How'd it go today?

I took the day off to recover from yesterday's poor timber lifting choices. I got a few things done that had to get done during the week. I trout it was also a good time to tackle my garage door. Balancing the cable drums was finicky, as was figuring out how much extra winding was necessary to keep the cables on the drum when it was all the way up. It'll be nice to have the door working again.
Pro tip: throw everything in your garage away. Even if you want it. It will just be in your way when you need to work on your doors. :/:
Those damn door springs are down right scary to install/ adjust.
I know someone who got both wrists cut up badly trying to work on a garage door torsion spring. No permanent damage, but could have been really bad. I don't think he was using proper spring tools, and it went from zero to buzz saw in a split second.
I didn't watch it either, but i figure bearings are likely in the might as well category if you're going that deep. Kinda like how it's often easier to simply torch off suspension components you're planning on replacing and then fix it all on the bench.
Sorry to say Lilly did not place well with her rabbits. They still made market. Hopefully her buyers letters will help sell them. She's really kind of bummed.
Her friends performed about the same. They all consoled each other. Tons of competition this year. Record amounts of entries all animals.
I'm tired and headed home.
Bummer. Someone's gotta lose. Guess it was Lilly's turn this year. Hope she doesn't take it too personally. That'll make the past victories taste better. It's confirmation she didn't just get a "participation trophy" in past years :^)
I went to a wood supplier in Annapolis, MD and bought some Swiss Pear, Castellón Boxwood, and a few other interesting pieces.

On the way back I came upon an accident that just happened. Single car, failure to manage a curve, left the road, broke a stout electric pole, nearly bisecting the vehicle across the rear passenger seat.
Fellow was in surprisingly good shape, but amped up and argumentative - possible substance on board, or just a unique reaction to the trauma; neuro check was unremarkable so low likelihood of serious head injury.
He’s kneeling behind the redhead ( she was in the next car back - she just completed her EMT training). Fellow in front of him was a paramedic on his way to work who happened on the scene. I handed off care to him and went on my way as ambulance and fire/rescue arrived. Turned and took this photo before driving off.