How'd it go today?

Well another day at home for me with snow falling at the moment but it shouldn't amount to much. Gonna have to try to make it up tomorrow. think I might have to go out and get some warmer clothes though for next week. Gonna be a good week to call out with the flu, only problem is though I'm not sick.
This probably would not be a big deal to most folks, but to me, it was huge.

We just got back from a retirement celebration/dinner for our Emergency Management Director, Billy Wagner. I had dinner (well, in the same room...big room!) with Max Mayfield and Dr. Steve Lyons. These are our gods, so to speak, during Hurricane season. Max gave a nice tribute to Billy as did others for his contribution to safety. After dinner and all the hoop a la, we went over and we thanked both Max and Dr. Lyons for all they do for us in terms of predicting our Hurricane season. A real fun night to honor a man that has given 25 years to our county to save lives in the event of an emergency.
Some that were to attend were not able because of the tornado's in Central Florida last night.

Fun night!
RALMFAO, Butch !!! YOU behave there, Big Guy !!! LOL
Gigi, Florida life, especially the keys, is a flavor all its own. I really admire that. Gawd luv you & John for working so hard to realise your dreams. It's truly a thing worth having.
I was awakened this morning with an emergency cat rescue call. The cat had been in the tree for four days. Our nighttime temps have been in the high 20s. The cat was in a bug ridden, dead topped, black locust. The people who called me were neither the cats owner nor the owners of the tree the cat was in. They were just good samaritans. There was no chance for a throwball shot. Out came the spikes. Fortunately for me the cat climbed down out of the dead top and I where I got it was as high as I wanted to climb in that snag of a tree. I bagged the cat in my sherrill's rope bag, clipped it to my ladder hook and rappelled out of the tree.

On the ground the folks that called me noticed that their was a raccoon sleeping in the tree next to the one I was. The raccoon looked disturbed, either because we were keeping him awake or because I took away his meal. I tried to take a picture but my camera doesn't like the cold. The folks who called me told me they had a hundred cash for me and if I wanted more they would have to write a check. I told them that I was alright but they insisted on paying me the $100. I don't mind charging for cat removal but it wasn't their cat or their tree. They said that they had called everyone and no one would get a cat out of a tree. Maybe I can corner that market here. I am gonna be rich, rich, rich I tell you!
Cats only appear stupid,they really are not.With a little bit of training or conditioned reflexs the cat would know beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt the sound of a chainsaw gnawing away on the base of a tree.If said tabby was in said tree,no doubt ,having the proper training,the cat would indeed make a hastey retreat from his lofty view point.Then again,it might on a whim decide it can fly.Cats can be a little bull headed ya know.:|:
I told the folks about your "you never find cat skeletons in trees comment." I think the raccoon had some theories about why that is.
If you tell the local SPCA that you'll do cat retrieval Deva you will get some calls. How much will the cat retrieval market bear? Heck I am a softie for such things. I won't get rich doing it. A hundred bones for ten minutes of climbing, ten minutes from my house, works for me.
Oh now I'll just bet that old 'brer 'coon could make puss and boots step out in lively fashion .Aha,an idea,a trained raccoon.Send him up the tree,down comes the cat,easy as falliing off a log.Collect the 'coon,on to the next.

Then on the other hand,I suppose that training a 'coon would be about like training a cat,nearly impossible.
All the raccoons I've met close up have been foul tempered to the point of demonic possession. I wouldn't want to train one. Maybe I'll train a Sloth bear and charge by the hour.
Man, I'm going nutty staying at home! I'm ready to get back in the groove again, come home sweaty and tired...

Lordy! Stop the rain!!!

Thanks for the rain, Butch. :what:

I saw a small patch of blue sky about 1pm but it was quickly covered up by yet more rainclouds. Drizzling again (still) for who knows how long. Blech.
The cat resque market here is quiet bare as well. I have recieved calls from other tree services saying they wouldn't do it and the people could not find anyone to. The good deed could lead to more work. Always seemed like a good idea to try to make people happy so that way your name kinda stay in there head. Same thing would go for landscape lighting up high or banners.
Would you charge twice for this one?

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Thanks for the laugh. Gonna have to bribe it down with some cat nip.
going to sit down and watch Full Metal Jacket now, one of my all time favorite movies, especially the drill sergreant, Lee Irmey, he is my kinda soldier. if you havent seen it in a while, I highly recommend a goot beer and a comfy couch, its a gooder. see you guys a little later!
Dang dood! You Cannucks are way behind! I've seen that 2 or 3 times already, years ago.

I could go for another Apocalypse Now viewing, though...
The other day I found an insulated bucket liner for a two man bucket on the side of the interstate. I stopped and threw it in my truck and brought it home. I was going to try selling it but I found a phone number and serial number on a certification sticker. I called the manufacturer this morning and they looked up the owner using the serial number. This afternoon I got a phone call and tomorrow the owner is driving down to pick up his bucket liner.

Karma is a bitch. I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten jackslapped if I had tried to profit from someone else's misfortune. I'm glad I was able to find the rightful owner though, even if the greedy side of my brain still wants the easy $100+ I could have gotten out of it.
MB. I have seen it before, I own it on DVD, I watch it every year or so when I get a mood for it.
Ahh, I wish I could do that. Buying a DVD automatically makes it null and void for me. I should throw out all my old VHS collection, I NEVER watch those anymore, too old fashioned.
and yeah I agree, a good apocalypse now would be nice. blasting the surround as the helichopper goes overhead. I love the smell of napalm in the morning, smells like victory! :)
The other day I found an insulated bucket liner for a two man bucket on the side of the interstate. I stopped and threw it in my truck and brought it home. I was going to try selling it but I found a phone number and serial number on a certification sticker. I called the manufacturer this morning and they looked up the owner using the serial number. This afternoon I got a phone call and tomorrow the owner is driving down to pick up his bucket liner.

Karma is a bitch. I'm pretty sure that I would have gotten jackslapped if I had tried to profit from someone else's misfortune. I'm glad I was able to find the rightful owner though, even if the greedy side of my brain still wants the easy $100+ I could have gotten out of it.

Good on ye, SquirlyGuy ! You get a cookie... and I really mean that.
That was cool of ye !