How'd it go today?

That’s some real hairy chested manly tree man shit right there. Git’er dun!!
I’m glad you weren’t hurt worse. Just take it easy for a bit. And maybe take some time and refresh your knot tying LOL. Rest and heal up.
Invoiced today and got paid. Rob went back and did the final clean up and wood removal.
My other buddy is picking up the chipper and holding it at his place.
Rob wont haul it. Scares him.
But I'll try to make some work for them. Then my buddy Frank can pull the chipper. Rob the dingo.
I guarantee I *did not* do this :^D Live and learn. I said I didn't want my first full teardown to be a tophandle, but maybe it will be. Doesn't do any good sitting in a box, and if I screw it up, I'll still have the parts. Won't be any time soon though. I'm nowhere near motivated enough for saw surgery.
@huskihl how hard is it to get into a 2511?

Pretty sure it’s easy.
Stephen take the time to heal. Isn’t the C2 the Christopher Reeves vertebra ? Lucky to be able to do anything.
Yes, almost a “Hangman's fracture” - Stephen - you are a lucky man as you were very close to being paralyzed or worse!
Behave, and wear that brace properly; as unstable as that bilateral fracture is you are still at risk.

Let us know if we can help ala ‘house style’

A hangman's fracture is a bilateral fracture traversing the pars interarticularis of cervical vertebrae 2 (C2) with an associated traumatic subluxation of C2 on cervical vertebrae 3 (C3). It is the second most common fracture of the C2 vertebrae following a fracture of the odontoid process.
Has anyone here ever ordered anything from Ireland and had it shipped to the US? I have something on the way, she the seller says all import costs are on me. I've never ordered anything from out of the US before. Thanks.
I order stuff from the UK and Sweden semi regularly, but it's always from companies, not private sellers. I don't usually have to pay anything extra. It's been awhile, but a couple times I got a bill from UPS for duty fees. Thost went in the circular file. Aside from the fact duty fees were supposed to be handled, the tens of $ shipping I already paid should've been adequate.
The sale has already been made. $209.95, so I don't imagine it's going to be too horrible. They say three days to the US, that's the important part. Give or take a week. :/:
Went on a death march on that property again. Packed a saw, but never had to use it. I was up by the area that was logged, and looked at a couple stumps. Cut straight through. Harvester? How big can they usually cut? The two stumps I looked at were about 24", but I'm pretty sure I saw beefier logs on the trucks when they were rolling by. All hardwood.
I've seen harvesters handle over 30-inch dbh trees with a standard approach. Sometimes it is taken in two bites, one from each side at different angles to take even larger with many things, the better the operator, the more can be gotten out of the machine.

The bigger the tree (taller out here especially) the less control can be exerted on the falling tree after severing.
I'm not familiar with harvester jobs. Most of the stuff I see is handfalling. The stumps were exceptionally smooth. No hinge, no signs of boring or matching cuts up. No face pies on the ground that I saw.
Maybe some tell tale splinters at the edge of one side of the stump where the teeth exited and no splinters on the other side where teeth entered. And semi circular marks on stump showing the path the teeth took as they whirled on the cutting disc
If I get to that part of the job again, I'll take a closer look, and maybe take some pics. Not sure If I'll be on that section again or not.
Many harvesters in use here actually have a chainsaw bar and chain in the cutting head, so the circular tooth marks are not present with that type. And the harvesters I've seen here, they don't touch the stump at all, just the trunk above the cut.
That's what I'm familiar with; at least in concept. I actually thought that's what a harvester was. Basically a big mechanized chainsaw. That's just from me seeing stuff on the web. I've never seen one work.