How'd it go today?

Thinking like a plumber….. where does all the poop go?! It most likely doesn’t have a potable water supply. Raw sewage in the bay still happens but it’s a big nono. They’re probably mandating holding tanks which will require pumping. Water will have to be imported as well.
Yea, I was wondering about that. I imagine they just pooped in the bay back in the day. I don't think that would fly now. I honestly don't see a problem with it on a very limited basis like the handful of offshore lighthouses that exist. It becomes a problem when everyone does it..
Thinking like a plumber….. where does all the poop go?! It most likely doesn’t have a potable water supply. Raw sewage in the bay still happens but it’s a big nono. They’re probably mandating holding tanks which will require pumping. Water will have to be imported as well.
Crap in a bag and fling it at passing boaters. Like a chimpanzee but more sophisticated.
Back to work, felled and flattened about 6-8 alders into the woods for swimming pool sunlight, half a mile from home. No more cleanup!

May go knock down 4 dead alders for repeat customers, 4 miles from home.

Put in a bid for a remodeling contractor, referred by the septic contractor I know. 5 miles at the very end of the Steamboat Island peninsula where I live, actually on the Steamboat Island. A neat little loop of houses.

Time to make some hay.
My friend will likely come over today about requiring my pole barn/ shop. Long overdue. More outlets, more external lighting. Maybe an RV outlet.
An old friend and wife may take up nomadic van life, spending some time here, seasonally, along with TX/ Mexico in winter. Get the F out of Chicago!
Climbed, stripped and flopped 3 50+ ft. White Pines today (good riddance to them); thankfully were not too sappy and was able to chip into custy's yard. Discovered I'd blown a seal on the rear of the chip truck, so had to limp it in to the shop, then finagle the Ford, Dingo and pickup over to my brother's condo complex to deal with some of the latest fun: a half destroyed in a storm Walnut wrapped up in twisted root shoots of it's own. Two of them, almost 6" at the base and half choking the tree as they went up. About 40' of the tree/shoots left on top of a hill leaning out over the hillside, so made for fun dropping and slashing to get down to the flat to use Dingo to load truck & trailer. Also pruned a huge cherry that was hanging over 2 different parking areas, much to the residents delight. A cleanup of a storm dropped Black Birch, a remnant of a hooked White Birch (both in public walking areas) and a stump grind from a previously removed Crab Apple wrapped up the day. Long and hot, but productive.
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