How'd it go today?

Speaking of computer. I was on the edge to being locked out of the informatic world. My old computer with windows 98 died a few months ago. Rip. The brand new one from almost 20years ago with windows xp3 became less and less compatible with the softwares on the net and actualy a pain (no more acces to my bank account for example). But it isn't no longer a worry because it died too, unsuspectibly two weeks ago or so..
So, I invested in a new PC of today. What a change, on many points. I have to learn again the commands and fonctions and makes it works with my tastes, if possible. I wanted to plug the old drive in it to recover all my datas, but everything has changed inside too, wires, plugs, drive, external access, racks.... I'm working on it.
One immediate advantage, not one that really maters, but still, is being able to see the gifs here and other vid formats beside youtube. LOL.
The access speed on the sites is quite improved, agreeing with all the sub programs previously locking my processor until their runout time.
Downside, all my useful links are locked in my old drive for the moment.

When I was at it, I bought a new camera too, so maybe some pics will come in a near future.
Finally home from work. Ran a few errands, picked up my daughter, gonna get some sleep and hit the road around 9am for a big indoor water park about an hour away. Should be fun if the staff/ lifeguards don’t give me a damn heart attack. Last time we went, I went on some water slide thing that drops you into a pool at the end. Was climbing out and I heard the whistle and saw the guard run and dive in behind me, turned around and saw this little lifeless body in red swim trunks floating face down… yea apparently they randomly drop child size rescue dummies down the slides to keep the lifeguards on their toes. Was a horrible horrible moment followed by one of the biggest feeling of relief I’ve ever experienced.
Stig , I read your post to Bob, he has been using a similar concoction for nigh on 65 years :)
He was taught by an old time boat builder when he was a young 'un helping restore 100 yr old British naval pinnacles.
We used it on our porch beams on the house in Bermuda, it has held up very well, and yes, a maritime scent !

I came home with a smooshed hand today. My chipper got clogged trying to chip apple prunings with apples on them. I was manually turning the disk to clear out chips and left my hand in the wrong place. Ow, ow, ow.
Good thing it's a holiday weekend, ice and rest.
What's the exact recipe for that wood treatment? Sounds like something I might want to use some time.
Wood tar, linseed oil and black iron oxide powder.
The parts of each in the mix depends on what you want to end up with.

If you want a glassy surface, lots of tar.
I use 10 liters of oil, 2½ liters of tar and 3 liters of pigment.

Mix the pigment and oil in a large plastic container, them heat the tar til it shimmers, add it and dance around, shaking the container for 10 minutes.

It will settle, so every time you pour from the container, shake it up first.
Stig , I read your post to Bob, he has been using a similar concoction for nigh on 65 years :)
He was taught by an old time boat builder when he was a young 'un helping restore 100 yr old British naval pinnacles.
We used it on our porch beams on the house in Bermuda, it has held up very well, and yes, a maritime scent !

I came home with a smooshed hand today. My chipper got clogged trying to chip apple prunings with apples on them. I was manually turning the disk to clear out chips and left my hand in the wrong place. Ow, ow, ow.
Good thing it's a holiday weekend, ice and rest.

Take care of that hand, now.
Ya hear!

Made me happy to know, Bob is in on it, too.
Always great to get that feeling of being into something international.

I would have let you help me out, as long as you brought me a dead rat and a piece of string to swing it with. :D
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Dropped my sister off at the airport this afternoon. She's heading out to Wyoming for a week or so to visit a friend, so I have an extra dog to take care of until she gets back.
Boss had a Dr appt, so I got to spend some quality time with my 362 I brought in today. I love that saw. It's always a pleasure to operate...


I was getting wood cut up that the farmer pushed around. That way it'll dry faster, and I can go back and split when I get time. Told the boss to take a tote back there, and I'll fill it with wood for his daughter. I'll probably give her the maple. Might give her some cherry. Depends on how greedy I'm feeling. I particularly like that wood :^D

The cut...



Got a load of wood to take back to the house...


It isn't as much as it looks like cause it's piled on top of my work stuff. A load like that is a solid weekend of burning in the coldest of winter. Friday afternoon to Monday morning with no chance of running out.