How'd it go today?

Not such a great day here.

My cousin informed me that her mother who has been in a nursing home the last few years (only sibling left of ten) has been admitted to ICU. They think she may go at any time.
Also another cousin we are close with passed away this morning.
Too tired to do much tonight, but yesterday i got my miller trailblazer running again so a buddy could borrow it. Pulled the plugs, bit of oil in the cylinders, redid the battery cables, spun no problem, filled her up and cycled some more to pull gas, and she fired right up. Ran pretty good too, which is reassuring considering it's my backup generator. One of those bringing home trash things that have saved me tons over the years, considering a new one is several grand. The arc isn't nearly as nice as my Lincoln and it lacks the power too, so i rarely use it but it welds good enough. I need to hunt down a high frequency box for it so i could tig al, and get a wire feeder for it. Can't do very much at only 250 amps but would be good for sheet metal and tacking stuff (no hood, the one thing a mig is amazing at).

Lol no I've run millers all the time because contractors love them. They have an amazing service network, and they are literally cheaper made and expense. Further on up the price chain they switch over to a very rugged cutting edge dedicated machines that compete aggressively with Lincoln. Most production lines are all miller until you get into the super heavy duty stuff, like welding dozer frames at 800 amps.
I'm packed and ready to head to California in the morning for the arrival of grandchild #3.

This evening I went to a reunion of the bicycle racers I supported back when I owned two bicycle shops.
The friend I started riding with when we were 11 years old did the organizing and came out from California.
Another of the riders came from Portland, Oregon; and she went to the Nationals back in 1978, placed 10th in the road race, and 12th in the criterium.
About nine other states were represented.
All but one person present had been supported by me as a racer, and that was the wife of one of the racers!

They made up a jersey for me. My bicycle shop was called "Two Wheeled Cycle", and I started the Delaware Velo Sport team. We were very successful as a team, and the other local team, the First State Wheelmen asked to merge, so it became "First State Velo Sport". The GHD on the sleeve they said stands for "Grey Haired Dude" !!

I passed around lots of old photos, and ended with the one below of me on the left and four of my mechanics out front of the shop here in Newark in 1983. I then said, "This photo is not as interesting as the ones of race action, and you all know the people in it, but it is interesting that I am wearing the same shirt tonight as I was wearing in the photo 38 years ago!"




Day three of a week off work. Took the kids down to the old pasture where we camp and let them raise hell on the four wheeler and side by side. Dogs are gonna sleep good tonight from chasing them around. Heading back out to the fire to relax a bit more before the rain moves in for the night.
Also it’ll be three weeks with out a drink in about a half hour. Hasn’t been to hard even though yesterday I was really tempted.
Misty and raining off and on this morning. Thinking about taking the windshield off the side by side and playing in the wet field. Or we might put on some rain gear and cut some low hanging limbs that come in at head height on the trails
Went out and got paint this morning. Need to get off my ass and get the garage door painted before I go through another winter. I'll work on it after work when I'm already dirty, and had a day of non fun. I sanded it last year, and put on some rot treatment, but weather got away from me, and it became too cold to paint. I'll have to hit it with a scraper again, wash it down, perhaps another coat of treatment, then paint.

Didn't feel too hot, so I went out with a saw, and cut a bunch of small stuff that fell in storms. I also broke down my brush piles a little. Getting ready for cooler weather to fire up the burn barrel and get rid of it. I'm drenched from sweat. It was little warmer than it felt just sitting here, and humid. A little drizzle too. Threw a chain cutting brush. I was using a crappy old Oregon chain and a clapped out bar from my first PoulanPro. Those consumer bars suck anyway, and the sloppy rails make it worse. I should just bite the bullet and get a full complement of WoodlandPro bars, but I'm too cheap :^/
Labor Day Weekend in Ft. Bragg. A bit smokey, but sunny otherwise.

They canceled Paul Bunyan Days events. Even so there's still a ton of tourists on the coast. Got to hunker down, I guess.
:)Nothing wrong with being a tourist on the North California coast.
I've been one often enough to know.
My parents had a wooden garage door that peeled repeatedly. Needed to be repainted every year to two. I scraped it down and applied two coats of Weatherbeater Ultra II exterior paint (Sears). I last painted it in 2014 and it still looks like new! Not sure if it is still available, but I still have four unopened gallons of that in a tint base. You can have one if you’d like one. Problem is I am away till nearly Thanksgiving. I can describe where it is to the housesitters and have them set it out for you. I can’t guarantee it’s still good though.
Thanks! I appreciate the thought, but I already got some paint. This may end up being a delaying tactic. I could really use a new door, but new garage doors aren't fun. I'm gonna cover it up and work on a couple rotten spots near joints, and see how it goes. I have to replace some wood on one edge of the frame, but for now, I'm gonna stick some paint on it, and wait til... Maybe later this fall, or perhaps next spring. It isn't hard, but it's not a pressing problem. I just want it to look decent from a short distance, and I'll work on it at my leisure. I'll mill my own wood for the replacement. If I don't have any on hand, there's some trees that need to come down at work, and I can mill it from those.