I surprised my wife, the light house enthusiast, for her birthday with a 2 day stay here:
A working lighthouse.
The best thing was the Sauna, which they had set, so it was basically hanging it's ass over the cliff.
Back end was glass, so we had a great wiev of the ocean.
At night it was magical.
Sitting and sweating, while seeing the few lights from Rügen in Germany, the ships going by and the stars above.
Island Møn brands itself " Dark sky" because there is very little of what astronomers call " Dirty light", so the stars are really showing off..
Then seeing the light from the lighthouse go 5-10 miles out over the ocean 1....2....3....4.......loooong pause and repeat.
Such a special experience.
First day we had raclette and a bottle of ( Just to bring politics into this) Ukrainian sparkling wine, that a local wine store sold, with all earnings going to support Ukraine.
Funny thing was, my wife recognized the name of it, turned out the village where it was produced, was founded by Swiss emigrants in the 18 hundreds.
Really a small World, sometimes.
It was a great succes, and I gained uncountable wife points.
And, yes.
I did get laid in a light house