move the wrong way and it is almost debilitating.
We also went from over a month of no rain to having wet underwear two days in a row.
Other than that it’s been a good couple of days
When my back goes out, it feels best before I get out of bed. Wakeup and think "Wow, my back feels much better than last night!", then get of bed, and it lets me know otherwise, and it's a long downhill slide from there until bed again that night.

Rain today, so I was off. I doubt I'll be going back to work until something urgent comes up. Boss is still messed up, and will be for the foreseeable future, so I think fieldwork will be minimal. Warm and wet, and will stay that way til at least Tuesday. Everything feels gross and sticky. Can't wait til real fall gets here.