How'd it go today?

Did the kids thing today first thing, then got to work outside all day. Got a bunch of stuff cleaned up and moved around, even got the driveway cleaned enough so i can change the oil this week on the truck. We're going back on 40s Monday so I'm happy for a bit of a break, the 6 10s was slowly beating me up :lol:
Took kids to the new Dumbledore movie. Called mom and dad. Katy started coming down with a head cold so just me, The kids, and no parent visit. We'll do easter dinner another day. Eating burritos in verde sauce enchilada style tonight.
Quiet day. Had Levi drive over and back so he got some highway practice and curvey roads on the way. Two towns ans busy parking lots.
Made grass shorter for the first time today. Also trimmed up a couple stupid boxwoods. Both are the worst things ever. Grass goes without saying. Boxwood just sits there looking green and boring, and you always have to trim them. Maybe if I were artistic, and I could trim them flipping off the neighbors or something, but all I can do is an unkempt fro. Bad days are here...
Spent the last couple days on a big job for a buddy. He has a smaller Avant but this was mostly all too heavy for his little machine. He had two huge removals, needed a crane the the one in the back yard. Also the customer wanted his driveway removed so he could repour it after the tree was gone. I spent 2.5 days there moving logs, hauling stump grindings, removing the driveway and grading the huge mound in the front yard down to a reasonable height. We had 2 grapple truck loads (55 yards each), two chip truck loads, I personally hauled a load of logs and 4 loads of stump grindings/dirt. The client hauled the concrete, 4 loads in a 14' dump tailer ( 42K lbs of concrete).
Also, the tree in the back had a bee hive in it. 3 guys got stung.

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I got tired of too short of cord On my polepruner. It is how it cam when Ordered it. 10 foot of tail on 12 foot of stick.
I had some 3/8ths Stable Braid in a short hank that fit the bill and made a couple prussik loops for pulling with. Had to retire one. Just stuff to do with stuff lying about.
I'll order another head and put the shorter line on it for use aloft. I rarely stick that thing further out than 8 feet when in a tree. And less cord is better aloft. 20220420_112527.jpg 20220420_112540.jpg
It's going to be an interesting day.

The couple who were squatting at the home of my friend Jeb (who is still in rehab after the stroke) were told by the family to leave.
They 'left' by moving into the home of an older, somewhat forgetful woman. Jeb had done work for the woman's son Rob, and daughter-in-law, the young couple who own the house, but live in Hong Kong. They specifically bought the house so the mother would have a place to live.
I spoke to Rob in Hong Kong, who is quite concerned. It appears his mother's phone has 'gone missing', and they can't contact her, and the squatters all of a sudden had enough money to purchase a used mobile home.

As a licensed medical professional I am considered by the State to be a "Mandated Reporter". I'll be alerting Adult protective Services of the potential "exploitation of a vulnerable senior".
And, coordinating moving them out of there.
And, getting Jeb's truck back from them.
I got some good news today. The guy I worked for earlier this week with the tree removals and concrete is starting a big job on a golf course next week. They can only work Mondays so I am booked for the next 4-5 Mondays shuttling tree debris off the course to the closest staging area for the trucks.
That's some craziness going there Pat. I never thought of just moving into someone's house(While they're still there at that!). That opens up all kinds of opportunities to live around the country :^D

Had to go to work an hour early today, and worked .5hr late to partially make up for it. Nothing interesting. Just stuff that had to get done. Got to test the lanyard parking strap on my harness today. I was up on a pier cap, but wasn't clipped in. I was getting ready to get into the lift for a ride down. My lanyard hooked the coring machine, and knocked it over, and it yanked my lanyard through the parking strap. If it hadn't broken free, there was a decent chance it would have flipped me off the pier cap. That machine's pretty heavy!
Trimmed a bunch of palms today. I hate palms. My climber/groundie looked at the job a few weeks ago since it was near his house. He figured half a day, but I put a full day price on it because it's outside of our normal service area and because I hate palms. It took 6.5 hours, so it worked out ok, even though I hate palms.
So, the kid and I finished up a funky job for the assistant chief of my firehouse yesterday. His family home has a deep back yard with a Koi/Bass pond in the rear down a hill, and he needed to dredge it. That required pulling out the 4+ trees and limbs that had fallen in, so taught him the running bowline to tie around each offending limb/stem, and then he came back in his single man skiff, and I attached to Dingo and pulled away. Got those out, plus a lot of other fallen trees/limbs around the pond on day one earlier in the week. Day 2 (yesterday) dealt with about 8 dead stems on the path down to the pond, 5 of which we felled and took up to the chipper, the other 3 were so rotted/covered in vines, we just felled them into the woods. That left the fun part for last, 2 cherry trees, one about 50' and looking dead at the top, which had fallen into one about 90' tall that split about 35' up and where the smaller was nestled into. The bigger one was partially uprooted and leaning over the path into a 60' fir and a 80' white pine, with multiple leads holding it up. Spiked up the bigger cherry first to release the smaller tree, and was surprised to find it was completely dead and detached from it's stump as I cut to release. One of the leads went away from the fir/pine, so that was cut first. The remaining 2 were still 40+ ft above me, all entangled in the fir/pine, so I got a tag line up, threw a throwing knot about 12' up and was able to catch a stub and secure the rope there. My son tied off the other end to the Dingo about 50 ft' away, and I started an undercut on the stem to prepare for him to pull away as I finished it (and bail out down the rope god forbid it came back toward me). Well, maybe 3" in on the undercut, the loudest crack of wood we ever heard came from somewhere near me, scaring the crap out of me and the kid. I got the hell down ASAP, thought about it, and decided to fell the tree almost normally, with the kid pulling on the Dingo to release the leads. Notched it towards the downhill, did kerf cuts on the side to help avoid barberchair scenario, and completed back cut to about 1" of my desired hinge. Signaled for my son to start pulling, and as he did, the whole thing came crashing down, with the leads doing that midstem collapse backwards similar to the scenario that Scott/John brought up a few months ago. It scared the crap out of both of us, but was still satisfying to watch. It took some time to get the pathway clear, but we were able to get all the limbs/wood out of there and finish up late with sandwiches from the local pizza joint at about 8:30.
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Took down that cherry next to my stairwell. Hated to see it go, but it was messing up the masonry.

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Hinge is super fat, but I was afraid of losing it backward into the house. It had a pretty significant lean in that direction. It wasn't much of a tree, but it would have caused some damage. I brute forced it with the maasdam. I left a big stub that had sprouts. Gonna see what happens with it.
Think so? My thinking was root development would slow as it sent out suckers to get nutrition, but I just pulled that out of my ass. That's based on nothing but a hunch. I was kinda interested in seeing a cherry "bush", and what the blooms looked like next year, but I was figuring the whole thing would end up gone in the not too distant future.