crappy day. :angry6:
yesterday, i was taking out some osage orange limbs and the damn things came to life an bit me. I don't know if there's a thorn in there, their thorns cause irritations just by scratching. I cut/loaded half a truckload of it without a big problem, but as soon as I took off my gloves I could tell it was starting to swell.
now my knuckle hurts, is almost doubled, red, and hot.....did I mention it hurts?!
cold, cold rain all day....thought i'd just feed out hay as the grain would turn to mush before they even had a chance to get in....and to dump the troughs water would with this @#$#@% knuckle thing would really hurt.
so i tricked them, let them into another field so i could get into the hay without company....slip slided all over the field (luckily NOT the hillside)...right past a brand new calf (first of the year).....and came back to let the herd in. stupid animals.....they wouldn't go to the hay....they stayed right with me waiting for their grain. i had to walk up the hill, soaking wet from the waist down to my ankles, in the pouring rain to the top gate. I stopped here and there hoping they would just continue on....but they just stopped and waited with me. I had to walk down to the bales, get them started...and then SNEAK through a little island of trees to get back to the barn without them following me.
trudged over to check on the new calf. it was alive, that's good. mom was tossing her head around at me......but didn't advance. being the sap that i am....i walked to the barn, go a bucket of feed....and went back to the new mom.
i've had a mom charge me before doing this, so i was careful.....dumped it, she went straight for it....then called it quits and went home.
STILL raining.
it was rain, not FREEZING rain, i didn't fall, or get the tractor stuck, the calf was alive, the cows DID stay and didn't follow me through the woods, the fire was still going when I got home and it was toasty warm inside.....AND there's no red streak coming from this guess it's not been THAT bad a day.