How'd it go today?

My cat greets me at the door, then follows me to the bathroom to be petted, then will emerge after the kids are down and I'm sitting on the couch to be petted, then will herd me to bed to then try to sit on my face and be petted, and then try to sit on one of my hands as i sleep so if i twitch at all, yup she gets petted.
Doing 12's at the plant for shutdown for the next month or so. 14 on 1 off. I have to start building an online cart of tree gear that I may or may not actually need.

Nice to find some feline love in the house.👍
I asked the internet provider for recommendations... sounds like they can troubleshoot more/ deeper on the ones they recommend.

For me:


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Another hot shitty day. Work was mundane. Finally grabbed some wood from work to bring home. With my small truck full of work stuff, a "load" is a solid weekend of woodburning, with a bit left over for safety factor. It was drier than expected since it's been sitting out in the open. I had started a holz hausen, but didn't really get far with it.

After loading it on my porch, I was closing the cover on my bed, and an ERC berry fell off my hat. I'm looking at it thinking "I bet you can eat them", did a quick web search as a sanity check, then tried it. Pretty good. Not much to them of course, but if you're out and about and want a little snack, check 'em out. Would be good for cooking I bet.
Woke up 2 hrs late, feeling more tired than when i went to sleep.

Went to work, got done what I had to, and called it for the day. After talking to me about me putting in too many hours yesterday, the boss asked me to handle 3 more projects for him my way out today... :|:

Stopped by Charlies farm and he made it back home, so no more chores there until late Sept. His dogs treed one bear and he got a great snapshot of 2 bull moose he saw. Said he had a great time, but he looked mighty haggard...Cancer & chemo have really taken a lot out of him...
50 yards of chips kind of day. Huge property marsh😞 some dry ground. If my math is right 11 miles on the mini. Blown front idler on the very last load, it was a miracle I tell you! Hot no breeze humid damn near full sun skeeters biting flies hills ruts driveway edges an hour fifteen from the shop, one way into the city (I hate the city), and for a good friend. Oh and this was day two and final. Beat.
Got off work early and made grass shorter. Pretty close to falling out. Grass was long, so it was slow going, and harder to push the mower. Got lucky that the sun was clouded over more than it wasn't. If the gods smile on me, I won't have to this stupid shit more than twice more this year, but that's optimistic. The gods hate me.
I'm trying to be nice. My neighbors wouldn't like it if I didn't mow, but there's no HOA or anything. Nothing anyone could do. I'd like to turn some of it to meadow, with a lot of wildflowers, but every time I've bought wildflower seeds, I haven't gotten a single flower. I'm not convinced they aren't just envelopes of sawdust :^D