How'd it go today?

Started off in a bad mood. Axe got stuck in the back of truck, and yanking it out pulled a bucket with it. Ended up putting a couple dents in the truck bedrails with the axe, and it seems the back window got broken, but I'm not sure how that happened. Guess I'll have to make another wood window...

Staked pile on the trail...

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Saw a turtile...

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Boss picked it up by the tail and put it on the other side of the pipe. Lots of dragonflys around which was cool, but it was a meh day.
Where’s that trail? What’s it gonna be?
MA&PA trail. It continues where it left off at North Ave, goes behind the detention center, parallels the bypass, crosses over, then up Water Tower Way, and down Bynum Rd.
I think being inexperienced in climbing aids in safety, assuming you know enough to build a proper setup. With lack of experience, you're on edge, inspecting everything and double checking. Like almost everything, it can become so routine you go on autopilot, and when you have several things going at once, your autopilot can fail you.
Best wishes on recovery Stephen. My neighbor got bucked off her horse early this summer and fractured two vertebrae in her back. 8 weeks later she’s back on that damn horse again.
I think I get what you meant by not getting your knot tied. Didn’t something like that happen to Paul Cox a while ago?
That really sucks, Stephen. Heal up fast and well.

Can you splain a tad more about how it happened, I couldn't exactly tell from you description.
Basically like Paul. Tied into the ball. Just placed slings and was getting ready to descend to the cut. Pretty much from the roof. We decided to go lower for the cut. No stopper knot. Anchor hitch got rubbed loose I gather from my wiggling around the lead. Got distracted and did not weight my system before descending. I missed the roof and landed on my back andd butt on the ground. I am betting the weight of helmut gave me like a like a whiplash. Creating the fractures. But, i did not crack my skull on pipes and river rock I landed on.
Damn. Thanks for the explanation.

I always thought an anchor hitch was bullet proof even with no stopper. Was the tail short?
As far as the rope issue. I bought a hank of Prism one time. Yale. Thinking it would be very much like poison HiV or blue moon. Good hand. Supple. Good knotting ability and runs through the ascenders nicely.
Well, it's a bit stiffer. So the knotting ability is not as nice and I constantly have to futz with it.
It was slated to turn into positioning lanyards as it is better suited for that.
Kept putting it off. Doh!
Not the ropes fault mind you. My loss of concentration is.
But, follow through on just changing the hank of rope I was using probably could have mitigated my cranial fart.