How'd it go today?

One told me yesterday that it was so nice and curtious that I was being proactive, however; I have to be in complete default to have them work with me. Kinda dumb IMO. They could still be getting a payment and making money with out destroying my credit rating and compiling penalties on me making it harder to pay off.
I get it since giving you a proactive break could end up them giving everyone else who doesn't deserve it a break, but still, they could work with you for a time. I don't know if setting the local news on them would help. It's a big thing around here, though it doesn't always bring results.
Basically, I am only asking for a couple of months, no penalties and hopefully little or no interest. Or, pay only the interest amount leaving the balance, and no penalties. A few have already done this agreement with me. Also notation that IF there is a delay in going back to work over the next year, due to prognosis or surgery, we reviisit the agreement in Nov or Dec and move on from there. The agreement also freezes the account, not closing it. I can't use it. Just pay on it.
The two refusals, thus far, is my local bank. But.... they may change their tune in 15 days. So I really don't want to get in a pissing match with a small local bank. Personally, I think if I go in and chat with them, I may get a tad further than I did over the phone. We had a pleasant conversation, just no resolve since they are not a large bank experiencing more default like the bigger guys are in this economy. Some of the smaller banks just have not really set up hardship type plans. They offer more of an insurance policy you can take out on your self. However, I had to cancel those policies as there were just biting too hard into my bottom line.
We were already just barely getting by. Work barely trickling in.. 30 percent loss of work easy. Approaching 50 percent.
Now almost 0.
I still make a passive income, but that aint going to cover the bills.
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I had trees in my yard ~4" DBH that were infested. I think there's barely a minimum size.
We’ll see how all the saplings do behind the house. None are above 2” but there’s a lot. There’s an 8” dbh which seems ok so far. I just trimmed it off both my and my neighbors shed. It’s not an ideal structure in an ideal place but I’ll keep it as long as possible
Fixed a spray bottle nozzle today. Normally that's something I'd toss after having found it already defective, but this one is relatively new and quit working while I was using it, and I didn't have a spare or want to wait to buy another. I had to find out what was wrong. I used a box cutter blade to wedge a gap above the bottle cap ring to get a couple flat screwdrivers in there to pry the bottom out. Turns out a particle jammed the lower valve from closing, and it wouldn't wash out (probably best it didn't or it would jam elsewhere).

Spray bottles are serviceable, who knew? It took the bench vise to fully seat the lower valve plug in the pump assembly.
I feel like there is a reference here that I should know?
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how
abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at
it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know
not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your
gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment,
that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one
now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?
Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let
her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must
come; make her laugh at that.


I climbed in sticky rubber, lightweight approach boots all day.

Made it more challenging.

I planned to wear approach shoes on the first pitch, and at the belay ledge, I realized I'd left my climbing shoes in the pack.

Last rappel was by headlamp off a 5.6.

Miriam is quickly building skills and experience. 20240907_195035.jpg 20240907_195049.jpg
Made brownies for my 96 year old neighbor’s birthday about ten days ago. Then made a whole lot more for their 70th wedding anniversary Saturday.
Made the little ‘plunger’ to get them out of the deep cookie cutter without having them crumble.
Started milling up about 60 rough-cut pieces of walnut (and a few pieces of cherry) for two built-ins. I’ll finish running an edge over the jointer then take them to a friend’s shop as he has a 16” jointer and a lot of them are 9 to 12” wide and I only have an 8” jointer


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