How'd it go today?

Almost lost it while driving a few min ago, mofo was driving 25 in a 40 that should be 55. I friggin' despise rich people who can't drive and are in my way. Am i the only one who wishes cars came with rockets?
Roads have a logical and comfortable cruising speed. If I'm driving below that level, it gives me anxiety. It doesn't have anything to do with having to be anywhere in particular, at a particular time.
I spent 2 months working around Chicago, and if you aren't doing 20 over you are a hazard to traffic, so I'm on the upper end of the speed thing. The area in question is a country 2 lane, but they built a few subdivisions there. It's obviously very very upscale, bordering on gated community, so for them they get the speed limit sign that has the police light on it, 15 mph slower than the rest of the street (the rest is quite curvy even), 6 foot wide sidewalks, and nice turn lanes so they don't have to get rear ended. Meanwhile a very very busy street a couple streets down has no sidewalks, painted on bike lanes because there's a ton of lower class pedestrians, higher speed limit, and no turn lanes. I haven't done any trees there yet, but if i do I'm honestly going to tack on an extra 50 percent just because you must be an ass to live there.
Almost lost it while driving a few min ago, mofo was driving 25 in a 40 that should be 55. I friggin' despise rich people who can't drive and are in my way. Am i the only one who wishes cars came with rockets?
I don't know about the rich part but people from Illinois in general are bad drivers. Just saying. Stay south of the boarder flat landers!
You get the boarder pass yet Kyle the green and gold G? Lol
Good day with the crane. Blew out two nice jobs by three. I’m now signed up for the crane op class and am going to look at a 40 ton grove Thursday. Also have a stack of others to go through and get info on. The grove is my pick so far but the boom is only 95’. I’d really like 125-130 in a 40-50 ton
Oof... Yea, that's a bad day. Hope everyone's alright.

I don't watch many videos, and have only seen a couple of his, but I really liked his double cut tutorial video. That was really helpful to me for non obvious reasons. I already know how to double cut a tree, but I liked seeing someone do it who was less than perfect. One of my problems is I try to cut like I know what I'm doing, and hurry through it. I'm not trying to impress anyone but myself, so I'm not sure why I do that, but it was good seeing someone start a cut, stop, then readjust. Shouldn't make a difference, but I liked seeing someone that's paid to cut trees spend some time on it, and still not come out perfect. The next tree I did after that was one of the best I've done solely due to taking my time, and that happened because of his video.
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Fantastic day so far. 60° on the ride in, windows down, get to the office, and find virtualbox released a package for debian 11, so I won't have to jump through hoops to get data to/from my collector. I could quit now, and my day would be perfect.
We took a day off from logging, which was a fine thing to do.
I'm about logged out, and we still have 3-4 weeks to go.

Danish rail is building a huge new repair and assemply area.
Unfortunately for them, they'll have to remove a bat colony.
Bats are protected here, so something had to be done.

Call the Bat boys and pay them to carve a lot of nesting cavities around the area. :D

Since the whole project is a multi million one, they could easily afford to pay us real well.

A good day, and quite relaxing compared to logging steep slopes.