How'd it go today?

Well the last few weeks has been hectic to say the least. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer which had spread to his bladder and lungs. A course of chemo had no effect so they pretty much told him it was a waiting game.

We brought the kids over at the beginning of August to see him but his health declined towards the end of the visit. He was taken into hospital with pneumonia. I stayed behind to make sure he had a suitable care package in place.

After a couple of weeks of ups and downs he finally passed away yesterday afternoon at the hospital. I had gone in to see him and was discussing things with one of the Doctors when he passed away in his sleep.

RIP Mike Rule
31.01.47 - 23.08.21
Sad to read Rich. My condolences to you & yours.

Burned up the little 1/3 hp motor on the ball washer yesterday so boss got a new one and I installed it this am...and it ran backwards. Called the motor guy and he talked me through which connections to switch...would have been real easy if motor hadn't already been installed in the frame & shielded with plastic to keep it dry :|: I wasn't about to tear it all apart again. Found out it has to be lubricated about once per month...of course the oil holes are on the wrong side so entire machine needs to be disassembled each month now...sheesh!
Ah well, a couple hours and it works fine now.

Stopped by the farm for chores after work...cows are fine, chickens are fine, dogs are fine....

Made reservations for camping & paid ahead to attend a music event down near Nashville for four days in Oct. It will be a nice break/trip for celebrating the end of 6 months @ 7 mornings/wk.
Sorry for your loss Rich. It's never an easy thing loosing ones parent. The memories you have will bring both tears and smiles but as time goes on they will be more smiles than tears.
I also /may/ get a Stihl fs460. That would be pretty frivolous, but I've been wanting to try a Stihl machine. I'd have to order it. No one around here keeps the big cutters in stock. The saw shop's near my little PA job, so I can stop in and ask next time I'm up there. Asking's free, and if I like the price I hear, and I'm low on self control that day, who knows... :^D
Went to my PA job today, paid, and put in an order for the fs460. He said it's been hard getting machines, but the big one might be easier(presumably less demand). $1118 after taxes and everything. Pretty good I think.

Been a rough couple days. Hot as hell, and job problems between thinking I screwed shit up, and actually screwing shit up. Worked out alright I guess. The thousands of $ of problems ended up not being problems, and the small mistakes don't matter much. Just look stupid, but no real cost. Can't wait til summer's done...
You would do well to get a CoolVest.
You'd complain about heat much less. Heat is absolutely not going away. Heat- challenge worsens with age.

My thin, always-cold GF even enjoys one on occasions.

Complaining about working outside in the cold without wearing a hat or jacket makes as much sense as complaining about being wet, but not wearing rain gear in the rain.

Mood and cognition deteriorate quickly with rising heat.
Yea, you've mentioned the CoolVest before. I'll have to give it a serious look. Won't solve all my problems, but anything helps. Everything about summer is awful. My gun fogs up, my glasses fog up, sweat dripping on everything so I can't see, and paper gets torn, heat shimmer looking through the gun...
Like wearing A/C.

Money very well spent... and I don't spend much on myself, personally.

Might last you the rest of your career. I could easily see it, if only used for non-tree working.

I used to live in Southern Illinois... hot with an extra large helping of humidity... sweating as soon as you are out of the shower.
No thanks.
Ahhhh, love it here in Central il lol. 105 heat index today, with a storm rolling in again. It beats me up but i still bet i hate the cold so I'll take it for awhile longer. So happy about having a wood burner in the garage this winter, and i gotta go hunt down an insert for the house. I might actually get some stuff done this winter if i have free heat.
Ireland always has good weather. Winters are kinda weak, but it hardly ever gets shitty. When I get tired of MD, I look up Ireland and daydream...

Well the last few weeks has been hectic to say the least. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer which had spread to his bladder and lungs. A course of chemo had no effect so they pretty much told him it was a waiting game.

We brought the kids over at the beginning of August to see him but his health declined towards the end of the visit. He was taken into hospital with pneumonia. I stayed behind to make sure he had a suitable care package in place.

After a couple of weeks of ups and downs he finally passed away yesterday afternoon at the hospital. I had gone in to see him and was discussing things with one of the Doctors when he passed away in his sleep.

RIP Mike Rule
31.01.47 - 23.08.21
I'm real sorry to read this, Rich my friend. Not an easy thing, as I well know. Best to you and the rest of your family.
Crazy day.
Got some shit done on the 4x4 and then hit a snag. Spindle wont come off. Stuck solid. Other side about buttoned up, new bushings installed, and here we are. No puller for it available from our one auto parts store. Ordered one, out a week. Friend has something that might work. Picked that up tonight. Might weld one together this weekend if this is a no go. Simple shit.
Get a Yelp message for a cat rescue near our range I happen to be headed for to practice trap this evening. So go do the deed. SRT up, make friends, feed him,bag him, decend and hand over to momma. At least he climbed a live gray pine. Was in the burn zone, most crispy but he picked a green one. Bit of a hike across a small canyon below the house through fire death and brush. Happy cat momma, happy tabby cat. Took care of my range fees for a while.
Hit the range and broke 25 straight. 1st time ever in singles on my first practice round. Calling it Kitty Karma.
Went to buddys house for his puller and he had some 3/4 all thread that I just happen to need next week. Just gave it to me with washers and nuts. Kitty Karma strikes again.